Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > You Call Yourselves Hunters

Chapter 3

by hyperballad13 0 reviews

The night beckons creatures to play

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-04-24 - Updated: 2007-04-24 - 1722 words

Part 3

Walk the Shadow Places (A Glimpse into the Past)

Helena had seemed to shut herself within the kitchen. Muttering offensive terms to herself as she clanged around. Her obvious rage scaring both Patrick and Joe. They seemed to know to stay away from her. Patrick was still struggling to inhale the past events. They seemed to burden him. He was now poised upon a couch that was disarrayed in one corner. Joe was busying himself. Like a scientist. His face behind his glasses full of concentration. Patrick wasn't watching. He was studying each part of the new place that had welcomed him. He noticed that there was no window. Not a single ray from the outside word was penetrating to them. It was like a dungeon but Patrick had the strange sense of home. The door to the kitchen slammed open and Helena stood in the door way. However, her red hair covered her face. Strangely hidden. She stumbled out and walked past both of them. Grabbing her coat. She stood in front of the door.

"How many hours till sunrise?" She said without turning. Joe looked at the clock on the wall.

"You have about 2 hours."
"Plenty of time."
"Be careful."
She flashed an angry face. Which shocked Patrick. He gasped slightly.
"I'm always careful." She said bitterly. Forcing the door open. She disappeared into the night. When the door closed behind her Patrick stood up. Partly out of fear.
"Wait, whoa, is she? Wait, she's a -"
"A vampire, yep."
Patrick sat down slightly out of shock and Joe put down what he was working on. He took his glasses off.
"If she wanted to kill you she would have done it by now." He said. Adding more weight to Patrick's shoulders.
"She, she kills people?"
Joe sighed. Out of frustration. Defending Helena to the end. A true friend. He daren't hear a bad word against her. She was like his sister and he knew that he had to explain.
"Helena only kills those who deserve it." He waved his hand casually. "Murderers, torturers, rapists."

"But -"
Joe rose a hand to stop him. "Helena never wanted to be a vampire. She hates it bitterly. But it's instinct. Like hunger. She tried turning to animals she really did, but it never douses the flame as human blood."
"How long has she been a vampire."

"Over 100 years."

Patrick nodded until the force of her age hit him. "She doesn't look a day over 20."
Joe laughed at him. "Looking good for someone who has seen two turns of the centuries. You have got a lot to learn. Vampires don't age. Well, most of them don't. Helena was about 20 when it happened."

"When what happened"
"When she was attacked. Forcefully turned. Many people assume you become a vampire automatically by biting. No, if that happened then think about how many there would be. A vampire needs to give blood to its victim for a turn. Helena was bitten. Yes, but she would rather have died than become what she is now. Unfortunately, her beauty captivated the vampire. He gave her some of his blood. He wanted her. Not expecting her to abandon him. Well, I say abandon, it wasn't like that."
"What was it like."
"The minute she knew how she destroyed him. I think that was the moment she swore herself to hunting vampires."

"Wow," Patrick turned to the door as if Helena was still there. He was entranced by the imprint she had left in him. She was captivating. Still keeping his eyes on the door he began to stutter to Joe. "And, you what about you."
"I'm not a vampire if that's what you were thinking."
"Oh, no " Patrick lied, it was his very thought. "I was just wondering about your past."
"Me?" Joe giggled.

"Yeah, I mean how did you get into all of this."
Joe turned away from Patrick. "My best friend. Probably the best I've ever had. I suppose. Save me from a lot of things. Drugs, I was addicted. Struggling to keep myself together. I ran away from my parents. Who I still think are searching for me. I was desperate. Mugging people for money. It was only when I had an overdose that some guy came and saved me. He was my saviour. But in return I guess he wanted me to help his struggle. And that's how I got into this."

"Sounds like a decent guy."
"He was."
"Where is he?" Patrick sounded like he wanted to meet him. Perhaps the more people he knew that were in this with him the safer he felt.
"He's dead." Joe was trying not to cry. "Nathan, he's that body you found at the church."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault you didn't kill him."
"I know but."

"Don't say anymore about it, please."

Joe smiled weakly through the obvious pain that he felt. Delving into his own past made him curious. "Quid pro quo, What about you"

"There's not much to tell."
"I'm interested go on.."
"Well," Patrick was lost for words. There were so many memories, some he did not want to divulge. He thought he'd give the basics. "What to say, orphaned at 8, foster home to foster home, lived on streets...well and now this."
"An orphan? How."

