Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Unexpected Endeavors

And Now for Something Completely Different (part two)

by scottishfae 0 reviews

IYFG Nominee // An unexpected request rocks the shard hunting group when Kagome, mistakenly, agrees to the deal. Now the group must not only deal with the end of their quest but a moody Kagome, an ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Published: 2007-05-18 - Updated: 2007-05-19 - 7134 words

And Now for Something Completely Different (Part Two)
(And kudos to the people who got the reference my chapter title was making. I wish I could incorporate the Lumberjack Song or The Ministry of Funny Walks, but it just doesn't fit into the IY world.)
Word Count: 7315 (approx. 20 pages)


The day Haru was to return was supposed to be a joyous day. The wives of InuTaisho had combined efforts and even with all the tension there was between them, a large feast was to be held for his homecoming.

Sesshomaru, long grown out of his days of wearing Western clothes, chaperoned Izayoi around the palace grounds as the extensive youkai courts flooded into the Western lands for the feast. The youngest of his half-brothers was constantly underfoot, keeping near to the elder brother he so adored.

"Inuyasha," Sesshomaru growled.

The young pup, still well below his tenth year, squeaked and halted his movements. Large amber eyes looked up and blinked innocently.

"What are you doing?"


Sesshomaru raised a brow. The younger inuyoukai just blinked up at him again.

"Inuyasha," Izayoi called. "Are you bothering your brother again?"

A smile broke out across the pup's face and he ran to his mother. She knelt down to meet him with open arms. She embraced him, cooing into his silver hair, and tweaking his small, triangular ears until he giggled.

Sesshomaru just looked on. "With all of the courts coming, must you really dress him like that?"

The hanyou pup was dressed in a flowery green kimono with amber threads sewn through to match his eyes. His already long, silver hair was swept up in an elaborate fashion that was very popular with the women of the court.

Izayoi smiled at the elder inuyoukai. "But Sesshomaru-sama, he looks so adorable like this."

He rolled his eyes. "That doesn't mean it is appropriate for him to be wearing around the youkai of the courts."

Izayoi bit her lip, looking down at her child that was still snuggled into her embrace. His shining eyes looked up at her. She smiled back down at him.

"Leave my wife alone, Sesshomaru," a deep baritone voice called.

The heir nodded, bowing slightly as his father came into the courtyard. Inuyasha detached himself from his mother's embrace and ran to his father's side. InuTaisho grabbed his son with both arms and tossed him slightly into the air. The hanyou giggled as he became weightless for a brief moment then found himself, yet again, in the safety of his father's embrace.

Izayoi smiled at the two before shuffling over to fix her son's kimono as he sat on his father's shoulders. Inuyasha's laughter echoed in the courtyard, making the servants smile and bringing out the more spiteful of creatures.

"InuTaisho-sama," the regal voice of Sesshomaru's mother called.

She stood on a building to their right. A dazzlingly blue and white kimono adorned her body and her hair was swept up to an intricate knot on the top of her head. Hair pins adorned her hair style, showing off fine craftsmanship and expensive jewels. She looked every bit the Lady of the Western Lands that she truly was. Her duties as InuTaisho's first wife continued and her appearance was to match that, even after he took his second wife.

"The Lord and Lady of the Southern Lands are approaching currently. Shouldn't you meet them to welcome them to your lands?"

The Taiyoukai looked up at his first wife and nodded. "I will be there soon. They can wait a bit for me to join them. You may entertain them as you wish."

"My Lord," she interrupted. "It is highly inappropriate--"

InuTaisho ignored her as he swung his youngest son off his shoulders and around in a circle. Inuyasha giggled.

"I will go meet them, father," Sesshomaru stated.

He bowed low to his elders in the courtyard and turned to make his way to the front gate.

"Sesshomaru!" the little pup screamed.

InuTaisho let him go and he quickly dashed off to his elder brother. Sesshomaru looked down at the hanyou, measuring him up. Inuyasha grabbed for the inuyoukai's hand with both of his. He gripped it strongly and smiled up at his brother. Sesshomaru closed his hand around the two smaller ones.

"Take care not leave him around the court unattended," InuTaisho shouted behind him.

Sesshomaru nodded that he had heard and went off to greet their incoming guests.


