Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're Gonna Love Me

I Need Your Help

by betterwithapen 2 reviews

just read.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-05-09 - Updated: 2007-05-09 - 401 words

Like I said it's all about to change. Walking to school the next day I had to wear long sleeves, again. "It's the middle of fucking summer, why the hell are you wearing long sleeves?" Mikey asked. Okay so one person didn't hate me but he acted like it around Gerard or Gerard would probably kill him. "You know why. For a smart kid you sure are dumb sometimes." I snapped back. He always got these big sad eyes when he found out I'd cut again, he never said anything though. But this time he did. "Please, I wish you wouldn't do that. You're so much better than that Frankie." I was almost in shock. He never said anything about it before. No, he's wrong, this is what I do, this is how I am. "Why do you care? Why don't you hate me too? Every one else does!" I nearly screamed at him. Suddenly he gripped my shoulder; I was amazed at how strong he could be. He jerked me towards him pulling me into the most passionate kiss I've ever had. "I love you. That's why."


Lying on my bed next to Mikey, I had to tell him. "Mikey... I" but before I could tell him anything he cut me off. "I know, you don't love me, we're just friends, but you know we both needed that to happen." He was right. I needed someone like Mikey because he would always love me no matter how badly I screwed up. I'd figured it out; Mikey could get me to Gerard. I wanted Gerard so much. If Gerard loved me he'd make sure everyone else did too. He did it with all of his old boyfriends, but he didn't love them. He knew they wanted to be popular and he got them there but once everyone else loved them, he left them, so now they have to fend for themselves. But if he loved me, he wouldn't leave me because I love him. "Mikey, you've got to help me. I love Gerard. I want him to love me too, and you're the only way to him." Mikey then proceeded to laugh hysterically for about 2 minutes straight. "What's so funny, smartass?" I snapped after he'd finally stopped laughing. "Both of you are idiots! You both want each other and you've got to get me in-between it?!" He said still slightly giggling.
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