Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu-Gi-Oh! > Family pride or love?

An evening to remeber.

by Katsuya 0 reviews

Yugi and Yami has meet, and is going to a club together.

Category: Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Yami Yugi,Yugi Mutou - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-06 - Updated: 2007-10-14 - 2419 words

YamiKatsuya: Hey we're back in business!

Katsuya: Sob sob

Yugi: What's the matter with her?

YamiKatsuya: I think it's because she didn't get any reviews. She properly think it's the end of the worldrolls eyes

Katsuya: Hey! I just got used to have you around so don't start!

YamiKatsuya: Fine Fine girl just calm down.

Katsuya: I. AM. PERFECTLY. CALM!!!

Bakura: Yeah let us all believe in thatrolls eyes with YamiKatsuya

Yami: Will someone please just do the disclaimer?

Yugi: I'll do it. Katsuya doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh, but she owns this story.

Katsuya: Thank you Yugi. Now on with the story!

(AN: Author(Katsuya)'s comment)
Change of pov

Family pride or love?

Chapter 2: An evening to remember.
'Oh... My... GOD! This man is sexy!' Yugi caught his thought before it escaped his head, and flew out of his mouth. Well it was true, but Yugi was not going to say that. Instead he focused on what the very hot male just had asked.

"No, I'm not hiding from public. Just my fiancé."

Yami felt his heart sink. This boy was engaged! Impossible. He couldn't be more then 12 maybe 13. Not that it mattered. 'He is engaged, so what. It's not like you had a chance or something.' Even thought Yami thought this, he was far from sure about the it-doesn't-matter part. It mattered!

"I see. How old are you?"

Yugi couldn't look away from the male. He thought he saw surprise and sadness in the male's eyes when he mentioned his fiancé. 'I big idiot! Why did I have to tell him I'm engaged?!'

"16. I'm going to be 17 in three months. I know I don't look like it, but I am that old."

Yami didn't believe his ears. This little boy was nearly 17! Only 3 years younger then Yami himself. Yami dropped his eyes to the 16 year old boy's lips again. 'So kissable! Maybe I could... No it would be like an assault if I did that. But maybe it's my only chance...'

"I see. So why are you engaged?"

Yugi saw the man look bag at his lips, and started to bite them to relive his nerves. 'Why is he looking at my lips like that? What is he thinking?'

"My parents forced me... Because of our family name."

Yami could feel himself get exited. This boy might not like his fiancé. Yami looked back into the boys eyes. So perfect amethyst eyes. 'I wonder how these eyes would look filled with lust and passion...'

"I see. So you don't like your fiancé?"

Yugi felt himself get sad by the thought of his fiancé. 'If just mom and dad would listen...'

"No! I don't! First thing of she's so annoying, always wanting to know were I am. Second she's just plain scary, with the way she grinds her leg against mine or calls me darling, for gods sake I'm GAY! I don't even like girls from the begi" Yugi slapped a hand for his mouth when he heard his own words, but it was already too late.

Yami could dance of joy. 'He's gay! He's gay! He's GAY!!! Yes yes yes!!!' Yami's thought happily, but stopped when he saw the boy's frightening expression.

"What's the matter?"

Yugi was terrified. Now a total stranger knew about a secret that not even his parents knew. 'But he's so easy to talk to...'

"You... you won't tell anybody, would you?" Yugi's voice was only barely above a whisper.

Yami blinked confused. "About what?"

"That I'm gay... No one can know that... Not even my parents."

"Why not?" Yami was really confused now. If the boys parents knew, he might not had to marry the woman they had chosen for him.

"Because... If they knew they would be mad..."

"Why?" Yami really didn't understand. Ones son being gay wasn't something to be mad about.

"Because... They... they... uhm... they just would."

'It sounds like he either doesn't know, or don't want to tell. Oh well I'm a stranger after all.' Yami thought while making a decision.

"Okay I won't tell anyone. Well I didn't introduce myself. My name is Yami." Yami reached out his hand while telling his name.

"Yugi." Yugi answered, taking Yami's hand and shaking it.

"Interesting. That means game doesn't it?" Yami asked and let go of Yugi's hand.