"And how is this better than the kimono?" Sesshomaru asked.

He stood in Izayoi's room, looking down at his younger brother. The hanyou's long silver hair was allowed to fall naturally down his back, coming to rest at his hips. By request of InuTaisho, his clothes had been changed from the kimono to a red hakama and haori. His feet were still bare.

"You don't like it? I had it specially made for him," she called back.

Izayoi was currently sitting behind a screen as her attendants helped her dress. Inuyasha sat on the floor playing with a ball, smiling up at his brother from time to time.

"The outfit itself is not bad," Sesshomaru said cautiously. "But the colour is offensive to the eyes."

"I like red," she huffed. "Plus I think it sets off his eyes so prettily. You should try red sometime, it would look well with you too, I think."

Sesshomaru disregarded the comment. He had taken up wearing the tradition white attire his father had donned. The only colour came from the yellow and blue sash that he wrapped around his waist.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" Izayoi called out.

"I will think about it," he said.

She giggled in response. "You and your father spoil me too much, I believe. And your father spoils Inuyasha more than he should."

"Yes," he agreed. "The pup is spoiled enough by you, he does not need father helping with that."

Izayoi peeked out from her screen, watching Sesshomaru carefully. The maids around her scurried about, trying to get her to sit right so they could finish their job. Eventually she succumbed and sat back in her chair so they could finish her hair.

Sesshomaru was becoming more closed off to her, especially while around the other youkai. He still was polite towards her, but when around others of his likeness he closed himself off. She had trouble reading him when he was like that and didn't know if his earlier comment was made in jest, or simply as a statement he felt was true. In any case, he had never been so blunt with her before.

"What is this outfit made of?" Sesshomaru inquired.

"Se-cr-et," she sung.

The heir of the Western Lands rolled his eyes. Inuyasha smiled up at him and pushed the ball over so it landed by the elder youkai's feet. He stared at it for a while before he pushed it lightly back. The hanyou squealed and repeated the action.

Sesshomaru played indiscreetly with his brother for several more minutes before he was forced to stop. A servant entered the room, bowing low in respect.

"Sesshomaru-sama," she said softly, her eyes down turned. "Your mother requests your presence in her lounge."

He nodded his head and dismissed the servant. "Excuse me," he said.

From behind the screen, he watched the shadow of the woman's hand move in a shooing motion. "Please don't let me keep you," she said. "I don't need another reason for your mother to hate me."

He nodded and bowed, though she could not see.

"Sesshomaru?" the pup asked.

"Stay here, Inuyasha, and take care of your mother."

The hanyou nodded. He gave a quick bow, replicating what he had seen others do to his elder brother, even if he didn't comprehend it. Sesshomaru nodded his head in return before he left in a flourish of billowing white silk and silver hair.


The regal inuyoukai female stood as her son entered the room. The other women in the room stood as well in respect. Sesshomaru bowed to them in turn, noting all the Ladies of the territorial lands. They sat back down on their cushions.

"You called for me mother?" he asked.

She had remained standing and walked over to her son. "I wish you would join me for tea. My fellow Ladies are very interesting in getting to know you, since you will no doubt be the mate of one of their daughters."

"I understand," he said. "However, father entrusted me in watching over Izayoi for the moment. I must return to her side for the time being."

The women in the room looked between each other, a few of the lower classed whispering among themselves.

"Do you see what I mean?" his mother exclaimed to the Lady of the North. "What disrespect my own son has for me. He treasures the human bitch over me. He is just like his father."

The Lady of the North shook her head, glancing over the Western heir then turning her nose up at his person. "Surely not a male I would desire for my own daughter's mate. What disrespect he would bring to her if he should follow his father's path of shame."

The other Ladies repeated the sentiment, the whisperers from earlier taking the most vehement of comments.

"I apologize," he bowed. "But my father's wishes comes over that of my mother's. If there is nothing else you need, I must return to Izayoi and Inuyasha before they leave her chambers."

The group looked scornfully at him. He turned to leave but before he stepped out of the room, the Lady of the North spoke again.

