Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wipe That Smile Off You're Face
Making Love To The Camera (And Other Inanimate Objects)
4 reviews"Spring Broke" into pieces.
Wipe That Smile Off You're Face
(#) patricksgirl84 2007-05-07
Loved it. Even if it was a filler..but I still need to know what Patrick is hiding. :)Wipe That Smile Off You're Face
(#) fobgal1 2007-05-08
Awww Sarah got a little action.
I loved it.
But it's killing me to know what Pete wants Patrick to tell Jazie.
Please update soon.Wipe That Smile Off You're Face
(#) Rae_She_Writes 2007-05-08
I love your story! I liked the way you had Jazie oblivious to the whole fight over her between Patrick and Pete, she seemed so shocked when she found out. You have amazing writing skills, please post more ;PWipe That Smile Off You're Face
(#) Rae_She_Writes 2007-05-08
I love your story! I liked the way you had Jazie oblivious to the whole fight over her between Patrick and Pete, she seemed so shocked when she found out. You have amazing writing skills, please post more ;P
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