Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Trying to Escape The Inevitable

Trying to Escape The Inevitable

by Joanie_Prince

Frank's dad is an alcoholic who beats his only son. Every night Frank runs to the Way's house to hide. But when his dad starts sobering up Frankie is forced into the foster care system. Can Mikey a...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-05-18 - Updated: 2007-05-19 - 198 words

There was a slight knocking on the window of the room I share with my brother Gerard. I glanced at the clock. Ten. He was getting later and later.
"Is it Frankie?" Gerard asked from his bed.
I opened the window and helped Frank Iero out of the pouring rain. It always seemed to rain when he came.
We'd known Frank since third grade. His mother had died when he was ten and he's lived with his alcoholic dad ever since.
I knelt down in front of Frankie. He'd found his usual spot curled up in front of my bed. "Hey Frank, let's get you some dry clothes."
He nodded and got up off the floor shivering. Gerard slipped out of the room. He was back a minute later with three or four dry towels. "Go tell mom Frankie's here Mikey. " He whispered.
I nodded. As I left the room I turned around and saw Gerard gently wrapping Frankie in a towel.
"Hey mom?"
My mother glanced up from the book she was reading. "Yes Mikey? What is it?"
I hesitated."Frank Iero's here again."
She closed her book and got up."That's the third time this week."
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