"InuTaisho-sama's words may be law now, but soon it will be you who rule over these lands. Do not let your father's idle fancies poison you in such a manner. Remember you are an inuyoukai, heir to one of the greatest youkai families to walk these lands. I have little doubt the Ladies in this room will squabble over the rights for their daughters to one day be your mate; however, know that if you continue down this path, you will be alienated by all the territories, and not just over mating pacts. InuTaisho-sama gets away with things now because he is by far the strongest of all the Lords, but you are not. Choose wisely, Sesshomaru-sama. There is no power among human allies. You are a noble youkai. Act like it."

"Let it be known," Sesshomaru answered without turning around. "That I act through whatever means I feel are worthy of this Sesshomaru, and not by any means that are dictated to me."

"And yet you go off to do InuTaisho's bidding by protecting the human bitch and hanyou."

He smirked, though she could not see it. "As you pointed out, my Lady, I am a noble youkai and there are some things that are more noble than others. I go to Izayoi and my brother--"

"Half-brother," his mother interjected.

"--because I wish to protect them. There is no nobility in listening to the idle gossip of the women of court who have nothing better to do than stir up trouble."

There were collective gasps from the women behind him. Sesshomaru didn't listen to any of the refutes as he walked out of the room and started back towards Izayoi's chambers.


The night's feast had been nothing less than spectacular. Both human and youkai entertainers had been brought in, the food was extensive and decadent, and the wine overflowed the cups of every guest that had come.

Sesshomaru, next to his youngest brother, sat near the end of the table with his father. Inuyasha, unaware of the hateful words and looks he was receiving, doted his own attention to his elder brother who sat so close to him.

On Sesshomaru's left was his mother, who looked disgusted during the entire feast. While she sat on her husband's right side, he being at the head of the table, across from her (and on InuTaisho's left) was Izayoi. The two flirted almost constantly, the rosy hue on her cheeks becoming a permanent feature as the Western Lord leaned over and whispered things into her ear.

She sent apologetic looks to the two across from the table. Sesshomaru was indifferent, but he could feel his mother seethe. He couldn't help but think that perhaps this was the reason why his father did such things to begin with.

Once the dining had finished, the group departed for their assigned chambers. InuTaisho stood at the end of the great hall, watching as his guests took their leave for the night and saying something to each in turn as they left. Sesshomaru stood next to Izayoi, behind both the Lord and Lady of the West, with Inuyasha between them.

"Sesshomaru," InuTaisho said.

The Western heir stepped forward, nodding his head and waiting for his father's instructions. Inuyasha did the same, repeating every action his brother did.

"Please take Inuyasha to his room, guards should be already standing by in case someone should be so audacious as to hurt one of my sons."

Sesshomaru nodded.

"Take Izayoi to my chambers once you're done with that," InuTaisho said. "Then meet me in my dojo."

The last of his commands held a finality that sent a shiver down the younger inuyoukai's spine. Again, Sesshomaru nodded. He turned to his temporary wards, offering his arm to Izayoi. Inuyasha immediately took his elder brother's hand. The slight tremble in them the only outside sign that the young pup had too heard the promise in their father's tone.

"Good night," Izayoi bowed before she was escorted from the room.

Once over the connecting walkway to the building that housed the quarters of the Western family, Izayoi let out a sigh. She laid her head against the inuyoukai's shoulder. "I do so hate these parties. They're taxing and more than just a little overwhelming."

Sesshomaru nodded. He looked down to the pup at his side. Golden eyes were half hidden behind lids that were struggling to stay up. He quickened their pace minutely so that they could make it back to Inuyasha's room before he fell completely asleep.

"Do you know what you father wants?"

"I do not," he answered. "But it does not seem to be anything good."

Izayoi nodded. She tightened her grip on her escort. "He seemed to be in a foul mood all night."

An elegant brow lifted at the woman's observation. He hadn't noticed anything unusual about his father's mood and he was slightly perturbed that this woman could so easily read his father when he could not.

"Do be careful," she whispered as they came up on Inuyasha's room.

The two guards bowed and watched as they entered the room. Izayoi let go of Sesshomaru's arm to lift Inuyasha and bring him over to his bedding. The shikibuton had been laid out earlier and she easily laid him down before covering him with the kakebuton. "Good night, my pup," she whispered into the triangular appendage on top his head.

He yawned in response, his tongue moving from the top to the bottom of him mouth and showing off all of his teeth. She kissed his forehead before standing up and turning to Sesshomaru. He continued to stand by the door, as he had when they entered. She walked back over to him, placing a hand on his arm before walking out of the room. He followed, motioning to the guards to remember their duty, before returning to his escort duties.

