Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You II


by mcr_lover103 8 reviews

contemplating love **UPDATED AND CHANGED**

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-19 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 275 words - Complete

Chapter 9:

Roxanne went through the junk which was overflowing in her dresser drawers, singing along to Aiden's 'I Set My Friends on Fire' which was blasting from her stereo. She tossed most things, old magazines and used up makeup, into the garbage. Just when she had reached her bottom drawer, she grazed her hand upon the envelope which held Gerard's comic book. She paused, contemplating whether to throw it out of keep. She knew she should really get rid of it, but something made her keep. Without a second though she left it in her drawer and closed her dresser drawers.

Tired of cleaning for the past three hours, though her room looked even worse, she started up the laptop which immediately came to life. Within minutes she got onto the internet and went onto myspace, where she had a new friend request - Tyr. She clicked on the 'approve' button and skimmed through his profile. Maybe she could get a conversation from him later. Did she actually like him? She wasn't sure.

"I don't want to get hurt again, but I need to move on now" Roxanne wondered out loud just to hear her own voice, "And he's really nice but what if I end up hurting him? I have hurt so many other guys before him. But something seems right....."


Gerard and Eliza sat at a small table in the back, chatting amiably about random subjects. He had to admit that he was enjoying himself right now. Eliza seemed really sweet and considerate. They liked the same movies and the same television shows. Was it too early to say this could work out?
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