Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Unexpected Endeavors

...Falling for You

by scottishfae 0 reviews

IYFG Nominee // An unexpected request rocks the shard hunting group when Kagome, mistakenly, agrees to the deal. Now the group must not only deal with the end of their quest but a moody Kagome, an ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Published: 2007-05-18 - Updated: 2007-05-19 - 5823 words


Thanks for everyone's support, I appreciate it.

Chapter Eleven;


"You're doing it again," she said.

Kagome poked the stoic youkai next to her. He turned to look down his nose at her, an elegant brow raised.

"You're cutting yourself off to everyone," she huffed. "And here I thought we were making progress."

"The new moon closes in," he responded as a means of explanation.

Her eyes widened. She calculated in her head the days that had gone by. "I had forgot, there isn't even a week left."

"We'll need to find a safe place-"

"Sesshomaru," Kagome interrupted.

Koga and Inuyasha were ahead of the group arguing between each other. Haru walked behind them with the monk, whispering between themselves. Sango walked near the two pervs, her hand readied to bring down pain if they should do anything untoward. Shippo and Kirara walked next to the Taijiya. None of them were paying attention to the Taiyoukai and miko bringing up the rear.

Sesshomaru allowed himself a sigh, looking at the cause of his problems ahead of him. "I am merely speaking of finding a safe place for the half-breed."

To her credit, Kagome had the decency to look embarrassed. "Sorry, I just figured."

The Taiyoukai shook his head. He had yet to figure out a suitable way to dispel of the wolf's claim without hurting the mongrel, or rather-killing him. Jaken and Ah-Un had been sent back to the Western palace earlier that morning in the guise of getting some rest. Though he had faith his retainer would immediately begin looking through the laws of the courts to help find his answer.

"We could go and camp out with Koga's pack. That way we still can get some ground covered."

Sesshomaru shook his head, he very much disliked depending on the wolf for anything and liked even less having Kagome near his pack. "We'll go west for a few days, into my territory. Then we will stay the night of the new moon in my palace."

Kagome's eyes widened and she turned to him fully, halting her steps. "Really?" she squealed in her excitement.

The rest of the group turned around to stare at the two. The Taiyoukai ignored them and nodded. She bounced on her toes with pleasure. Brown eyes shone brightly. "This is so exciting. I've been wondering where you lived, since every time we see you, you're wandering about."

"What is this all about?" Inuyasha yelled.

Sesshomaru looked over to his brother and pinned him with a golden stare. "We will rest the night of the new moon in my palace. Head west for the next few days."

"And who says you can just make orders like that?"

He didn't say anything, just looked blandly at the hanyou. Inuyasha's face was red and his ears secured tightly to his skull. It was an argument he had lost before it had been begun.

"We could keep as we're going and stay with my pack," Koga suggested.

"We're heading west," both younger inu-brothers spoke.

Kagome stifled a laugh and turned her head to face behind the group. From the corner of her eye she looked at Sesshomaru who was emanating an aura of humor as well. She smiled brightly at him when he caught her staring. /His eyes seem warmer/, she mused. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she turned back to the group. Koga and Inuyasha were yet again arguing.

A vein in Sango's head was throbbing visibly. Her left eye twitched to the beat of her right hand's pulse over her weapon. Haru and Miroku stepped back from the woman. Shippo and Kirara did the same.

"Uh, Inuyasha, Koga?" Kagome called.

They ignored her to continue their argument. They slung insults at each other mercilessly. Sango's twitch increased.

"Half-breed, wolf," Sesshomaru called out.

Inuyasha turned, teeth bared, to look at his elder brother. "Shut up, /brother/-"

He cut himself off when he saw the fuming woman near him. He stood up, head cocked to the side, and looked at her curiously. "Uh, Sango, is there something wrong with your face?"

Kagome's eyes widened and she yelled out for Inuyasha to "sit" seconds before Sango's Hiraikotsu came whirling by where his head was. The hanyou remained quiet in his subdued spot on the ground. Sango seethed and looked at the wolf who was backing away slowly.

"H-hey, don't look at me like that," Koga said, hands in front of him. "Dog turd was the one who said you're face looked funny."

Hiraikotsu was thrown gracefully through the air with enough force to fell the long grass next to the path. Only thanks to Koga's speed was he able to dodge it with only a slight amount of difficulty.

