Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > You Call Yourselves Hunters

Chapter 1

by hyperballad13 2 reviews

The night beckons creatures to play

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-04-19 - Updated: 2007-04-19 - 1342 words

Part 1

Next Time You Be The Bait

Andy stood on the tombstone. Crouched in a hunting position. The winds of autumn holwing throughout his shoulder length hair. He could not feel the cold as it bitterly blew against his dead skin. He pushed his glasses up though he did not need them. A force of habit. And partly a fashion statement. The tip of his leather jacket skimmed the marble that he was stood on. He lurked in the shadows of the trees waiting for that irrestable chimming and then he could do his job. He licked his fangs out of anticipation. Craving for the scarlet nectar to be running down his throat. Andy could feel the hunger rumbling away at him and what he wanted more than anything was to quench it. He picked up a fallen twig and snapped it out of frustration. Throwing it onto the frosty ground. The clock struck and Andy could hardly contain his glee. The doors to the church had finally shut. He breathed in without need. He merged into the shadows and found an easier entrance to the. Sliding in. He hid himself.

The priest sighed. Fingering the rosasry beads that had hung around his neck. Wishing that there was a simpler way to save the world. He walked away from the arch of the door. Stepping down the wooden corridor and up to the top of the pews. He stared up at the statue on the alter. He collapsed to his knees. Adopting the prayer position.
"God please, this can't be the way." He whispered to himself. He looked up at the eyes that whittled down at him. The lifeless eyes of the worlds saviour. Christ. The preist stared into those eyes. As he had done many times. But this time it was getting harder. Harder to trust in his own faith. Not now his mission was given to him. He bit back bitterly. Knowing this was an ulitmate test that he had to complete. Yet, he didn't want this. This task. This war. This battle. Was not the life he planned from the begining. "I need guidance in the worst way. Why me."
A sound came from the back of the church. A scuffle. The priest spun around and automatically assumed that it was some kind of rat. The church was full of them. He scanned though. The dark crevices. Each could be easy hiding places. He could not see a face. An outline or even a figure. He turned back to his relgious icon and carried on praying. Feeling the growing atheism that he did not need. A signal reached his ears. It sounded like sobbing. A lost, suffering cry. Again the preist spun around. This time he stood up. Dusting the dirt that lay on his black suit. He saw a figure upon the bacl row. Rocking from back to forth. The hair locked around the face. Making all features anonymous. The preist stared on in confusion.
"I'm sorry child, the church is closed."
The figure did not respond, only wailing more with the apparent force. The preist felt fear. Anticpation. Worry. All mixed up in a ball of emotions he could not figure out. He did want to help. His charitable side wanting to reach out to those in need. However, after all he knew, he wasn't to sure whether the figure needed help.
"What is wrong child."
He stepped closer to the crying person. Their rocking becoming more fierce. Fast. Forward and back. He took another inch. And before he knew it he was beside the figure. His hand almost touching the sholuder. The figure knew this and started to slow down. The sobbing becoming more stiffled. Choking back into the throat. The preist hesistated. His hand poised in the air.

"Maybe I can help"
At that moment the figure threw his hair back. His gleeming red eyes staring at the priest. His elongated canines flashing in a hungry manner. Andy enjoyed playing with his food. The priest recognised not only what creature this was but he had many fights with this particular one.
"Maybe you can."
Andy lunged at the preist. Who stumbled back. Picking himself up he started to run. Andy stood upon the top of the pewes. Walking on top of the seats. The preist. Who was slighlty over wait, kept looking back. He ran into his vestery and locked the door. The preist rumaged through his belongings. Searching for weapons. Anything, a stake or holy water. He stopped slightly and turned to the marble basin beside him. Cursing himself for forgetting that he was in a church. Andy began to bang at the door. The preist knew that he would be through in seconds. He took position as the vampire smashed down the wood easily. Andy walked in casually and that precise moment the preist pushed over the marble basin of holy water. It splashed over Andy. He began to cower. Screaming in pain. Only, it was all an act. Andy turned the shouts into laughs. He flung his hair back as he stood. Shaking a finger at the preist.
"Fool, you seem to forget who I work for."
"No, he can't be."
Andy nodded with delight. "He's back."

"You really think you can defeat him"
"I thought I did."

"It will take more than your human defence to bring down someone as great as him."

"I saw him die."
"You can't kill something that is already dead."
"But it's impossible."
"Really, how can a man of faith be in disbelief of ressurection."
"He wasn't won."
"Oh he will."
Andy flew forward. His hand extended to the preists throat. He grabbed it and pushed the preist against the wall. Knocking over chalices. Candles and paper. The preist with one hand began to attack Andy and with the other it was clenched around the crucifix and beads. Andy giggled at all attempts to fight. He stared at the rosary beads that hung from the fist. Andy's eyes alive with fire. He was ready to feast. He leaned forward into the ear of the preist. Whispering slightly. "Your God can't save you now."
And with that he sank his fangs into the throbbing neck of the preist. Intaking the purity of the blood and savouring every last drop before the body fell to the floor. The blood sat comfortably in the pit of Andy's stomach. The taste dancing upon his tongue wildly. He grinned and moved to the next task.


Moments had passed and Andy was now at the club door. Waiting with both pateince and impateince. Impatience because he was excited over his find. Patience because he knew the penalty if he acted on his prior emotions.
"Come in" came from the office door. The tone of calm attire. Andy opened the door and stepped in. His head bowed in obligation. "Andrew, what a pleasent surprise"

It hollowed from the shadows. A figure hidden behind the desk. Andy knew who it was, yet the face was masked in utter darkness.

"Hello sir." Andy stuttered. Even the mere prescene of his boss sent shivers down his spin. He always stood in awe. A follower to the end.

"Good hunt"
"Oh the best sir, the best."
"I'm glad"
A momentary silence fell between the two. Andy was desperate. Like a child at show and tell. He wanted his boss to be proud. He wanted admiration. A vampire's life is plagued by vanity. The boss evidently knew Andy was waiting. He loved the build up. Tension.
"Has he been dealt with." He asked.
Andy knew this was the perfect moment. He removed a bundle from his pocket. The blood staining his hand in colours Andy adored. He threw it on the desk. Even in the dark you can see the bosses eyes glint. Staring at the heart. Fresh. It was almost still alived. Wrapped around the heart were rosary beads. From the black that veiled the boss, a laughter was here. A laughter of pure, manic, evil.
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