Izayoi and he walked silently down the inside hallway. Their shoes echoed in a soft rhythm against the floor. Her room was nearer to her son's, but InuTaisho's room was the most decadent room that lay further down. In silence, Sesshomaru escorted her down the hall. A ladies maid waited by the door, bowing lowly at the two. Izayoi reached up and patted the young heir's cheek. She smiled gently at him before entering the Lord's chamber. The maid followed, closing the shoji screen behind them.

Waiting only a second before briskly walking out of the building, Sesshomaru made his way to the back of the palace grounds where the large dojo had been erected. He mentally prepared himself for whatever was to come, nothing that could possibly be good if his father insisted on meeting that night.

The shoji screens were closed as he neared the building. The soft glow of lanterns illuminated through the rice paper and allowed him to see his pacing father. Sesshomaru sprung up on the raised wooden walkway. He knelt in front of the screen and opened it before posturing himself fully in front of his father.

InuTaisho growled deep within in his throat. "Get up."

Sesshomaru did so, entering the building with another low bow. The anger coming from his father made his skin crawl and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

"I have heard disturbing things--rumours--I would like to say, about you this afternoon."

"And what are these things that you have heard?"

InuTaisho looked at his son and walked up to him. Angry, golden eyes stared into amber depths; both unblinking. "I have heard that you insulted the Ladies of the court, and your mother, as well, in front of them."

"I was merely standing up for Izayoi and myself. They insulted my person and wished for me to openly disobey your wishes."

A crack followed by a thud echoed into the quiet night. InuTaisho stared down at the other end of the dojo, his hand red with blood of his son. Sesshomaru, slumped against the wall that he had connected with after being struck, looked up at his father's menacing form. He did little to hide his fear from the elder inuyoukai.

"Get up," he commanded.

Sesshomaru obeyed. He bowed his head, angling it to one side to show his neck. The sign of obedience was ignored and once again Sesshomaru found himself against one of the walls. This time he was barely allowed to gather his strength to stand before he was again thrown into the air with a sickening thud. A screen crumpled under his weight and he found himself on his back in the courtyard. The stars above winked at him before being obscured by the shadow of a furious inuyoukai.

"Until you can stand on your own against myself or the other Lords, you must obey the restrictions of your title. Do not disrespect the youkai court without the power to back it up. Only by your strength may you do as you please."

The Western heir nodded, feeling his youki increase as it struggled to begin healing his wounds. His father had held back and had done so to an incredible degree. He had only been slapped around but as his youki twisted its way around the injuries, he could feel that several ribs had been broken and his jaw partly shattered. His right eye felt swollen and his back hurt from coming into contact with the hard surfaces of the dojo.

"Jaken," InuTaisho called.

The toad walked forward out of the shadows and bowed low.

"Go fetch someone to help my son to his chambers."

Jaken bowed to his master's command and scurried off back into the buildings.

"You're healing has been slowed down," the Lord commented. "I interlaced some of my poison with my attacks. It'll be difficult for your youki to overcome it, not to mention painful as hell."

Sesshomaru nodded, attempting to move but recoiling back to laying on his back as the pain washed over him. Briefly his vision blurred and he could see nothing but the reflection of silver above him.

"This is your punishment, my son. You are a strong pup, but you're a pup still. Learn from these mistakes and grow stronger. Strong enough so that no one can command you. Then, you may talk to those bitches as you wish, and I will stand behind you with words of encouragement."

A gasp of pain came from the inuyoukai on the ground. He heard his father's words as if they were being spoken from a distance. The echo penetrated his agony, but he did nothing to show he had heard it. Soon he faded into the darkness, knowing that his father looked down upon him still with disapproval.


Sesshomaru woke up next in his chambers. The silky fabric of his kakebuton lay up to his chin. His body still ached from last night and he could tell his injuries were still mending, another unwelcome side-affect of his father's poison.

His eyes were pained by the light filtering into the room. He wasn't sure he could even open his right eye, however.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" a quiet voice asked to his left.

He turned his head to see Izayoi sitting poised next to the door. She gave a slight smile, the sadness tugging at her eyes obvious. "Are you okay?"

