Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What Life Was Like In High School

the beginning

by punkpenguin 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-04-26 - Updated: 2007-04-27 - 427 words

DISCLAMER I dont own mcr amanda is just one of my made up charicters...

"Morning mom" said a still half asleep Amanda.
"Morning hunny are you ready for your first day of school?"
"Ready as ill ever be not like i have any friends cuz im known as the "freak""
"aww it will be okay maybe you will make some new friends you neaver kno"
"ok well i better get to school so i can get my timetable and stuff"
"alright have a nice day"
"Bye mom"
"By amanda"
Amanda started walking to school when she heard footsteps behind her so she turned around and saw a boy with long black hair and looked like he went to her school because they both had on the same uniform (exept amandas looked like a girls uniform) he looked at her.
"Heyy im Gerard you look new"
"Im amanda and yes i am new this is my first day of school in New jersey"
"Well i could help yyou out today cuz it looks like we go to the same school."
Amanda and gerard walked to school silently until they reached the office.
"Ill be right back i have to go get my timetable" Amanda said
"Ok ill be right here."
amanda went into the office and got her timetable and went back to Gerard.
"Heyy amanda let me see your timetable."
"here" she handed him her timetable
"We have all the same classes except for math but you have that with my friend Frank."
"lets go to art so we can be early." said gerard
they walked in silence untill gerard spoke
"you can call me gee if u want" he said
"ok you can call me manda"
they sat in the artroom waiting for class to start
"Alright class since its the first day of school you can draw whatever you want" said the teacher
after art was math then lunch
"Ok manda we are gonna eat lunch with my other friends ok?"
"i guess"
the walked to a tree where 4 other people where sitting
"guys this is manda"
"manda this is frank frank waved this is ray he pointed to the guy with the afro this is bob he pointed to the blond guy and this is my little brother mikey he pointed to the guy with glasses.
they all said hi and ate lunch toghther
"heyy manda do you want to come with us and hang out after school?" gee asked
"Id love to."
"alright meet me out here at 3:00"
"Ok byee"
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