"Sango," Kagome called out.

The woman turned around, fire still burning in her eyes. Kagome smiled gently at her, like you would when dealing with an upset child. "You okay now? Can I get you anything?"

The Taijiya turned her head towards the abused youkai. "Yeah, you can make them /shut up/. All you two have done since we started off was argue about the most mundane things. Do you even know why you're fighting anymore?"

Koga opened his mouth to reply but shut it with a snap when he saw the woman was in no mood to hear his response. Inuyasha peeled himself off the ground and looked at his pack mate. His ears were plastered to the side of his head once again.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

Sango's face was wiped clear of her anger and frustration to be replaced with surprise and astonishment. She took a step back and looked down at the hanyou as if he had grown another head.

"Did Inuyasha just apologize?" Shippo asked.

Miroku looked over at his shoulder, where the fox kit was perched, and nodded slowly. The entire group was in various degrees of shock.

"What?" Inuyasha all but screamed. "It's not the first time I've apologized for something!"

"Yeah, but usually we have to drag it out of you," Kagome noted.

The other original members of the group nodded. The miko was beaming at the hanyou, his face flushed from the attention. Sango too was smiling at him. "Thank you, Inuyasha," Sango said softly. "I'll try to control my temper, but /please/, try to control yours as well."

He nodded and then shot a look over at the wolf. "Here that wolf? No more upsetting my pack members or I'll kick your ass and won't let you come with us."

"Like you could, half-breed," the wolf shouted.

Sango rolled her eyes. She shouldered her weapon and turned to Kagome and Sesshomaru. "Where to now?"

The Taiyoukai, who was facing his half-brother and the wolf, refocused his gaze on the Taijiya without moving. "If we continue going this way, there is a path that will lead us to a human village. You may rest there for your midday meal. From there I request us taking a path to check on some business of mine. We can camp out there for the night with reasonable comfort. After that, Inuyasha will decide on where to go until the day of the new moon."

Both women nodded their acceptance of the plan. Haru and Miroku, both listening into the conversation, had no problems either. Inuyasha had quieted down. He didn't object to Sesshomaru's idea but didn't seem happy with it either. Koga was glaring at the hanyou.

"And wolf," the inuyoukai added. "If you so much upset those in this pack, I will help my brother in kicking you far from it."

Koga bared his teeth to the Taiyoukai but he simply ignored it. Without waiting for anyone else, he started forward towards the path he had mentioned earlier. Kagome scurried to stay by his side. She paused briefly to apologize for the "sit" she had given Inuyasha earlier. He dismissed it with a wave of his hand.

"Sango, come walk with us," Kagome called.

The Taijiya jogged up so she was even with Sesshomaru and the miko. Kirara followed suit. Inuyasha and Koga took up the rear, ignoring each other while glaring at the Taiyoukai at the front of the group. Haru and Miroku were inbetween the two groups. Neither bothered to hide their laughter.

"I really don't trust those two together," Sango muttered.

"This Sesshomaru agrees."

Kagome giggled and poked him in the arm again. "There you go again, why do you always talk about yourself in the third person?"

Sesshomaru looked down at the miko. She was looking up at him, her eyes curious and a smile gracing her lips. He moved his focus to where they were walking. "I do not know," he eventually answered.

"I think it's a distancing mechanism," Kagome said, her thumb hooked under her chin.

"What do you mean," Sango asked.

The teen shot her an awkward smile. "Well, er-"

"She's making it up," Inuyasha shouted.

She turned around, walking backwards as she glared at the hanyou. "Am not," she huffed, sticking her tongue out at him.

Crossing her arms across her chest, she turned to continue walking correctly. "I'll have you know Inuyasha, that the human psyche is a complicated thing."

"He ain't human," the hanyou reminded.

"So? That doesn't mean that behavior as a reflection of certain mental ailments isn't the same."

"You're making that crap up," he said. "Stop trying to sound smart."

"I am not making it up. There was an important man named Sigmund Freud who did all these experiments and found-"

"He was probably just an idiot trying to make himself seem all important and smart too."

Kagome's steps faltered. Her face skewed up in thought. She worried her lip. "Well yeah, I guess I'd agree with that. Some of the things he came up with were just a bit loony, but some were helpful in later scientific discoveries."

