Categories > Anime/Manga > Samurai Champloo

The Ballad of Fuu

by StarlessNight247 0 reviews

when all you have is your dreams....

Category: Samurai Champloo - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Fuu - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-17 - Updated: 2007-05-18 - 283 words

Disclaimer: I do not... I repeat DO NOT own any of Samurai Champloo's story lines or characters. I just like to fantasize about what I'd like to see happen. Is that a crime?... anyway please don't sue me...

The Ballad of Fuu
By: LorelaiRaye

She's finally on her own...

But she's abused and alone...

She dreams he will come someday...

He'll save her and take her away...

He'll lead her to her favorite garden...

And there she will give her pardon...

He'll lay her on the grass, soft and cool...

He'll tell her that he's been a fool...

He'll give her pleasures she never knew...

And she'll whisper "I love you"...

He'll pause and show her his sly grin...

And he'll say, "Bitch, you're my favorite sin"...

She'll frown but be happy...

She'll know he's not one to be sappy...

His words will not be heaven sent...

But Lord, she'll know what he meant...

He'll fall asleep under the stars...

And she'll lay awake tracing his scars...

She'll watch the sun rise and cast its orange hue...

Finally, her dream had come true...

But today wasn't the day he came...

And tomorrow will probably be the same...

She'll sell her body to the highest bidder...

Some fat man who won't even fit her...

But she'll lay there and take it...

Because, she won't want to be hit...

She'll just smile and obey until her boss deems...

She can go to her room and continue her dreams...

If she had none, she wouldn't be able to cope...

Her dreams of him are her only ray of hope...

So until he comes to make her his girl...

She'll continue to dream and forget the world...
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