She winced at her own question, realizing the absurdity of it. "I am sorry," she said when she spoke next. "But InuTaisho-sama says that you must rise and come to the morning meal, no matter what state you are in."

The Western heir grunted. He put his hands flat against the floor and pushed his upper body up with all his might. The pain from such movements coiled around his chest and made his breathing come out in heavy puffs. Izayoi ran to his side placing a hand on his back to help guide him up.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" she said, worried. "Is there anything I can do for you? What happened?"

The inuyoukai shrugged her off and gently pushed away from her. His arms were shaking from the exertion and his legs felt like liquid. He grunted to himself and tried to raise himself. The first time he fell. Izayoi gave off a startled gasp and tried to go to him again. Sesshomaru pushed away from her once more and attempted to right himself. This time he was successful and stood in the room and looked around. His vision was still blurry around the edges, but he could see.

"Leave," he told to her in a deep, cold voice.

She tried to protest, her lower lip quivering at the command.

He shook his head. "I need to dress. Inform my father that I will be there shortly."

Izayoi hesitated but eventually left the room. She bowed low when she saw the Ladies of the West and North standing across the room. They looked at her with scorn, slightly laughing as she scurried by.


While no one had said anything to him directly, the smirks and laughter that appeared whenever he was near was hardly something that could be ignored. The court was having their fun at his sake. He did his best to ignore everything, hardening himself to the taunts of 'good puppy,' and the malicious smirks of the Lords.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Sesshomaru turned. He had been walking briskly through the courtyard when the person had spoken to him. Standing just out of the shadows was a young man dressed in the clothes of a foreigner and long silver hair flowing down his back.


Said inuyoukai smiled. "Good to know you haven't forgotten me. Now what happened to you?"

"None of your concern," the elder replied. "You're back early."

"The ship made port earlier than expected. I thought I would surprise everyone."

"You ruin the plans set for you. You shouldn't have returned without letting us know that you had arrived."

For a brief minute Haru's eyes clouded over in anger. He tore his gaze away from his brother, his arms crossing over his chest. Sesshomaru allowed himself a quick smile at the childish behaviour.

"I will inform my father that you have returned."

"Where is mother?"

"Not in a place you may go. The Ladies of the court are in midst of bathing so to be their most presentable tonight."

Sesshomaru turned, but not before gathering his brother's gaze again. "Welcome home, little brother."

Haru's face shown from the intensity of his smile. "Thank you, Sesshomaru."

The Western heir nodded before turning back to his original course. Haru just watched as he left.


"I'm not telling you how you should raise Sesshomaru-sama," Izayoi said, her frustration obvious in her voice.

InuTaisho looked at her over his shoulder. His servants scrambled around him readying him for the feast tonight. "It very much sounds like that is what you are doing. You dislike how I punish my son for the wrongs he did to my peers and their mates."

"No, it's just...he's been very distant as of late. I have barely seen him all day and when I do he just gives me a curt nod and walks away. Inuyasha has even seen the difference and has been whining all day about his beloved Sesshomaru-sama."

"I will speak to him about it."

Izayoi threw up her hands. "That is what got us in this problem to begin with, my love."

"I am sorry Izayoi," he said.

The last of his clothing was on and readied. His hair was swept up in a high ponytail. He simply refused to wear his silver tresses in the horrid fashion of topknots. "On this I cannot compromise. He is to be my heir, successor to these lands, and as of right now his audacity of his illusions and the fact of reality are too far apart."

"But InuTaisho-sama--"

He shook his head. Walking over, he cupped her cheek with his hand. "Izayoi, my love, I would do anything for you but on this I cannot change. I will talk to him, for you, however."

She bowed her head and thanked him quietly. His touch beckoned her to stand and she did so. "Shall we go my Love? It is time to welcome my wife's son back to the country."

Izayoi nodded and took his arm. He escorted her out of his chambers and down the hall towards the great hall where the feast had already begun.


"I am very pleased that the son of my first wife is so well liked amongst the court that would show in such numbers for his return," InuTaisho begun.

He was standing in front of his seat, a cup risen as he toasted the first night of the festivities. "Already he shows such promise," he continued. "And while he cannot be compared to my boys, he is certainly proving his worth within the House of Inu."

