Categories > Cartoons > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Trick Or Treat

by Jaganashi

Seasonal Don/April smut. Adult content.

Category: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-04-16 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 2599 words - Complete

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, nor am I making any profit.

NC-17! This is adult material. The maturity of it, however, is debatable.

Trick or Treat

"I'm sorry if this is boring you, Don."

Having been caught red-handed, he tried to stifle the yawn that busted him. The turtle lay sprawled out along the sofa in April's apartment. With Halloween just two weeks away, she had insisted that Donatello join her for a seasonal movie marathon. Knowing that the redhead had a particular aversion to horror films and monster movies, he could only imagine what else she would consider 'seasonal' for the current holiday.

His imaginings weren't far off; he had managed to sit through Hocus Pocus, Casper, and most recently, Catwoman. He considered the latter to be a bit of a stretch, but April enjoyed them. And well, Donatello enjoyed the company.

The turtle stretched as the credits rolled and felt around blindly for the popcorn. His hand connecting with the bowl, he brought it up with him on the couch and tried to recover from the yawn sighting. "I'm having a great time, April."

She eyed him skeptically and said in a teasing voice, "Oh really? Because it seems to me like you're having difficulty keeping your eyes open."

Donatello folded his hands behind his head and looked up at her with innocent eyes. His beak curved into an oh-so good-natured smile that suggested only the best intentions. His voice matched every bit of the look as he replied, "Now April, would I lie to you?"

She considered the scene before her; Mikey had the best puppy-dog look by far, but it couldn't hold a candle to Don's 'trust me' look. Her mock-insult melted into a warm smile that that techno-turtle could always seem to conjure in her. "All right, mister. You're off the hook this time, but fall asleep during the next one and I'll be forced to grab the permanent markers."

Donatello raised an eye ridge at that. Adopting a tone of playful sarcasm, he prodded, "Next one? What movie could possibly follow the confused yet captivating costumed Catwoman?"

The woman rolled her eyes then jumped up in excitement, nearly startling the poor turtle right off the couch. "That reminds me! I got my costume yesterday and I've just been dying to show it off."

Her enthusiasm filled the room and Don tried to figure out how his comment had triggered such a reaction. Finding a possible connection, he inquired, "...A catwoman?"

Walking toward the hallway, she replied, "Yeah, overdone, I know. But when I saw it in the store, I couldn't resist. Besides, we could use a break from the movie-watching." With that, she disappeared into the bedroom.

Don made himself more comfortable on the couch. One thing he's learned about the opposite sex, is the fact that they require a ridiculous amount of time changing and grooming. Fighting to keep his eyes open, he reflected on the events of that night. Lame movies and Chinese take-out didn't offer much to reflect on, so he didn't consider the events so much as the feelings they incurred.

Everyone knew -or at least suspected -of his crush on April. Everyone, it seemed, but the redhead herself. He really only had himself to blame for that; he was so shy and reserved that he couldn't imagine making the first move. There was simply too much to lose. At the beginning, he had told himself and his brothers that she had Casey. That was his catchall excuse. The passing of time, however, proved again and again that her relationship with the vigilante was a shaky fling at best. One week they would be going out together, then the next they would be fighting. A week later, he would return to her with flowers and an apology, and she would take him back. Don had always considered the two humans wrong for one another-no one's fault, really. Just differences in personalities and expectations.

Of course, Don wasn't about to interfere; April was a grown woman and she could make her own decisions. Once her mind was set, she was quite aggressive when it came to getting whatever it was that she wanted. He only wished that for once it could be a techno-savvy turtle who would treat her like the queen she is.


Donatello jumped at the sound of her voice- he had been daydreaming and it probably looked a lot like sleeping to the person he had just convinced otherwise. He twisted around on the couch to defend himself, but the explanations died in his throat as he took in the sight of her.