"You seem to be very knowledgeable," Haru interrupted.

The miko turned her head and smiled at the inuyoukai. "Thanks Haru," she said. "Though honestly, I'm so far behind where I should be. The amount of school I miss for shard hunting is really hurting me. Not to mention that I'm friends with the freakin' genius of the school. I mean," she paused for a breath paying no heed to the puzzled looks of the youkai around her. "I love Ayumi and all but sometimes I just want to tell the girl to step away from the books for a minute and get a real life."

"Your village educates its females?" Haru asked curiously.

Kagome's eyes widened and she blushed. She brought her hands up to nervously pick at the straps of her yellow backpack. She laughed nervously. "I guess I started to babble there, huh?"

"Yeah, a bit," Sango said.

The miko squirmed, acutely aware of the various stares focused on her. Sesshomaru had even given up his disinterested approach to gaze upon her blatantly. She squeaked and tried to fold up into herself.

"Her village educates everyone," Inuyasha blurted out. "It's not a big deal, leave her alone."

She shot a grateful look back at the hanyou. He blushed but returned the smile. Haru continued to stare, studying her with critical eyes. Finding nothing, he jogged up and offered her his arm. She took it cautiously.

"I think it's about time that I begin to tell you more about me, as you requested."

Sesshomaru snorted. "As if you'd need a reason to talk about yourself."

Haru grinned. "I don't know what you're talking about. Stop trying to make me seem like a bad person."

"I have no need to do that," he replied. "You do a well enough job on your own."

Kagome laughed at the two. She bumped Haru gently with her hip. His attention turned to her.

"So Haru," she began. "Tell me about your parents. I know you and Sesshomaru share a mother and he and Inuyasha share a father, but I don't know anything really about anyone in the family."

"Well I cannot speak of InuTaisho," Haru said. "However, I can tell you about Sesshomaru's and my mother."

Kagome's face lit up. She urged him on. The younger inuyoukai laughed. "Actually, it's probably a good thing to learn about mother."


"Because you'll be meeting her soon, it seems."

"Huh? She's still alive?"

"Oh hell no!" Inuyasha called.

He stormed to the front of the group and stopped them by standing in front of Sesshomaru. Cloudy golden eyes stared up his eldest brother. "You sure as hell are not taking us to where that bitch will be!"

"Inuyasha," Kagome admonished.

"No," he responded, looking over at the miko. "You don't understand. She hates me and she'd probably use the new moon to get rid of me."

He turned to look at the Taiyoukai again. "And I'm willing to bet she isn't all that excited about you wanting a human to bear your heir either. What if she tries to hurt Kagome? No, we aren't staying there, you asshole."

"Shut up half-breed," he answered. "I would not offer a place for your safety without regarding the others in your pack."

Inuyasha's mouth fell slack. He stopped his ranting as all his anger fled. He blushed with embarrassment and turned away from the group. Shoving his hands in his sleeves, he grunted a thanks. He started forward, the group staggering behind him towards their destination.

Kagome took up her spot next to Sesshomaru again. Haru was next to her and Sango walked slightly in front of them with Miroku at her side. Koga stayed behind, bringing up the rear.

She poked Seshomaru again. He looked down at her, brow raised. "Am I being reclusive again?" he asked.

She shook her head, a bright smile on her face. "Nope," she said.

"Then what?"

She just continued to smile up at him.

"Ah, I see," he said.


"You just like touching me."

Kagome squeaked, eyes wide. "Oh my, your brother is rubbing off on you."

Haru snorted, they ignored him for the moment.

"Ah, but you didn't deny it."

Kagome blushed and looked away. Sesshomaru resisted a smile but held out his arm to her. She looked at it curiously. "To satiate your urge," he quirked.

She giggled and took his arm. "Thanks," she said. "For trying."

"Am I succeeding?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

He gave a single nod and returned attention to where they were walking. Haru watched the two with a peculiar look in his eyes. The miko was amazing, that was for sure.


"So your father was your mother's third cousin?"

Haru looked at the miko beside him oddly. "No, he's not the third cousin. I actually don't know how many cousins we have. Our family is quite extensive."

Kagome giggled to herself. "Sorry, that was my fault. A third cousin refers to a specific part of the family: your parent's cousin's children, in relation to yourself."


