Categories > Anime/Manga > Loveless


by Paisley 1 review

I really love this series. Also, I feel that Soubi and Ritsuka have the same kind of relationship me and my bf have. He acts a lot like Soubi and I can really relate to Ritsuka in more ways than o...

Category: Loveless - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Ritsuka, Soubi - Published: 2007-04-18 - Updated: 2007-04-18 - 324 words - Complete

The moon shown down from the deep sky. It was a dim and dull light that made me feel the emptyness of the world.


I relive the pain... The dull pain my mother gave to me. The metal tang of blood mixed with the warm, salty taste of my own tears.


As soon as I stop my crying I think of revenge, but do not wish to use the same violence she did. I feel worthless...


I crawl to my bed and hide myself within my soft heavan. I cannot help but wonder how it all happened.


My mouth feel dry and I swallow, but I dare not speak. I feel as though if I do, my voice will break along with my will not to cry again.


I smile up at the moon. I know it must see me as pitiful but I give it the smile I've been holding in my heart.


The bright orb is replaced by a familar face just as breathtaking. He shows kindness to me like no other. Even tells me he loves me... I rub my eyes and try to act as normal as possible, but he sees right through me.
"Ritsuka..." he calls as he enters my room from the window. I melt into a puddle in his arms in a rare moment. He slides his glasses off to look into my eyes after I've cried them out.
He calls my name again and I feel his words dance on my lips before his warm mouth takes mine. I never admit to him how much his kisses and words of love comfort me...but maybe he already knows somehow.
As we both lie in bed I feel safer in his arms than any other time in my whole life. He never leaves my side.
Even if I sometimes feel that life is hopeless, with Soubi I'll never again feel...
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