Applause overtook the room. Haru, sitting next to his mother, bowed his head. The Lady of the West looked at Sesshomaru with a devious smile. The Western heir kept his face frozen and stoic, ignoring all that was in the hall. "Haru," InuTaisho said.

The younger inuyoukai looked up at the Taiyoukai. "Welcome back. You were missed and we're all glad you have returned."

A genuine smile overtook his face and he thanked InuTaisho. Haru looked over to his mother, but she was looking over to the Lady of the North. The two women were have a silent conversation. Haru's smile faded.

"To my honored guests," InuTaisho began once more. "Please enjoy this meal and look forward to tomorrow evening when our main event in celebration will occur."

Another round of applause and the Western Lord sat down. Soon following servers came out carrying trays of food and drink to each guests. Conversation began to spring up independently until a soft roar overtook the room.

Looking up, Sesshomaru met the eyes of his father's. Outwardly he was healed, though the memory of the pain was still enough to make him wince. "I will speak with you after this meal," InuTaisho said to his son.

The threat hung in the air, making those who heard it stare in fear at the Western heir. "May I ask before hand what I have done now?" Sesshomaru said.

"You are weak and stupid."

"InuTaisho-sama," Sesshomaru's mother admonished.

"Quiet," he said to his first wife, before addressing Sesshomaru again. "You have done well to remember my last lesson; however, you seem to be doing so in an inappropriate way. Do not forget who has given you friendship in the past."

Sesshomaru looked angrily at Izayoi before turning his temper to his father. "You are asking me to do the impossible."


"You wish me to be respectful of the youkai court, and yet to do as you're asking now I would have to disregard them completely. It cannot be one or the other."

"It can be both. If you were stronger, it could be both."

The Western heir narrowed his eyes. "So, what shall happen? I shall take your anger and abuse every night until I am stronger? Or just until either the court or your bitch stops whining?"

Izayoi gasped, her hands coming up to cover her son's ears. She was not under any illusion that the term was not meant as an insult. As one of the mates of a dog demon, she was, by all accounts, a bitch. It, however, was not something she preferred to be called, and Sesshomaru knew that very keenly.

InuTaisho's eyes had grown dark and the room had silenced at the rising youki from the Taiyoukai. "You have insulted this InuTaisho."

He stood and looked down from his seat. "Get up, insolent pup."

Sesshomaru did so, not showing any sign of fear. His mother beamed at the stoic expression and hardening stance. He was closing himself off to the world around him, and she couldn't be prouder of the power that exuded from him under such a spectacle. Izayoi looked back and forth from the two, chewing on her lip as she held tightly to Inuyasha.

"Please, InuTaisho-sama," she pleaded. "Stop this. It was silly of me, he's right. I was asking too much. Let's just sit down and enjoy the feast. Poor Haru deserves better."

Haru was looking curiously at the interaction of father and son. Not caring one bit if the two got into a fight.

"No. He will learn his lesson."

"There is no lesson to learn here, InuTaisho-sama. I am in the right, and you know it," Sesshomaru said.

The Taiyoukai snorted. "Back it up then," he said. "Jaken, bring me my swords."

The toad left the room to obey his master.

Thinking on her feet, Izayoi stood up and made her way over to her mate. Her long kimono swayed with graceful steps and her hair hung down her back. "InuTaisho-sama," she said.

She hooked her arm around his and looked up at him with uninhibited love and lust. A sultry smile took over her face and she giggled when he raised his brow at her. "Do you remember, my love, when you slayed that beast that haunted my family's lands? How remarkable that was. I was certain that was when I first fell in love with you. Surely it is those types of feats that are more appropriate for such a great strength as yours."

The Taiyoukai's eyes were clouded as he watched his second wife. She had guided him back to sit at the head of the table. She leaned against him, her breasts pressed against his arm and her head on his shoulder. She idly played with strands of his silver hair that had spilled over his shoulder.

"That beast?" he said. "That was nothing, I dare say. I have accomplished greater things in my lifetime and will continue to do so as long as I live."

Some of the Lords of the table laughed, agreeing, and egging him on. InuTaisho laughed heartily at the suggestion of his proving his words. The dual boosts and challenges of his ego had him ready to prove his words. "Fine," he said to the Lord of the North. "I will prove my greatness. Both for my lovely wife, Izayoi, and to prove what a Taiyoukai should be to my ungrateful brat of a son."