She slumped her shoulders and sighed. It was impossible to explain this without mapping it out and even then she wasn't too confident in her skills. "Nevermind. Basically, the parents of your father were not siblings with the parents of your mother."

"No," Haru confirmed. "They were not."

Kagome nodded her head. "Okay, but explain your clothing. Why do you dress in foreign clothes?"

"Don't you think it becomes me better than the outfit Sesshomaru wears?"

Said Taiyoukai rolled his eyes but kept his silence. They were on the road towards the human village, only about ten minutes away. The sun had already passed its midway point, much to his dismay, and the people in the fields working had recognized him. He had hoped to avoid a confrontation with the villagers that remained, but at least they had learned their place after kidnapping Rin.

"It's just odd," Kagome said. "It's not a bad thing, just different. Where did you find the style?"

"My dear older brother, of course," Haru answered.

The miko turned her head around sharply and looked at him in surprise. Sesshomaru tried to ignore the two but it was difficult. As they had traveled, Kagome had released his arm to walk normally. However, on occasion she would wrap her pinky around his as they were walking, keeping them connected. They were still joined at this point.

"Did you really use to wear similar clothes?"

He didn't answer but Haru did. "Yeah, he did actually. Not for a very long time, granted. When InuTaisho died he began to wear the clothing you see now," he said. He added in Sesshomaru-esc voice: "the clothing appropriate for the Lord of the Western Lands."

Kagome giggled, pulling at his pinky slightly. He grunted but said nothing else. "So why did he wear those type of clothes."

Haru just shrugged. She looked over to the Taiyoukai but he was looking directly forward. "So are you going to tell me why you wore foreign clothing when you were younger?"


Kagome's face lit up. "Hey, that's not a no!"

"And it's not a yes either," he replied.

"Ah, but I can work with that."

"Hey," Sango interrupted. "Do you all notice how the people in the fields are reacting?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Inuyasha spoke up.

"It's weird, isn't it?"

"Not really," Koga said.

He and Inuyasha had been leading the group for a majority of the time, getting a long as best they could. He looked back at the Taijiya. "They aren't stupid, they can tell there are three full youkai with the group. It's bound to scare them."

"Hey!" Shippo protested. "What about me?"

Miroku reached up and patted the kitsune on his head. "He just forgot to mention you, I'm sure those people are just afraid of you as they are the others."

Shippo crossed his arms and huffed. "Don't patronize me," he grumbled.

"Big word, Shippo," he replied. "You know what it means?"

The little kit blushed. He jumped off Miroku's shoulders and ran to Kagome's arm. Sesshomaru was disappointed when she let go of his pinky to catch the bundle of fur.

"What's the matter Shippo?" Kagome asked.

"Miroku was being mean to me," he answered.

"How so?"

"He was treating me like a baby."

The miko giggled. She ran her fingers through his tail, untangling the knots she found. "I'm sure he wasn't. He was probably just being nice."

The kit shook his head violently.

"To not be treated like a baby, you should not act like one," Sesshomaru said beside them.

Kagome glared at him and tugged the kit to her. He struggled against her grip and glared at the Taiyoukai as well. "I'm not," he argued.

It only earned him a look, brow raised, before Sesshomaru returned his attention to where they were walking. Shippo pouted but wriggled his way out of Kagome's grasp. He ran up to where Sango was walking, Kirara trotting by her side. He walked silently next to the fire neko.

"You didn't have to be mean, he still is just a kid."

"He's a lot older than he looks, Kagome," Haru said. "Youkai age differently. He's probably older than you actually."

Kagome's eyes widened at the kit who was still sulking as he walked. His small arms were crossed and he looked miserable.

"He may be older than me, but he's still a kid in youkai standards, right?"

The inuyoukai nodded.

"Don't mistake this for meaning he needs to be treated as such," Sesshomaru interjected. "Soon he will hit his growth spurt, and will need to start acting like his age. You should not coddle him."

"I'm not," she said.

Neither inuyoukai answered her. "I'm really not," she whispered.

"Maybe not on purpose," Haru said. "It's just naturally a part of you to want to be kind to everyone, but there is such a thing as being cruel to be kind. It's how people grow, and how they learn to do things by themselves."

"But you shouldn't have to do everything by yourself."

"But some things you must," Sesshomaru added.

