Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Classified: Need Of Help


by MySweetRomance 3 reviews

Gerard sees Frank again, and he's not too sure of what the hell is going on.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-20 - Updated: 2007-04-20 - 1159 words

Gerard must have fallen asleep sprawled on the floor, because the next thing he knew it was close to daylight. A small amount of darkness made its presence known through the small room but when he looked outside, a rainbow of oranges and blue-purples hung high in the sky.

Never being one to wake up late, Gerard needed to check the time. He frantically searched around the room, looking in all the small unexpecting places for a clock. Finally, he found one, a small digital watch. Probably left in here from the last patient to take up residence between these four walls.

It was 5:47 a.m. Slumping himself into a corner, Gerard bit his nails and hoped against hope that he'd be let out soon. The institution guards often locked people's bedroom doors while they were asleep, so that anyone who sleepwalked wasn't in danger of leaving their room.

This came of no surprise to Gerard as he ran a long, pale hand through his cropped blonde hair -- one guy who came in not too long ago had killed five people in his sleep, and he knew the medics wouldn't take any chances with him, medication or no medication.

After what felt like hours and hours of relentless boredom, the only sound that bounced off the walls around the room was that of a key turning in a lock, and Gerard felt at last that he would be free. He would be free to roam back to his room, so that he could tidy up some more and maybe have some quiet time to himself. He didn't have time for food.

As soon as the gateway to freedom was finally opened, Gerard almost knocked over the woman whose hand was still on the key in the lock as he proceeded to storm out of the unknown room, before breaking into a hard sprint down the spotlessly clean corridors and back towards where he knew was safe. Where he felt warm.

He knew he was running too fast when his lack of breath began to catch up with him, making him dizzy. He was almost there, a few floors to go, and down a few more corridors. Hopefully, with any luck, the wailing stranger from last night wouldn't be there and everything would go back to normal.

Then it dawned on him.

Freezing where he was, Gerard stopped like a rabbit in the headlights. Memories of last night flooded back to him, giving him the most intense headache and a familiar lurching in his stomach. That man, that scary man with all the tattooes and the crazy look...

He wasn't sure if he was aware of it or not, but somehow, Gerard's legs had managed to betray him by walking right into the said room.

The man was still there, his chest rising and falling, snoring softly. His mouth was slightly open and he was laying on his side, facing Gerard. Somehow, Gerard's legs had rooted themselves to the ground and he was tightly bound to the spot he stood in, not daring to make a move or even a sound. It only occured to him that he was holding his breath when he felt himself go dizzy from lack of oxygen.

And although this weird man was probably asleep, Gerard felt a sudden icy dread when the thought occurred to him that maybe he wasn't asleep. Maybe, his eyes were shut, but he knew Gerard was in here because he'd watched everything he did on a small, invisible camera planted in the corner of that rectangular room...


He woke with a howl, and Gerard fleed to the other side of the room when he'd realised what he'd done. He'd walked over to the bed next to where he slept and punched him in the face. Hard.

"Hey! What's your problem?" A hurt voice said, genuinely defensive for fear of the unknown. He had just been whacked in the face by someone he'd never even seen before. He'd not even been here 24 hours and already they hated him.

Gerard, knees tucked tightly into his body, watched the stranger with narrowed eyes as he began to get up. He felt extremely sick, wave after wave of nausea washed over him. When the man crouched down beside him, Gerard squinted his eyes shut.

"You must be that guy I saw last night. You looked pretty scared -- see a ghost or something?" the man did not move any closer, nor made any gestures to Gerard that he were about to hurt him, as this wasn't his intention. He was put in here for being insane, after all, and he had come to the conclusion that the man in front of him would not be here if he was completely normal.

"Ghosts aren't real." Gerard whispered, barely audible.

The man smiled.

"I'm Frank," he extended his hand for Gerard to shake, and Gerard was intrigued by the letters tattooed across his hand. They read H-A-LL-O, and concentrating momentarily on the other hand, it read W-E-E-N. Genius, he had Halloween tattooed on his fingers.

Gerard accepted the hand, and gasped when the man pulled him roughly to his knees. He began to analyse Frank. He was wearing complete black attire. Perhaps he would accept this man, after all, but not without trials to make sure he wasn't like one of them people who watched your every move and watched you in your sleep.

Slowly, Gerard narrowed his eyes. He decided to give Frank a one off chance because he was new here, but wouldn't let him close.

"Gerard. I live here, you're in my room."

"Yeah, about that..." Frank reached up an arm to scratch the back of his neck. "I was put in here because I'm new and apparently we'd get along well. That's something one of the guards said to me yesterday, but I can't remember much else because I was screaming, so I didn't really listen to them. It doesn't phase you when you're freaking out like that, ya know?"


Frank sighed. "Why are you here anyway?"

"You tell me first," Gerard started to grow suspicious. Now Frank was starting with questions!

"Well, I was put in here because... I have dysthymia and I'm schizophrenic, apparently." he smiled, his pink lips parting slightly.

"Okay." Gerard sat back down, nonplussed by Frank's honest response. "I guess you're my roommate now, then. But you have to promise me and swear on your heart that you won't make it messy, or kill me while I'm asleep."

The younger man's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Okay, Gerard, whatever you say..."

"Shake on it?"

The two men shook hands. "It's breakfast time by the way. I memorised it by now, I been here two years."

"Oh, someone's keen then!" Frank laughed a little, and was slightly surprised when Gerard linked his arm with his own as he showed his new acquaintance where the cafetéria was.
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