"Yes, and Yami means darkness, right?" Yugi felt more comfortable around him now, when they had introduced properly.

"It sure does." Silence conquered their conversation.

"So... Wanna go for a walk?" Yami asked, just to break the a little uncomfortable silence.

"Sure why not... It's not like my parents are gonna be done anytime soon." Yugi said and shrugged.

Yami smiled. "Where do you wanna go?"

Yugi shrugged again. "I don't know the city special well. My parents always want me to study, so I've never really seen s much of the city."

"Your parents sound like some control freaks."

"Yeah, but you know parents always wants the best for you." Yugi smiled happily. Not a normal smile, but the smile.

Yami caught himself staring at that smile. "Well, I wouldn't know. My parents died when I was a kid, so..."

Yugi looked sad. "Sorry."

"Nah, it's okay. It's not like I'm going to sit down and cry my eyes out." Yami said. "Oh by the way, give me a minute. I just have to go get my own cloths." Yugi nodded and Yami hurried inside a door leading to the kitchen. Yugi sat down on a bench near the door to wait for Yamis return.

'Yami sure is handsome. I wonder if he's gay. He didn't seem to mind me being gay. He actually seemed happy for it. He seems nice too.' Yugi chuckle to himself. 'I'm sounding as a school girl with a crush. A crush. Yes it's a crush nothing more. We might get friends. Yes that would be nice.' Yugi smiled for himself, sad but reassuring.

"Sorry it took some time. Had to tell the chef I was leaving for the evening." Yami said as he suddenly stood in front of Yugi.

"It's okay. So where are we going?"

"To a club I know. It's a nice place. You will like it."

To get out of the restaurant unseen, was no problem. So 2 minutes later Yugi and Yami was walking down the street side by side, talking about random things as with sport they liked or disliked, the same with food and persons.

"I really dislike snobbish people. Just because they have money doesn't mean they have the right to do everything, and stamp other persons down." Yami said while thinking about that little runt that made him lose his last job.

Yugi nodded. "I know what you mean, but I hate people that cast one look at me, and think I'm a snob. I have never asked to rich, so why am I judged before anyone is getting to know me."

Yami looked at the boy beside him, smiling at the little pout finding its way to Yugi's face. It was absolutely adorable.

"You're not a snob. Not at all. You're talking to a dish washer boy. I don't think you would if you were a snob. I actually find you very sweet." Yugi blushed from ear to ear of that comment.

'He thinks I'm sweet? Oh my god! Maybe he likes me! No Yugi, he just said you were not a snob, that's just it. Besides it's only a crush. But he is cute and sweet and hot and sexy and... Argh stop Yugi!'

'I... I told him he is sweet. Oh no! I just don't hope he is afraid of me now or anything like that. Oh well, if that scares him away then it isn't meant to be.'

"It's here." Yami said, stopping at a club with neon saying ´´The open gate´´[1].

"Aren't you supposed to be 18 to go in such a place?" Yugi asked feeling a little nervous.

"Yeah, but I know the owner, so I can bring who ever I want. Besides you don't have to drink alcohol if you don't want to." Yami smiled reassuring to Yugi. Yugi just nodded never feeling all comfortable.

"Hey Yami. Who's your friend?" The doorman wanted to know.

"His name is Yugi." Yami just said walking past the doorman, giving Yugi sign to follow. The doorman just smiles, but doesn't move.

Once inside Yugi let out his breath he didn't even know he held.

"You don't have to be nervous. Just stay close to me, then you will be alright." Yami smiles to the very nervous young man standing beside him. Yugi nod, but aren't quite sure what to do. When Yami starts to walk, Yugi just follow. Closely. Very closely. So close that Yami can feel Yugi's shoulder against his arm, their hands only millimetres from each other. 'Just chance your hand position. Make it look like an accident.' Yami thought, but before he could do anything some drunk person was thrown between them.

"And stay away!" Someone yelled.

Yugi looked shocked.

"Yugi? You okay?" Yami asked concerned.

Yugi nodded. "What happened?"

"It was properly a person who couldn't control his intake of alcohol. People like that are being thrown out."

"I see." Yugi still seemed shaken up, so Yami took his hand and started to lead him inside.

