Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Life as an MCR Kid

ch 6

by frankismyhomefry 2 reviews

Story of mcr and their kids.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-04 - Updated: 2007-05-04 - 988 words

Im Bonnie Iero. It's been a few months since the tour has ended. Angel is doing better than anyone expected that she's be doing. She I walking on her own now. That blew the doctors away. Everyone else is healed and feeling all better. My dad and uncles have been working hard in the studio. While they have been doing that we have all been planning a surprise party for uncle Mikey's Birthday. The only problem was getting him to the place of the party. We were having it at a hotel in NY in one of their ballrooms. We ended up convincing him that the band had to meet up with someone there. I worked though. We invited every band they get along with and all of the band's friends and families. Most of us headed there earlier that day to set up. We were staying in the hotel that night. So we had to drop our stuff off. We were currently waiting for uncle Mikey, Cordelia, Isabella, and Daria to show up. Cordelia was supposed to text Lena when they got there. Which by the sound of it she just did. Everyone ran around and attempted to hide. That didn't really work out to well. When they walked in we all yelled surprise

"What's all of this for" Uncle Mikey said
"It's for your birthday dad" Cordelia said
"I... I don't know what to say" he said
"Well you can start by opening your presents so we can get this party started" uncle Gee said before he attempted to dance. Uncle Mikey opened all his presents. I would go into detail about what he got but then id be here forever. He got tons of things.

"Lets get this started. I wanna show these kids that we aren't as old as they think we are" uncle Gee said
"yeah yeah, don't break a hip" I said to him. The DJ started the music. We were all having fun and dancing around when all of a sudden a rap song came on. Of course my dad and uncle mikey started dancing ghetto... or at least trying to. Uncle Bob was dancing around like a ballerina.

"Tell me again why we married them?" aunt Nirvana said to my mom
"I have no clue right now" my mom said
"Im the white Jay Z" uncle mikey said once the song ended
" yeah and im the white Justin Timberlake" my dad said
"Frankie sweetheart, Justin Timberlake is already white" mom said
"yeah daddy get with it" Annie said. Just then Justin Timberlake's "sexy back" came one. My dad shrieked like a little girl then he pulled my mom on the dance floor. They were dancing.... How parents shouldn't dance.
"My Virgin Eyes" uncle bob yelled to them. Dad just flipped him off. After that song ended we were all dancing and having a blast. Damian was walking around with a camcorder filming everyone. Angle was taking pictures with her camera. I saw my mom talking to the DJ

"Hey Bonnie, we are going to do it now!" Ana said running over to me. Let me explain a bit. Us girls and our moms were all at my house one day planning this party. My dad and uncle were in the studio as usually and Dannie, Bryan and Damian went with them. Every time we turned around a music video or commercial with the Pussy cat dolls came on. My mom has the cd. Its one of her guilty pleasure cds. We were dancing to it, making fun of it. Well it ended up looking really good. So we made up dances to a few of their songs. All of the guys have heard about them but have never seen them. Dad has been bugging mom to show him. The song that came one was "don't cha" Angel was taking pictures of us while Damian was filming it. They all just stared at us with their jaws on the floor. Mom still claims that dad was drooling.

"That was... wow" Uncle Ray said
"You all should dance at our concerts" Uncle Gee said. He has always wanted dancers in their shows
"You couldn't pay me to dance like that in front of a whole venue" aunt Jess said
"Not provocative like that. Dancing to our songs. I wouldn't let you all dance like that on stage" Uncle Mikey said
"How about we discuss this later, for now I want cake" Aunt Kate said we all went over to get some cakes
"Hey Damian" I said
"yeah..." he said. Right as he turned towards me I tripped and my cake went all over him. He went to throw some at me but it missed and hit uncle Mikey right in the head
"Oh its on now biznitch" he said. It turned into a huge cake fight we were all covered in cake and icing. It was a blast. The party started to die down and before we knew it, it was just our family left. I couldn't find my parents worth the life of me

" Hey Bry, where's mom and dad? I asked my brother
"Uhh. Last time I saw them they were heading to their room. They said that Annie was to stay with one of us tonight" he said
"yeah id advise not bugging them especially after what I just saw" Lena said
"yeah I got the hint" I said. Everyone knew my dad had the sex drive of the energizer bunny. They tried to keep it quiet from the us kids but that never worked. Enough about that though. We all started to clean everything up. Once we finished we headed up to our rooms. It was me, Angel, Cordelia and Lena in a room. Annie was staying with us now too. We stayed up for a while talking. It was about 3 or 4 am when we went to sleep.
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