Categories > Books > Lord of the Rings
An Arranged Marriage
3 reviews"Do not despair, King of the Humans," Galadriel said, "we came here for a wedding, and a wedding there shall be..."
An Arranged Marriage
(#) Michelle 2007-04-22
I think, overall, this reads too much like a summary. Or, too much happens in too little space. It could easily be a much longer story. I'm not one for wedding scenes. But I would like to know Arwen's motives to renounce the engagement. Galadriel's motives to pick Legolas for the wedding (or did the prince cajole her into that decision maybe?). But since I'm a fan of top!Leggy I really enjoyed Legolas taking charge in the end and then dispel Aragorn's doubts with nothing but a laugh. That's how I like my elf:)An Arranged Marriage
(#) Shadow-fox 2007-04-28
I thought that the story was great and that you did a wonderful job on it too.
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