Sure, she had a set of black cat ears propped on top of her head, but it was the rest of the outfit that caught him off guard. Her body was wrapped within a lacy black teddy that looked as if it had been poured onto her. The corset-like style gathered her breasts and pushed them up for display, making them impossible to ignore. She wore simple black stockings that came up to mid-thigh, accentuating her upper legs and shapely hips. A choker was secured snugly around her throat, looking very much like a collar as a small metal hoop dangled from the material.

Any fantasies of leading her around on a leash, however, were forgotten at the sight of a cat o' nine tails grasped in her right hand.


April swished the whip in mock agitation at having to repeat herself. At least, Don could only assume that the agitation was feigned; she was doing an excellent job of getting into character. He decided to play along, if for no other reason than to distract himself from the stirring in his lower regions. It would be awkward, not to mention embarrassing, if he started drooling over his best friend's costume.

"It's lovely April. You wear it well."

He had to bite his tongue to keep from saying more. As it was, he had to wonder if the last statement was out of line. He was relieved to see a pleased smile grace her lips as she walked towards him. Her walk could be better described as a slink, really; her hips swayed in a sultry manner and her whip trailed behind her lividly. He sat up on the couch, making room for her if she wanted to sit. Instead, she stopped in front of the turtle, giving him a nice eye-level view of her upper thighs. Her eyes held a hint of uncertainty as she asked, "Why haven't you made a move, Donnie?"

But he had moved- she had plenty of room to sit on the...oh. A blush crept across his cheeks tinting them a dark green as the meaning of her words sank in. His eyes focused on something on the floor as he tried to find the words. "Well...I...and...Casey...I didn't know if"

He gathered the strength to meet her eyes and was surprised by what he found. Where there was once uncertainty, there was now only determination. Her lips curved into a smile that wasn't completely friendly. It was the smile of a predator- a cat that had captured her mouse.

In one swift motion, she pushed Don down onto the cushions of the couch and sat straddling his plastron. He barely stopped himself from crying out in surprise, and settled instead to stare at her incredulously. "April? What are you-"

His words were cut off by her lips as she placed her mouth on his. He couldn't help the moan that escaped as he brought a hand up to stroke her hair. The kiss was ended all too quickly as she lifted her head and grabbed his hand in hers. She wound the leather around his wrist, then set about doing the same to his other hand. Using the whip, she secured his wrists tightly to one another and raised them above his head. She lowered her face back to his and whispered in a threatening tone, "One word, and I'll stop. One word that isn't a cry of ecstasy, and this would have never happened. Do you understand?"

Her breath was warm against his cheek and he could feel himself harden at her words. He gave a small nod. This was really happening...

Pleased with his reaction, she hovered her mouth above his again. Darting her tongue out, she let it play along his beak until he opened himself up to her. She took his bottom lip into her mouth and began to suck, scraping her teeth just slightly. Donatello brought his tied hands to rest behind April's head, and she pushed them roughly back into place. She then crushed her mouth against his, their tongues warring for dominance. He moaned into her mouth, surprised and turned on by her enthusiasm. How long had she felt this way?

They separated, both panting for breath. It seemed that April was just as tired of the placidity of their friendship as he was. She ran her hands down his chest plates, letting her nails scrape along the grooves in between. His breath caught as her fingers found the sensitive flesh at his sides and began stroking lightly. His eyes slid closed and he "mrrrr'd" at the sensation. Noticing his reaction, she dipped her head to his side and ran her tongue along the thin flesh. The turtle's hips jerked at the feel of her mouth on his skin, and he groaned softly at her ministrations.

As her mouth worked between his shell and carapace, her other hand wandered downward to rub against his lower plates. At the feel of the delicious pressure, he arched himself up against her palm, seeking to relieve the pain that had started.

She smiled up at him and removed her hands. He was about to protest, but when he realized where her hands had gone to, he could only watch entranced. Her slim fingers toyed with the ribbon of her bodice -the material keeping her full breasts trapped from sight. She gathered a strand between her thumb and forefinger, and asked in a sensual voice, "What do you want, Donnie?"

Remembering her earlier conditions, he was careful not to say what came to mind. You. Oh God April, I want you! Instead, he settled for a quiet moan reverberating from the back of his throat.

