Categories > Original > Romance > Here, Have My Heart

...And I Ran

by deniiwilliams 0 reviews

It's funny how you can love someone one minute then hate them the next. How you can swear to yourself that you will never fall for them again and one smile you were hooked. The wool back over your ...

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-04-19 - Updated: 2007-04-19 - 696 words

It's funny how you can love someone one minute then hate them the next. How you can swear to yourself that you will never fall for them again and one smile you were hooked. The wool back over your eyes and a wall built in front of the problem. And it's funny how when you see that person in a bed with someone else everything in your mind turns to mush. You go through a number of stages. First step denial. You think that there is some sort of mistake, that can't be him that's not your boyfriend with your best girl friend. Then it settles in that it is him and you're surprised. Then that nostalgic feeling which is swiftly followed by that angry I hate him feeling. That's when the wool comes of setting alight and you (as well the wall) break down. That's exactly how I felt when I first saw them together.

Without a word I ran, ran from him, ran from her and ran from the whole situation. But there was one thing I couldn't run from. Myself. My thoughts, my fears, my feelings. It ran through my mind like a sprinter on a track. I'll always love you. Yeah right, you'd always love me. The rain was beating down at an alarming pace and I felt drowned. But I ran, I'm so far from the house yet I still run. The tears that had threatened to spill fulfil their threat but are mixed with the mascara and rain so well that they are difficult to see.

I didn't even know where I was going but I ended up at his house. Alex's house. He has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. He warned me about James but I never believed him. We had a big argument about it and I hadn't spoken to him since. And here I was, dripping on his doorstep, hoping beyond hope that he would let me in.

I knocked my hands shaking. His parents had gone away for the weekend; a normal person would have thrown a party but not him. Not Dylan, he was to well behaved.

I was waiting for the door to slam but it never did. I just felt warm arms envelop me into a hug, not caring I was dripping wet. And for the first time I felt at home. For the first time I felt alive.


I know I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't be in love with my best friend but I cant help it. Everything about her is so...imperfect. I still love her imperfections. The way she sometimes snorts when she laughs at something too funny, the way she chews gum, and the way she is so blunt with people. Tells it like it is. But me and her are over, not even friends. Just because I got jealous of her new boyfriend. I told her not to trust him. I said he wouldn't last longer than a week and she stomped off. Its been three months, looks like I was wrong.

I've been trying to get on with my life. Adam even said I should. the conversation went a little something like this.

"Its been four days."

"Dude, get on with your life."

Yeah, I guess he's blunt too but I don't love him (I'm as straight as a ruler so no funny ideas). Its raining so heavy right now and I feel so lucky I'm not stuck outside. I wish I could see her again, I want more than anything to go back to the way things were.

Almost immediately there was a knock at my door, the pizza was here. Grabbing some money and opening the door I was face to face with none other than her. The love of my life and my best friend. Without thinking I hugged her. Forget the "I told you so," and the "What are you doing here?" and even the "You're all wet."

All I cared was that she was wet, cold and her tights are...slightly...torn? If he had hurt her I swear he was going to pay.
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