"My parents were murdered."
"Shit, I'm sorry."
"No it's okay, I was young, and I suppose, I never really felt the pain of it, as much as confused me. They never did find who killed them." He bit his lip. "But I will."
The conversation had dwindled. Neither knew what to say. The awkward silence summed up the emotions of the forgotten past. They could hear the clicking of high heels and the door opened again. Red hair flinging into the room. Patrick could tell it was getting lighter outside. Helena rotated to them. A sliver of ruby liquid pouring from her mouth. She began to lean against the door. Rolling her eyes up to the ceiling. Her breathing shallow.
"Hey." Joe said to her. Waiting for a response. She ignored him. As always. Joe told himself he'll never bother next time. Knowing that this wasn't true. Patrick was now transfixed at the vampire. Now that he knew what she was. What she could do to him. She caught him looked and glared.

"What are you staring at."
"I erm,"
"Helena leave him alone." Joe said, a stern tone within his voice.
"I guess you told him then."
"He figured it out."
"Yes, well, I suppose he had to know."
"I'm sorry." Patrick interrupted. Wanting to be part of the conversation yet that was the only phrase he could think of.
"Why are you apologising." Helena snapped at him again."
"I just." Patrick was trying not to get annoyed at her. She seemed so, bitter. At everyone. That's not someone he wanted to know. She placed her hand to her forehead and rubbed it softly.
"Look, I apologise, I am plagued. Ignore me. I'm too old for this."
Patrick tried not to smile at her. He yawned though he had never felt this awake before.
"Would you like a coffee," Joe offered.
"No, I'm fine thanks."
Helena looked at him. Letting her eyes explore ever inch of Patrick. She would do this with her prey. She would do this with her enemies. Of yet she hadn't placed Patrick side by side with her allies. She was unsure about him. But the more she studying of him. His surprisingly short stature. Long sideburns that curved around his rounded face. She studied his fashion sense. It was casual. Jeans, jacket, top. A hat with a comical monkey sat comfortably on his head. Patrick turned to her and unwillingly she looked away. Her blackened heart rising slightly. Helena walked over to Joe. Sitting down beside him and watched him work.
"No no no," she said sharply. "That will never work."
"What do you know Miss - 19th century? What do you know about technology."
"I've seen someone try that before."
"Err Nathan."
There was silence between the two of them. The name echoed throughout the atmosphere.

"It won't kill him." She added. "Its been tried, it can't"

"Won't kill who." Patrick asked. Joe and Helena spun around. They gave each other knowing looks.
"The Boss" Joe murmured. Helena glared at him.
"What are you now, one of his followers. You never call him The Boss."
"The Boss?" Patrick asked.
"Possible the most evil vampire to ever grace the earth." Joe said. His tone was a mix of terror yet awe.

Helena took a sharp breath in poise for an explanation. "His name is Peter. Otherwise known as "The Boss." To all his people. The ones who work for him. He is well known in the underground. Peter, is unlike any other vampires."
"What do you mean."
"Peter is, how to put this, he likes to think he is invincible"
"No one has manage to defeat him yet," Joe added.
"Yes but we have come close. I mean, we thought we did it. Obviously not. Peter - " Helena breathed in. "Peter wasn't created the way we were."

"Peter was born a vampire."
"What. I mean is that possible."
"Pretty much yeah." Joe said shaking his head. "Not the conventional sense. Vampires can't mate and neither can vampire and human."
"So then how."
"Peter's mother was changed into a vampire halfway through pregnancy. So vampire blood began to flow through his. He was born a vampire. That gives him advantage over any others. He has unbelievable immortality." Helena said in barely a whisper. Her hair was hidden.
"Such as."
"No conventional methods can defeat him. He doesn't seem to be affected by casual weapons." Joe explained.
Patrick could see the look in Helena's eye. Not only was it of exhaustion, but it was of blatant saddness and regret. She seemed to be staring into space.
"It is time for sleep." She said to both of them. "Like Peter said, the war is commencing."
"You can turn away if you want." Joe offered Patrick. "There's still time to not become involved in all this."
"But I already am." And Patrick felt it stronger than ever. It was like a determination. "I'm not backing down now. I'm with you to the end."

Cioa Bella
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