Categories > Original > Drama > The Sprit Within

The Sprit Within

by Chicadoodle15 1 review

Michelle hates life. She hated everything in it. The is until she meets a new best friend and his little sister with luekemia. (Somewhat short story.)

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-20 - Updated: 2007-05-20 - 1319 words - Complete

Michelle slammed shut her notebook and barged out of the class. Her teacher just gave her an F for a perfectly fine paper. She hated school. She hated her teachers. She hated every stinking body. She stalked up to her locker and flung the door open so hard it hit the locker beside hers. A boy with sandy blonde hair walked up and opened his locker that was hit. Michelle felt her face turn a bright red and she stuck her head in the locker. That boy was Hudson McDunley, her crush since 7th grade. He was the cutest boy in 9th grade except for Nick, and she wasn't good enough for Nick. Nick was popular and Michelle wasn't. Hudson was the closest thing she could get.
He smiled at her. At least he was friendly. Thought Michelle. She smiled back half-heartedly. She couldn't be friendly. She reminded herself that she hated everybody. She put all of her books into her Old Navy book bag and shut the locker. She sure did hope her face still wasn't red. Hudson smiled again.
"Do you walk home?" He asked Michelle shutting his locker.
"Yeah," She answered him with pleasure.
"What street do you take?"
"Silver Spring Garden." She looked over at him. His smile was almost a full-fledged grin now.
"Well, I do too!"
What is he up to? Michelle thought to herself.
"Wanna walk home together?" He asked. Michelle had to keep herself from hopping up and down with happiness. This guy was great. The final bell rung and they walked out of the big glass doors together.

Hudson loved to talk. He had asked her what she liked to do, what teachers she had, and which house she lived in.
"I live in 9202," she had answered him.
"That's so cool because I live in 9204!" he said. "We're one house apart."
Michelle nodded.
"Wanna come over and play soccer?" he asked her. Michelle felt her heart leap. She absolutely loved soccer!
"Of course!" She cried out and he smiled back. They stopped in front of her house and she walked up the stone path to her front porch.
"Bye," He called. She waved in return.

She stayed at his house for two and a half hours playing her favorite game. But when she arrived home, dinner had already begun and her mother got angry at Michelle for being late. After Michelle explained everything to her mother, she relaxed. But just as Michelle sat down at the table her younger brother, Brandon, ran in. He began his usual I-hate-my-big-sister routine. Michelle ignored and ate her leftover dinner. Her mother smiled, and then looked at Michelle with sad eyes.
"What is it mom?" She was curious and put her fork down.
"Well I saw that Hudson and you are much attached now." She looked away from Michelle and sighed.
"And?" She didn't understand why that made her mom so upset.
"I think," she began, "I think that Hudson is looking for someone to depend on."
"What do you mean?" Michelle looked at her mom and pondered on the subject.
"Oh Mitch," her mother said, calling Michelle by her childhood nickname. "Didn't you know that his 8 year-old sister has leukemia?"

Over the next couple of week, Michelle was over at Hudson's a lot. When summer arrived, Hudson's mother, Juanita, announced that Hudson would be attending camps all summer and that he would be leaving for church camp tomorrow. Sure enough, the next day, Michelle found herself hugging her best friend goodbye. As he got in the van, he waved through the window. Michelle felt a small tear run down her cheek. She was going to miss him this summer.

"Michelle, honey, can you baby-sit Sidney?" Juanita called over one day. "I have to go to work and I can't get a hold of any baby sitters."
Michelle answered; Of course I'll watch her!" Juanita thanked her and headed off to work. It turned out Juanita meant all summer. Everyday, Michelle arrived and Juanita left. Of course, Michelle didn't complain because Sidney wasn't hard to take care of. She mostly watched T.V. all day, and the only thing Michelle had to do was fix lunch for the two of them. Michelle busied herself by reading the latest issues of CosmoGIRL! and PEOPLE magazine. She had absorbed practically enough hair tips to fix Madonna's hair a million times.

The only bad thing about this job was seeing Sidney suffer. She was always so pale and had very little energy. But soon enough, Michelle befriended the poor girl and took her many places. She took her for ice-cream on Monday, and took her to see The Notebook on Wednesday. Michelle was surprised at how easily Sidney could be entertained, but understood when her mother mentioned over dinner that she had been born with it. Michelle realized that Sidney had never done these things, and that's why she enjoyed them so much. Michelle's hatred had been slowly cracked by Hudson, but Sidney cracked it wide open. She had shown Michelle that she should live every moment like it was her last because Michelle didn't want to be known as the girl who hated everybody and everything. She wanted to be remembered as the girl who helped others.

One day, while Sidney was watching T.V., Sidney asked Michelle what the bright thing was at the top of the screen. Michelle glanced up from CosmoGIRL!
"That's the sun, Sid," she answered, and went back to her magazine. Then she got worried. The sun had been the biggest and most obvious picture on the screen. Then she realized, Sidney was losing her sight.

Within three weeks, Sidney could barely see her hand in front of her face. When Michelle broke it to Juanita, she dropped to her knees and wept.
"My poor little girl!" She wailed. "She won't even be able to see for the short time she has to live!" Michelle turned away. She felt so guilty. She had her entire life before her, with all kinds of possibilities. Sidney had started with one year, now down to 4 months. She would never marry, or be blessed with children. She would never be able to have a career, or her own house. She wouldn't live to see her brother marry. She wouldn't be able to watch the Superbowl or watch her parents grow old together. Michelle felt tears roll down her cheeks. When she glanced up, she saw Sidney, asleep on the couch, tears rolling down her cheeks as well.
It seemed like the four months went by way too fast. As the four month mark drew near, Sidney got worse and worse. Her energy was dwindling and her sight was now completely gone. Michelle now slept over at the McDunley's and she used the spare bedroom. On the night before the four month marking, Michelle was asleep in the spare bedroom. Sidney crawled out and found her way into Michelle's room. She crawled onto the other side of the bed and went to sleep. When Michelle woke up the next morning, she saw Sidney not moving. Michelle tried to shake her awake and to Michelle's dismay, and despite of her attempts, Sidney would not wake up. Michelle screamed and Juanita came into the room as fast as she could. She saw her daughter and her bottom lip quivered, as she began to cry. As she hugged Michelle, she whispered through her tears. "At least now, heaven is a little bit sweeter."
Michelle had learned from Sidney that she should live life to the fullest, because it will pass you by. And as Michelle grows up and moves along, there is one thing always on her mind, "I owe it all to Sidney. Without her, I'd still be the hateful and spiteful person I was. She helped me find my sprit within."

(Author's Note: Hope everyone likes it! ^_^)
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