When Yami took a hold in Yugi's hand, Yugi felt like he could fly. 'He's holding my hand! He's holding my hand! Oh god I'm so happy.'

Yami seated them both at the bar where there was nearly no people.

'Yami was right. Here is nice.' The club was right now playing a slow song, so it was the couple there had taken the dance floor. It wasn't only straight couples. There were also gay and lesbian couples among them, without getting nasty looks, as they properly normally would.

"So what do you want to drink?" Yami asked.

"Hm... Just cola, I got wine to the food. Don't feel like more alcohol." Yami nodded and gave their orders to the bartender.

When they got their drinks, Yugi a cola and Yami cola and rum, they started chatting.

"So what do you think of this place?" Yami asked while playing with the straw in his glass.

"It's nice. People don't seem to mind homosexual people, and here's very clean too." Yugi answered honest, while looking at the dance floor.

"You're right. That's one of the reasons I like it here." Yami sipped to his drink.

"You're gay?" Yugi asked. Yami didn't miss the hope in his voice.

"Yeah, and have been for a while." Yami sipped to his drink again.

"How did you find out you was gay?" Yugi sipped to his cola, while looking at Yami with new interest.

"When I was about your age, I started to look more at the guy's ass then the girl's." They both chuckle a little of this. "And you? How did you find out you were gay."

"When I was 13. I, by accident, kissed a girl from my class, and I thought it was gross. Then I, still by accident, kissed a boy, and that felt better. That's how."

"Do you get kissed a lot by accidents?" Yami asked, while wondering what could have happened.

"Well it wasn't really an accident. We played truth and dare." Yugi answered, smiling slightly at the memory.

"I see. Sounds like you had fun." Yami smiled.

They kept on chatting about things, until they were out of anything to drink. A fast song was playing, and people of all sorts had joined the dance floor.

"Want to show the amateurs how to dance?" Yami asked.

"But I've never danced before."

"It doesn't matter. Just move to the music."

"Okay..." Yugi said looking a little unsure. Yami offered his hand, and Yugi didn't hesitate a minute before taking it in his own.

Once on the dance floor, Yugi couldn't hold still to the beat and had just as much fun as everyone else. Yami couldn't help but smile at the little boy dancing to the music, following the beat. Sweat glinted from his forehead. His hips swaying. Eyes full with joy. Hot. Sweaty. Yami had never seen so an erotic picture before in his life. If it wasn't because of the innocence that was shining from him, Yami would had ripped his cloth of and made love to him, right then and there.

The fast song ended, leaving most people panting and sweating. Another slow song was put on.

Before Yugi could say anything, Yami had grabbed him and wrapped his arms around Yugi.

"Please Yugi. Let me have this dance with you. Since I saw you in the garden, I have wanted to hold you like this. Just this one song." Yami's breath ghosted over Yugi's ear making him shiver.

"It's okay Yami. I like being hold by you."

They danced close. Oh so close. Head on each other's shoulder. Arms wrapped around one another. Chest and stomach pressed together. They could feel each others groins. Their need for one another growing with a speed, they didn't know existed. Either of them had never been this aroused before. Swaying back and forward, back and forward, back and forward...

The song ended. They released one another against their will, and just looked at the other for some time. Staring into each others eyes.

"Wants to see where I live?" Yami asked unsure. Maybe he was going to fast.

"Sure." Yugi said, really wanting to get a cold bath, or even better. A warm bath WITH Yami.

It had started to rain.

"Ah great!" Yami mumbled annoyed.

Yugi giggled lowly at the other male's annoyance.

Yami took of his jacket, and putted it over Yugi's head and shoulders, making Yugi blush a little.

"Let's go." With that they ran through the rain.


1: Something I just named it. If it exists in the real world, then I didn't know.

Katsuya: That's it. Nice and long, and with promising continuation.

YamiKatsuya: Yeahdrags out gun Now why did you stop here!? I want all the lemony stuff NOW!!!

Yugi: Relax YamiKatsuya-san. If you kill her, you will never get to it.

YamiKatsuya: You're right... Puts away gun

Katsuya: Plepleplease review. faints

YamiKatsuya: Yeah or else I'm going to have to hear her cry all day, and I'm not in the mood for it.
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