Kagome's shoulders slumped forward, seeing she was going to get no where with these two. "Fine. I'll try not to coddle him," she mumbled.

She nearly jumped when she felt a hand touch hers. She looked over to see Sesshomaru's pinky reaching out for her. She happily intertwined the two appendages, smiling at the contact. Kagome tensed moments later when she heard Koga's angry yell pointed at them.

"Keep your hands off of her," he growled.

He moved from the front of the group to the back, tearing Kagome away from Sesshomaru. The Taiyoukai allowed it without defense lest she get hurt in the process.

"Come on Kagome," he said.

Koga pulled her to the front of the group by her hand. They stopped when they reached Inuyasha's side. The hanyou growled and pulled the miko away from the other youkai. Kagome made a pained noise as she was forcibly removed. Sesshomaru stifled a growl as he watched her rub her hand. Koga and Inuyasha had begun fighting in front of the group again.

"Haru," the Taiyoukai said. "Go and make sure Kagome is alright. Don't let the wolf touch her again."

The younger inuyoukai looked over to his brother. "Shouldn't that be your job-you're her suitor after all?"

"Unfortunately, I cannot until the wolf's claim has been-"

"Fuck the claim and the rules of the court. Take some initiative. Be romantic."

Seshomaru remained quiet, eyes focused on the miko. She was desperately trying to placate the two fighters.

"I don't suppose I could convince you to simply take the wolf out of the picture?"

"Kagome wouldn't be happy if he was hurt, much less killed-"

"I didn't mean like that."

"Oh," Haru said, puzzled.

After a few moments, realization dawned on him and a grin lit up his face. "Oh," he drawled. "I'm sorry but I'll have to decline. He simply isn't my type. Though, I may know some that fit the bill."

"Please don't give specifics."

Haru laughed, grasping her waist with his right arm. "I'll save it for later torture then," he managed to get out between laughs. "But for now, I'm off to save the damsel in distress."

He trotted to the front of the group and threw his arm around Kagome's shoulder. She tensed at first but relaxed a bit when she saw who it was. He took up her hand and examined it. The appendage was slightly red from the abuse but other than that seemed fine. Haru still kept it in his own, rubbing it gently with his thumb. She smiled at the soothing jesture. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just getting sick of /this/," she said, looking pointedly at the two fighting in front of them.

"I could steal you away from it all-just the two of us."

Kagome tried to hold in her laugh but it got caught up in her throat and came out as a choked sound. He looked at her strangely. "Oh yeah, because going off with a lecherous inuyoukai is a brilliant idea," she teased. "I would much sooner elope with Sango that go with you, or Miroku, anywhere by myself."

A glazed look appeared in his eyes and his grin spread across his face. He leaned down to her face but the miko pushed him away. "Don't be a perv."

Haru feigned hurt, clutching his chest over his heart with his right hand. "Kagome-san you wound me so."

"He gets more like Miroku every day," Sango grumbled from behind them.

Kagome giggled at them both, shooting her friend a smile.

"So there is no chance I could steal you away for at least on night of orgasmic bliss?" Haru asked, bringing attention back to himself.

"As tempting as such an offer is," she began, a blush staining her cheeks. "I'll have to decline. I couldn't live with myself knowing I'm robbing all the pretty hand maids of their debaucher."

Haru chuckled. "Don't forget all the housekeepers, cooks, nurses, housemaids, kitchen maids, scullery-maids, butlers, footmen, valets-"

Kagome hit playfully on his arm. He just continued to talk, his voice quieter and his head closer to hers. "And let's not forget the sons and daughters of any and all of the above, plus that of the nobles as well."

"Wow, I had no idea you were so-/worldly/."

"Oh am I. I could tell you wonderous tales of romance and passion. For instant-"

"Haru!" Seshomaru interrupted.

The two looked back at the Taiyoukai. They both grinned at him before turning around to walk side by side again.

"Aren't you becoming ballsy?" Haru said to her.

Kagome flushed red. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Her attempt to play off her embarrassment failed. She felt like she was blushing to her toes and jogged forward to walk in front of him to avoid his inquisitive stare.

To most of the group's surprise, a rock came sailing at them, straight towards the embarrassed miko. She looked up, staring wide eyed before a form of white silk blocked the view. The thrown rock hit Sesshomaru's armor and fell to the ground with a thud.

