Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sing for Absolution

And Our Souls Won't be Exhumed

by akissforjersey09 3 reviews

Frank tries to convince Killian of letting them both die together...((GRAND FINALE))

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-05-16 - Updated: 2007-05-17 - 1534 words

The cold hands pulled me to the room for sentencing, and this time I wasn't shaking. I knew my fate, and last night I accepted what would happen. It wasn't like I had much of a choice on what I didn't want to happen. I didn't want to die, but in dying I would save Frank and that was the main idea. The pain in my chest increased with every step I took, because now Frank would know what I did to ensure him his continuance.

The blue-looking room was back again and I felt the pang of guilt wash over me as Frank looked at me. In his eyes it seemed like he already knew, but I didn't say anything. I stood where the guard had pushed me and I stared at Claudius, the vampire I talked to last night and negotiated the trade of my life for the safety of Frank's. He looked at me with thoughtful eyes, somehow filled with sypmathy, but he didn't show any trace of it. I sighed deeply, not sure what would come first today, but I was sure that I wanted this done as soon as possible, so the suffering and pain wouldn't linger with me.

"We sentence Killian Parker of Staten Island to death. Frank Iero of Divinus Excessum, you are free to leave," Claudius said.

A few of the vampires overseeing shook their heads in disaproval and I stared into the vampires who came to watch. My eyes locked onto a face that was familiar: blonde hair and beard, with a kind face. Bob was sitting, looking on with pained eyes. I would miss his generosity and kindenes...

"It is the council's bidding that she be drained of her blood and changed tonight on the seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord two thousand and seven at the hour of midnight," Claudius read off.

My eyes dropped and I sighed as Frank looked murderous.

"How could you do that to me Killian?" Frank asked, looking at me with betrayal.

"Frank, you have to go on without me, you have more ahead of you than if I were to live," I said.

The room went silent as they watched an argument beginning to brew.

"Killian, don't you understand that my existance means nothing if you're not living?" he asked.

"What do you mean, I'll be immortal."

"I don't want you to be immortal!" he bellowed.

That hurt...why not?

"Why not? Do you not want me around forever?" I asked.

"Of course I do, but not like that. I don't want you to be immortal."

"Why not?" I asked, a bit louder than before.

"Because I don't want you condemned to this life!" he shouted.

I looked at him confused and after a moment of silence Claudius spoke up.

"Frank, it doesn't seem like you have a problem with her being condemned to this life as much as you have a personal problem with her being changed," he said, his eyes searching Frank.

Frank sighed, and I looked at him incredulous.

"What does that mean?" I demanded.

"I can't lose you. I can't not feel your warm skin on my cold skin. I can't not hear your heart beat, the blood rushing through your veins, see the blush on your's something I cannot condemn either of us to," he said, finally resigned.

"Frank...I have to do this. I have to let go of personal wants and needs and I have to do this. If there was any other way, I'd stay human for you, but I can't do it."

The silence dragged on and I was led back to my stone fortress that for the past four days. This room had become my chapel of one way of living.

I waited in silence as I tried not to think about what tonight held for me. I tried to remember the reason I was even doing it...the reason that kept me going...the reason I would sacrifice myself for anything.

Sleep overtook me and nightmares plagued me...

A loud rattle on the door woke me up and the same cold hands dragged me out into the bright hallway, and then to a stone entrance. The stone entrance seemed to go further down underground than we already were until we were in a drit and cobblestone-lined hallway, lit by torches.

The room I was led to was considerably small and only could hold about ten to fifteen average sized people. I looked at Claudius, Gerard, a few female vampires and finally my face rested on Frank. His face was agonized, almost like I had killed him...almost like I had ensured his death even though I had tried to save him.

"Welcome Killian," Claudius said, sounding warm and enviting. I nodded and moved toward the middle of the room.

"The bite will be as quick as possible, I'm not as weathered as Gerard is at changing, but I'm pretty good. The bite is the easiest part of the transformation, it's the venom that seeps into your veins as the blood leaves part that will probably be a major problem since it's so least that's what I've been told, I don't remember too much of my changing," Claudius said encouragingly.

I nodded and he stepped closer to me, his frail-looking arms holding me in place as he lowered his face to my neck. He took a whiff and sighed. His hands were, if possible, colder than Frank's and also felt a lot more frail than Frank's. Frank's hands felt firm, but cold all the time. As soon as I started to think about Frank, Claudius placed his open mouth on the nape of my neck and bit me. The sharp pain began to feel dull the moment he sucked at the wound and withdrew.

My mind began to spin and I felt dizzy so I lied down, trying to focus on Frank. Black tears streamed down his face as he watched me.

Claudius was right, the bite wasn't as bad. It sent waves of numbness over me, making my whole body feel like it was floating. I was lying on my side and trying to relax my thoughts so they could focus on Frank and not wander to the oncoming pain that Claudius promised would follow.

"Let us know when you feel the first sign of pain; we'll need to turn you onto your back for the rest of the transformation," said Claudius as he watched me as well with cautious eyes.

I closed my eyes, letting the numbness wash over me and take me away. But only thirty minutes later I started to feel the first stab of pain in my neck. I threw myself on my back and I cried out in pain as I clutched my neck.

I could feel the cold washing over me, slowly and steadily settling me.

I couldn't remember why I agreed to do this, or why I was even here, but I knew that this was the only way I'd be able to be with him...the only way I could save us both. But why did this feel like a horrible mistake? Why did this feel like I was falling into a horrible trap.

My chest felt like it was slowly collapsing, slowly imploding on itself, leaving me feeling like I was hollow. My mind began to race and my eyes wandered around the room, my vision beginning to blur. I could just see his figure in front of me. I could see the reason any of this even started. I closed my eyes and let a small tear fall from my eye as I heard him growl at the other figure across the room. This wasn't his idea, and I knew that...I did this without his consent or approval...I did this to save us and to ensure that we could be together, no matter what the case was. I was tired of lying; I was tired of risking my life and his immortality.

My eyes were beginning to get heavy, as it seemed like my veins were drying up. I could feel the stickly and warm liquid staining my jeans and soaking into my hands. My gasps became loud and urgent. I couldn't breath and everyone was standing around.

Inhale. Everything will be okay in a second; no need in worrying.

Exhale. The pain is too unbareable, I should've thought this over.

Inhale. The one you love is the reason you're doing this. He is worth this.

Exhale. My vision is gone, it is dark, and I breathe no more.

A/N: I want to thank everyone who reviewed and commented on the story along with everyone who read it. Thanks for bearing with me and really enjoying them. Now I have more written to this story, but I just want to know if you guys would be up for a sequel before I start it, so please let me know if a sequel is something you'd be interested in...

Thank you again for reading and enjoying this and for everyone who reviewed and commented.
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