"Good boy."

Her left hand caressed the exposed skin as she pulled the ribbon with her right, undoing the tight restraints. She loosened the bindings enough to pull her breasts free. Still supported by the teddy, they were displayed in their full and erect glory. He gasped at the sight.

Donatello shifted as the pressure between his legs became more uncomfortable. He didn't dare move his hands from above his head, so he could only watch as she took a nipple in each hand and pinched just slightly. Her breath quickened as she fondled herself, squeezing and twisting her pink nubs.

"I want you to do something for me, Don. Do this for me, and I'll work very hard to please you."

He fought not to squirm beneath her heat; she was letting off pheromones that were driving him crazy. He could only wait patiently for instructions.

"My breasts ache for you."

He immediately moved to bring his arms down so that he could touch her. God, he wanted nothing more than to touch her...

She stopped him, pushing his arms back in place, using both hands to hold them there. This new position had her stretched out above him, her soft breasts mere inches from his face. Realizing what it was that she wanted, he craned his neck up to meet her, flicking his tongue over a taut nipple. She gasped and lowered herself to his mouth, urging him to continue. He swirled his tongue around the aureola before taking it into his mouth and sucking lovingly. She moaned and squirmed above him as another wave of pheromones hit him. Groaning around her breast, he lowered his tail and released his cock from its confines. He felt it bob as the air hit him, and he wished dearly for contact.

As he lavished attention on her breast, April began to grind her hips against his lower plates, just out of reach. He felt a familiar chur start at the back of his throat and the sound took the woman off guard; she was unprepared for the change of sensation as he abandoned the one breast to latch onto the other.

She cried out as he licked, sucked, and nipped at her sensitive flesh. The lace of the teddy's thong was becoming soaked, and trembling, she pulled away from his diligent mouth.

He fought down the groan of protest and watched as she slowly crawled down his body. Her legs slid against his and her stockings provided an erotic texture against his skin. She kept bent over him, giving him a full view of her soft mounds as they slid over his carapace. The lacy fringe of her thigh-highs brushed against his rigid member and he threw his head back. She paused there, rubbing the material against his already hard shaft. The friction disappeared, and he could only guess at what was to follow.

He looked back down to be greeted by the most beautiful sight he had ever laid eyes on. April lay kneeling between his thighs, her breasts spilling out of the bodice and her face flushed, a breath away from his erection.

All of the words he wanted to say, all of the pleas he wanted to cry out, had to be expressed through a deep, primal growl. She got the message, however, as a devilish smile lit her face and her hands began to caress his member. He squeezed his eyes shut as she firmly gripped the base of his cock, pumping slowly. He rubbed his legs against hers as the low churring began again. The tempo quickened as her hand grasped tighter, making him pant. He writhed beneath her, moaning as she slowed her rhythm. He growled in disappointment when she came to a complete stop.

Using her other hand, she pushed back the foreskin of his member, letting the cool air hit the pool of precum that had gathered. He watched through half-closed eyes as she lowered her head, pressing her tongue against the slit of his cock, making him jerk. His hips thrust upward, seeking more of her mouth's warmth.


Through the haze of lust, he couldn't figure out what she wanted. He didn't dare speak, so he simply groaned in frustration.

"Don, did you fall asleep?"

What kind of a question was that? The image before him swam like a bad acid trip, and the confusion began to clear away. He opened his eyes to find himself on the couch, facing the television that had at some point gone to static. There was an uncomfortable pressure beneath his plastron, but there was no whip binding his wrists and no black teddy between his thighs.

"Well?" April's voice hinted at mock agitation at having to repeat herself. Seeing her guest was indeed awake, she asked, "What do you think?"

Blinking away the sleep, he turned to view April's costume: a velvet tiger-print midriff accompanied by a short skirt of the same material. She wore the classic cat ears on top of her head, and a long tail was tucked into her waist. He struggled for the right words.

"It's not what I imagined..."
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