"Then you shall challenge Ryukotsusei?" the Northern Taiyoukai asked.

"I will and I will do so at once."

Jaken had returned with his swords. His armor was waiting for him as well. He strode over and had some of the waiting servants help him into it. "I will return before noon with the head of the great Ryukotsusei," he said. "And then the feasts will continue with even more reason to celebrate."

He strapped his swords to his waist and walked over to Izayoi. He kissed her warmly, before placing another kiss on the hanyou's forehead. Inuyasha squealed and tried to follow his father out of the hall. Izayoi quickly moved to grab him and hold him tightly.

"I shouldn't have done that," she whispered to herself as an uneasy since of foreboding came over her.

She looked over to Sesshomaru who was still standing. She bowed to him, to his mother, and then to Haru. "I am afraid that all the excitement has gotten to me; and Inuyasha should really be getting to bed. I will take my leave, if you don't mind."

No one stopped or said anything to her. "Welcome back Haru-chan," she whispered before leaving the room with her son.


It was the keening sound of a woman that first woke Sesshomaru from his slumber. He immediately sat up and got dressed. The stoic expression he had adorned the night before still overtook his features. He couldn't help but admit the sense of power he received from showing no emotions. If his opponent couldn't read him, he had that much more of an upper hand. It was with this expression that he left his chambers and made his way out to the open courtyard.

When he got there Izayoi was on her knees hunched over to the ground. The mournful cries were coming from her as her body was wracked with sobs. Inuyasha was clutched to her chest, looking confused but crying in response to his mother's sadness.

Sesshomaru's own mother stood next to the keening woman. Her features were even more pale than usual and her posture rigid. Haru stood behind her a dark look in his eyes. The other women of the court were clutching their mates as the men looked forlorn.

"What is going on here?" the Western heir asked, taking charge of the situation in lieu of his father.

The three Taiyoukai in the area looked at Sesshomaru and bowed low to him. Sesshomaru's eyes widened and he faltered in his steps. For a moment his new appearance faltered as well. He repeated his question and it was his mother's hate-filled voice that responded.

"This bitch has killed your father."

Sesshomaru looked down at Izayoi whose tears only increased. He looked around for confirmation of the statement. The Lords would not answer. "Explain yourself mother."

"Your father has been killed," she began.

"By whom?"

"Ryukotsusei. Who else? And it is her fault," she said, pointing at Izayoi. "It was she who urged InuTaisho-sama to go and fight. He would not have done so otherwise and would still be alive. It is the treachery of humans and she should be killed for it. She and that hanyou abomination."

"No!" Izayoi protested. "I only brought such matters up so that he wouldn't hurt Sesshomaru-sama. I didn't want him to be punished for my own selfishness. I didn't know something like this would happen. I swear."

She clutched Inuyasha closer to her body. He whined in pain but didn't try to escape her grasp.

"It does not matter, the truth is that it is your fault and it is you who should be punished for it."

"Fine," she exclaimed. "But leave my son alone."


Izayoi turned to plead with Sesshomaru. He refused to meet her gaze.

"Sesshomaru," the Taiyoukai of the North said. "You are now the Taiyoukai of these lands. It is your decision that will decide their fate."

"Leave them be," he said.

"But Sesshomaru-sama," his mother gasped. "She has killed your father."

"Leave them be."

"I will not tolerate her living in these palace grounds. Do not ruin yourself so early, my son."

Sesshomaru turned to look at his mother. "I have no intention in doing so. She made a foolish assumption that this Sesshomaru needed help. For that she shall be spared. Cast her out of the palace if you like, but she remains alive."

"And her son?"

"Inuyasha stays with me."

Another keening cry came from Izayoi. "No, please, leave me my son. He's all I have left. All I will have to remember."

Her eyes were swollen from her tears and a deep depression had already settled in their depths.

"Please, Sesshomaru-sama; as one who was once your friend," she whispered.

"Fine," he looked to his left where the servants where huddling together. "Someone dress the two of them in clothing appropriate for travel. Give them a simple weapon and food and water for a week."

Several of the servants scattered off to do their new Lord's bidding. Sesshomaru returned to look at the two on the ground before him. "Change and leave. I do not want to see you again."

