Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > Sable and ivory

The benefits of documentaries

by Marilena 2 reviews

Chapter 7!

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Vincent Valentine, Yuffie Kisaragi - Published: 2007-05-10 - Updated: 2007-05-10 - 1454 words

Chapter 7

The benefits of documentaries

Yuffie was never a morning person. Either because she couldn't bring herself to depart from the lovely coziness of her bed or because it was harder for her head to give orders to the rest of her body, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that people usually jumped out of her way when she woke up cranky like this.

Still, she was surprised at the feeling of complete exhaustion and nausea that greeted her when she got up the next day. She could hardly manage to put her feet on the floor. Not to mention that she walked like a broken marionette.

Stumbling with half-closed eyelids to the bathroom, she ran a hand to her hair that turned out to be drier than normal. When she looked at said hand afterwards, she spotted some sort of grayish dirt staining it. She made a disgusted sound and leaned closer to the mirror above the sink.
She gasped.

"Er- looks like I've turned into some sort of a... monster," she whispered in awe, before evaluating the extent of the damage.

Her hair was a dirty bird's nest and there was more dirt on her nose and brow. Her eyes were red, the swollen skin under them having turned a faint blue-black color overnight, in contrast with the pale shade of the rest of her face.

"Yikes! What hap-"

Ah, yes.

It took her a moment to completely recall last night's events but, when she did, she sighed deeply.

Bitch fight with Vinnie? Check.

Drinking Midgar's alcohol supplies? Check.

Almost giving a field day to four sex-starved bastards? Check.

Be saved and get carried bridal style by my knight in materia-made armor? Check.

Well, sort of.

...Vinnie's much better anyways. And materia-made armors are out of fashion.
Nearly grabbing Vinnie's unmentionables in attempt to catch his attention? Check.

'Leviathan, kill me...'

Apology to Vinnie the Hero? Check.

Hot sex in bed, bathtub, couch, on floor, washing machine, kitchen table and against wall with Vinnie? Check.

...Just kidding.

'And I seriously need a shower. As in seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously-' the ninja thought, as she threw away her dirty clothes and quickly stepped into the shower...

...Only to fall clumsily on her rear and slam her head against the blue tiles.

"Owwww... not again, dammit!"


Vincent heard the noise and the loud exclamations of pain that indicated the newest addition to Yuffie's 'accident list'.

He shook his head, lips pursed and trying to withhold a small grin.

'Yuffie... She has a strange and unique effect. You often think you'd be better off without her, while at the same time you want to keep her safe at any cost,' he mused, as his sipped some tea from a cup with delicate pattern, from a set he had found himself inclined to purchase, even though it wasn't the plain, everyday one he had gone to the store with the intention of buying. Impulse, impulse... Since when did Vincent Valentine act on impulse?

He glanced briefly at the clock; it was past noon.

Pouring the rest of the cup's contents in the sink, he threw the small slice of lemon in the trash can and resumed washing the empty cup, before drying it with a towel and placing it next to the rest in the cupboard. He slowly walked to the living room and decided to sit down on the couch. After a few moments of crossing his legs and getting comfortable, he turned on the TV. There wasn't much of interest, so he ended up watching a documentary about the feeding and breeding procedures of penguins. He tilted his head slightly to the side, eyes watching the screen in interest.

Hey, if you're doing something, then do it right. One thing Vincent had learnt well was that there is no such thing as useless knowledge.

It wasn't much later that Yuffie emerged from the bathroom, rubbing her dripping brown mop of hair with a towel and walking as if she had just finished building ShinRa Manor on her own, equipped with pebbles and a shovel. She flopped ungracefully on the couch next to Vincent and groaned audibly when her bones protested at the sudden movement.

She rested her feet on the coffee table and turned to face Vincent. He was watching the TV screen, deeply absorbed and absent-mindedly scrubbing at his jaw with one long, pale thumb. At least he didn't wear that cloak. 'They should ban the purchase of cloaks that hide the lower face of such fine male specimens... It's a crime! Injustice! What the hell is he watching anyway?'

Yuffie stared at Vincent, then at the screen. Then back at Vincent.

She blinked.

"Vinnie, I know how thirty something years of not getting any can reaaaaaally affect a man, but why exactly you are that fascinated by the sight of a fat, ugly penguin banging another fat, ugly penguin in order to have more fat, ugly little penguins and in what looks like a very uncomfortable position is beyond myself," she blurted out.

It was Vincent's turn to blink.

At first, he didn't avert his eyes from the TV, but didn't look like he was watching either. He shifted in his seat and uncrossed his legs. He slowly turned his face towards Yuffie.

She was looking at him with wide eyes and a hand clapped over her mouth.
"Sowy," she said, in a state of panic.

"Excuse me?" he deadpanned.

She removed the hand from her mouth.

"Sorry," she repeated.

Vincent just quirked an eyebrow.

After a few moments of uneasy silence, he spoke.

"You know?" His voice was low as ever, but there was an unusual tone underlying. Despite the dark, deep quality of it, his voice normally didn't express any emotion.

So, this was odd.

"What?" she asked, totally clueless as to what he meant.

"You said that 'you know'," he said cryptically. His eyes were twinkling and there was one of those tiny, 'Vincenty' smirks on his face again...

'I know how thirty something years of not getting any can reaaaaaally affect a man...'

Good one, Yuffie.

In times like this, she felt like a dork.

"I don't know, per se... I can imagine, you know? In theory. Not in-in reality... Good, old theory. The kind they teach at school. Not that they taught us anything like that at school but you get the point..." she squirmed and looked at everything in the room that wasn't his big, mysterious eyes, which were currently scrutinizing her.

'GODDAMN you, Vinnie, for being so hot... And I just took a shower for crying out loud!'she thought.

"AHH, will you look at that? It's an ad break! B-e-a-uuuuuuuutiful! Look, look!" she exclaimed, her ears turning red. "Will you stop looking at me and look at all those amazing ads?! Oh, is that a dancing hippo? Vinnie, you don't wanna miss this, it's not everyday you see a hippo dancing the cha-cha and I'm not saying that you woke up wanting to see a hippo dancing the cha-cha or the macarena or whatever but now that it's in front of you, why don't you give it a chance and oh, ICE CREAM! Don't you just looooove ice-cream, and the awesome creamy taste it leaves in your mouth, I mean yuuuuum!" she babbled and she made a show of licking her lips.

In a way, she had accomplished her goal. Vincent was no longer piercing her eyes with his.

He had focused on her lips, instead.

And man, was he looking hungry.

"V-Vinnie? Vinnie, dear, it is lunch time. And I know; big man hungry. But big man not eat Yuffie. Cause Yuffie not tasty. W-wanna go to that lovely Wutaian restaurant-"

Vincent got out of his stupor and immediately became the Vincent everybody-knows-and-loves.

With a small throaty noise to show his agreement, he changed the channel to the news.

But not before he crossed his legs.

"Is there something wrong with your legs, Vinnie? You keep crossing and uncr-"

"No," he interrupted abruptly.

Why was he being weird?

He cleared his throat.

"Go get ready. We're having lunch out... I forgot to mention that Tifa called while you were asleep. She said someone important contacted and she needed to talk to you about it. We're meeting her and Cloud in an hour."

He turned off the TV and got up.

Yuffie jumped and ran to the bedroom.

"Did she say what it was about?" she yelled.

Vincent hesitated. He didn't want to upset her without knowing any details. But since she asked...

He put on his blood red cloak and buttoned it up.

"Wutai," he replied evenly.

- ---------------------------------

A/N: Please review!
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