Inuyasha and Koga stopped their argument to stare and growl at the thrower of the rock. A seething woman stood in the path, another rock in hand. She was staring straight at the Taiyoukai.

"Wow," Kagome said from behind them. "Are you sure you aren't Miroku? Because seriously, first the asking to bear your child and now an angry woman attacking you-it's getting uncanny."

Haru choked on his own laughter. Sesshomaru wasn't as amused. He stared down at the angry woman, his rage practically radiating off him.

"How dare you come back to this village," the woman shouted.

"So bastard, who is she?" Inuyasha asked, a cocky grin spread over his face. "Another woman you propositioned but were shot down?"

The Taiyoukai looked over at his brother. His anger was unhidden in his eyes. Inuyasha's mouth snapped shut. His attention moved to Kagome whose expression had gone blank as she looked at the woman in front of her.

"She's very pretty," Kagome commented to herself.

She stood tall, over the height of Inuyasha and close to Sesshomaru's stature. While her clothes were distinctively peasant, some of the colors shown brilliant to reflect only a slightly tanned complexion. The kimono hung from a strong frame, accenting the curves of a woman. Her brown hair was elegantly held up off her nape with several plain pins. Kagome squirmed as she compared herself to the woman before them.

"Release the humans," the woman demanded.

The group looked at each other with owlish eyes. "Huh?" Kagome asked.

Sango shrugged. Miroku just stared. The Taijiya reached over and closed his mouth with an audible snap. "Down Boy," she said.

"Um, what do you mean?" Kagome shouted back.

The miko walked out from behind the Taiyoukai. Sesshomaru placed his hand on her shoulder. She stopped and looked up at him.

The woman gritted her teeth and practically growled at the inuyoukai. "Let her go demon"

"You seem to have a misunderstood," Miroku said. "We're not being held captive."

The woman skewed her face, looking at each human in turn.

"Yeah, they're our friends. We're traveling in search of the Shikon shards together."

"I don't know of this Shikon business but I do know anyone willing to travel demons isn't to be trusted."

"Wow, what did you do to piss her off?" Inuyasha asked his brother.

"She is angry because I punished her village for taking something precious of this Sesshomaru's."

Kagome's hand reached up to his and pulled on his pinky. He looked down, demeanor softening in the most miniscule amount. The miko's eyes begged him to not cut himself off at the moment.

"They kidnapped Rin while she was under Jaken's care. In response to this crime, I took the healthy men to work on a project of mine."

Kagome's brow furrowed and she bit her lip. "But who's to work their fields in the meantime? You can't let them starve."

The woman's startled eyes focused on the concerned young girl next to the Taiyoukai. Her surprised increased when he responded. "Their use was only until the new moon, they'll return after that."

Kagome smiled. Sesshomaru nodded before turning his attention to the one blocking their path. "Lead on Takahashi Aiko-the humans need to rest before we continue our journey."

Aiko narrowed her eyes. The response the Taiyoukai had to the girl was already turning ideas in her mind. "No demons in the village," she yelled. That's the compromise of letting the humans rest."

The inuyoukai made to protest but Kagome stopped them. "Really, stop being paranoid. The three of us can take care of ourselves for a small bit."

Inuyasha looked at her skeptically. Sango waved him off. "We'll be fine," she said.

Her eyes narrowed when she turned to Miroku. "Well we'll be fine if Miroku can keep his mouth shut and hands to himself."

Miroku looked indignantly at the woman beside him. Kagome and Shippo laughed quietly to his other side. The monk tried hard not to pout but as even Sango's snort of humor added to the mix, it was obvious that his attempt failed.

"Fine," Sesshomaru stated. "But try anything to harm them-"

"Sesshomaru, it'll be fine," Kagome placated, covering his hand with her own.

She gave it a squeeze before letting go and stepping out of his grip. "I'm Kagome, by the way."

Aiko nodded at the miko. Then in turn as the other two humans introduced themselves. She motioned for the group to follow her, her mind reeling. It had not escaped her notice that the girl meant something to the Taiyoukai. She was positive she could use this to her advantage.

After all/¸ Aiko mused. /She seems a very gullible girl, to travel and befriend demons so easily. It shouldn't be too hard to convince her of their evil just the same.


"What game are you trying to play?" Inuyasha growled.