She opened her mouth to say something but thought again. Keeping Inuyasha to her, she bowed to Sesshomaru before running to her former chambers to ready herself to leave.

"Very well handled, my son," his mother said. "You did what was right."

"No," he said. "I did what you wanted."

He looked over to her, his eyes blank. "But let it be known, your power from hence forth is gone. I will become stronger than my father and you will regret ever threatening this Sesshomaru."

Worry fluttered across the female inuyoukai's eyes. Her words were at a loss as she watched Sesshomaru go to address the youkai court.

"I am sorry," he said. "But this feast will be cut short. A memorial ceremony will be held that you are welcome to stay for, but after that I ask you all to leave."

The other Taiyoukai nodded. The courtyard clear as the youkai returned to their chambers. Sesshomaru nodded at his mother and Haru before returning to his own chambers.

"Mother?" Haru said.

She turned to him and looked over his person. The younger inuyoukai blocked away the pain at his mother looking at him as if she had no clue who he was.

"What do you want?"

"Are you okay? May I do anything for you?"

She snorted at him. "I want nothing from a useless brat like you. Go away, whelp."


"Stop calling me that. My only son is now the Taiyoukai of the West."

Haru watched as she turned her back on him and walked away, towards her own chambers.


Haru stomped through the woods in the predawn hours. His temper was still ablaze from his mother's words. His heart felt broken and his mind splintered just as the trees he was knocking down with his youki. He had worked so hard to try and gain recognition, but his every attempt had failed. It seemed there was nothing he could do for his mother to love him as much as she loved her eldest son.

Another tree fell as his fists came into contact with the tough bark. Animals scurried as the tree disrupted other parts of the forest. Haru's skin prickled as an uneasy feeling filled him, making him queasy.

"What anger resides in such a young body," a voice asked in the dark.

Haru looked around the area, unsure and uneasy. "Who are you who speaks without telling me his name. It is custom to present yourself first when speaking to someone of higher rank."

"Higher rank? Soon there shall be no of higher rank than I. And you-Haru, brother to Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands-you could be by right hand. Above that of your brother, adored by the many...recognized as someone great. Loved by the person who you desired to be loved."

The inuyoukai stepped back. His eyes were shifting uneasily, his hands flexing in ready for an attack. "Who are you?"

A sultry laugh came from the darkness. Haru watched as a figure stepped out, clad only in a baboon skin. "My name is already growing in reputation and soon everyone will know it."

"My brother-"

"Will fall and I will be the one to do it. Join with me and you will play a pivotal role. Show your mother that it is you she should treasure."

The air stilled as Haru looked at the pelt, trying to see beyond its depths. "How will I know who you are if you don't tell me your name, nor show me your identity."

The laughter erupted again. "You will know, Haru, when it is time for you to know. Bide your time well, I will soon send for you again."

The inuyoukai nodded slowly, still closely studying the figure before him. He watched as the baboon cloak disappeared, along with the man inside it, into the waiting darkness.

The uneasy feeling Haru had been feeling disappeared. In the distance he heard people coming his direction, most likely his brother's army. He turned to meet them, looking back only briefly for the man in the baboon cloak. The area was deserted.


Thanks to everyone who has been reading this thus far. Again Unexpected Endeavors has been nominated for two categories (Best Serial & Best Original Character: Haru) within the IYFG. I've had a lot of troubles with this fic lately and knowing that people like it enough to nominate it means a lot.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has been helping me through my issues. I had a lot of very kind and helpful comments and emails. The encouragement has been more than helpful, and a few of them made me cry, they were just so nice. Thanks again.

Because of the amount of reviews I'm getting with each chapter, and the amount that I have skipped over these past few chapters, I will not be doing reviewer responses anymore. If you'd like to ask me a question, or would just like me to respond to your comment, if you can leave me a way to get in touch with you (or just send me an email--found in my profile), then I'll gladly get back to you.

Also, I have some thanks to give for a few reviewers who helped me find some typos that I missed in the early chapters--and in one case, one very large error. I appreciate people pointing those out to me. I've loaded all the chapter up to my Google Docs and hope to have the edits done and uploaded soon.

Thanks again everyone, and please let me know what you think.
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