Categories > Original > Drama > Tears of Blood

Tears of Blood

by lunar_neko 1 review

If you don't like blood, don't read.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-25 - Updated: 2007-04-25 - 243 words - Complete

Heres the story, it's just a poem I wrote.

The tears run down my face in blood,

as I run through the fog of my mind
I'm propelled the other way by a barrier of sorts
the voices call to me, I dare not look back

The tears run down my face in blood,

not a sound is heard, yet the voices prod
they want me to come back, something I cannot do, not yet
the fear sends icy tingles along my spine, beads of perspiration form, Fear grasps my heart

The tears run down my face in blood,

the voices reach my ears and realization dawns on me
my legs grow stiff, I can no longer run
I turn and head to the voices

The tears run down my face in blood,

I reach the light and squint my eyes
the voices beckon me to a large wooden box
my legs move of their own accord and I silently gaze into the contents

The tears run down my face in blood,

the body has gone pale and stiff with cold
the face looks at people with calm serene
the casket closes and fades, taking the voices with it

The tears run down my face in blood,

fear and confusion creep back up my spine then realization dawns
it was me in the casket then the world went dark
fallen white roses surrounded me and I slept, finally slept, never to awaken again . . .
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