Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > He Was Drop Dead Gorgeous. Too Bad He Dropped Dead.


by Sticky 0 reviews

You Don't Recognize Them? Take A Good Look At The Bassist And The Lead Singer!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Horror - Published: 2007-04-30 - Updated: 2007-05-01 - 699 words

It was October of 2003. I had long since graduated high school and recently completed college. The phone rang in my little one bedroom apartment I picked it up and heard a familiar voice. "Turn on your TV!" Shouted Flip. "Um. Okay? What channel?" I asked as I picked up the remote. "MTV! Hurry up!" he said raising his voice. I switched to MTV and began to watch some random music video from a band I've never heard of. "Okay? What am I supposed to be seeing? It's some emo band." I said in a confused tone. "You don't recognize them? Look closely at the bassist and the lead singer." Laughed Flip. I studied their faces for a moment then the camera zoomed in on the face of the bassist. It was then that I recognized the tattooed and make-upped rock star as my childhood friend Peter Wentz. "Oh my god? Is that Peter?" I squealed into the phone. "Yeah I think so! And the leader singer looks like it could be that Patrick guy who chilled with us for a few weeks after that whole mess with the record store guy!" Shrieked Flip. "You know what it does. He's even wearing a trucker hat!" I laughed. I spent the next two minutes with my eyes glued to my television screen watching my old friend jump around and play bass. Flip brought me back from dreamland by asking "Have you talked to Pete recently?"

"No. Have you?"
"Me either. The last time we talked was at show back in 2000"
"I haven't even seen him since the day we went back home without him."
"Would it be weird if we tried to get in contact with him again?"
"Yeah. He might think we just want to talk to him again because he's famous."
"Yeah. I'm glad he's doing something with his life though."
"Me too. Listen I have to go. Nice talking with you."

I hung up the phone and sat on the sofa in silence. Would it be weird if I tried to talk to Pete again? I wanted to hear his voice again so badly. Even if he didn't want to talk to me, it was worth a try. But, how would I find him? He'll probably think I'm some kind of stalker. Maybe, he won't even remember me. After days of secretly debating inside my head I decided that I would try and find my long lost best friend.

All I needed now was a way to contact him and that came in the form of a flyer I got in the local music paper."Fall Out Boy! Playing Their First Hometown Show Since Their Record Deal! This Saturday!" I read the blue flyer over and over. This was my one shot to talk to Peter and I'll be damned if I didn't take it. I got to the venue three hours early with my friend, Jess in tow. I opted not to tell her that we were really there so I could stalk Pete Wentz. It was better that she didn't know. She was talking to some scene guys when I left her to go sneak back stage. It reminded of days has a young run-away when I flashed the security guards a cute smile and they let me back stage. "That was too easy" I thought as I wondered about back stage. I peaked into a dressing room door, no sign of the band. I peered into the next door over and the next and the next still nothing. I opened the last door it looked to be some kind of storage closet. I turned to leave and accidentally came face to face with a white male about my height. "Oh, sorry" I said taking a step back so my face was not pressed up against his. He opened his mouth to say something but the words never filled the air. It was silent for a moment and I got a good look at his face. By then I was certain that I found exactly what I had been searching for. I was standing face to face with Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy fame.
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