He stared angrily at his eldest brother. The Taiyoukai ignored them best he could while he stared at the village in front of them. They had taken up a small enclosure of rocks as their resting place, on the other side of the village and just down the path, while waiting for their human companions to join them.

Haru was entertaining Shippo and Kirara, feeding them and telling them mischievous stories of his youth. Koga and Inuyasha were confronting the Taiyoukai, questioning his very odd, and endearing, behavior towards a certain miko.

"Bastard, answer me! What the fuck are you trying?"

Sesshomaru looked at his younger brother with disinterest. "I don't know what you speak of halfwit."

The hanyou growled. Koga spoke up. "You're being all touchy-feely with my woman. Stop it. You're breaking courtly rules."

Inuyasha spun to face the wolf. "Shut up and stay out of this," he said. "And she ain't your woman."

"I think the both of you are just jealous," Haru commented.

All three looked over to the other inuyoukai. Inuyasha was sputtering and doing a fine impression of a tomato. Koga simply growled and flexed his claws with petering control.

"If you want to keep Sesshomaru and Kagome from spending so much time together, why not pay more attention to her and stop fighting with each other."

The Taiyoukai sent a menacing look at Haru. He grinned, giving a quick wink. "What? I didn't say I would help just you. Kagome should get to choose."

"Of course she'll choose me," Koga confidently claimed.

"Like hell she will!"

Sesshomaru stood from his spot and walked nearer to Haru in order to avoid the newly renewed fighting duo. He sent a death glare to his still grinning brother.

"Don't worry, Sesshomaru. As they say, 'distance makes the heart grow fonder.'"

"Who has ever said that?'

Haru shrugged. "I read it in one of Kagome's books."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed at Haru, gaze harsh and unyielding. "You're going through her property now? Does she at least know?"

He shook his head. "No-but you do know she's.../unusual/. More so than just what meets the eye."

"I am aware."

"Are you?"

Sesshomaru met his brother's eyes. Something lingered there, an odd emotion that the Taiyoukai couldn't quite place. While he would never show it, he felt a distinct shiver run down his spine and his inner instincts raised their hackles.

"Haru," Shippo interrupted. "Do you have any more food?"

"No," Haru said, breaking eye contact to look at the small fox. "Sorry kit, that was all Kagome gave me."

Shippo looked disappointed.

"Do you not know how to hunt?" Sesshomaru asked.

The fox shook his head. "I can find food-berries, mushrooms, and stuff."

The Taiyouaki nodded. "Foraging is fine for the weak but not satisfactory. Let us go. While we wait you will get your first lesson on hunting."

The Kitsune's face lit up. He jumped up and whooped in cheer. He ran to inform Inuyasha. The hanyou paused to take in the information, eyeing his brother warily. "This isn't something to sway Kagome to your side, is it?" he asked as his brother approached.

Sesshomaru stopped near the hanyou, placing a hand on his shoulder, and leaning in close to the triangular appendages at the top of his head. He spoke low so that only the one he was addressing could hear. "If Kagome should come back while I am gone, do not leave her with Haru without you being near."

Dark brows furrowed. "You think he's trying to get her too?"

The Taiyoukai gave a hesitant nod. "Something like that."

Inuyasha nodded, stepping away from his elder brother. He called out so everyone could hear, but addressing the young fox. "Bring back food for me too brat. I'm starving and you already ate all the good food."

Sesshomaru had already begun to walk into the woods. Shippo puffed his chest out and nodded.

"Better get going kit, before he leaves you," Haru said.

The fox squeaked after the Taiyoukai. Inuyasha leveled a questioning gaze on his non-related 'brother.'

"Anything I can help you with, Inu?"

"Yeah, you never did finish your life story."

"Oh," he said. "Are you interested in knowing about me and strengthening our bonds of brotherhood?"

The hanyou snorted. "You wish."

He took a seat against a tree, bringing one knee up and resting an arm on the upraised limb. Haru sat across from him, still in his original spot. He grinned happily at his 'brother.' Kirara wandered to Inuyasha and lay down by his feet, mewing softly so that Inuyasha knew she was there.

Koga kept a position between the two inuyoukai, half and not, and stared down into the village. "I hope Kagome comes back soon," he bemoaned, trying to filter out the voices of the other two.


More edits. Let me know if I missed anything. 05-10-07
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