Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy
I Could Write It, Better Then You Ever Felt It
2 reviewsTeenagers+ High school= drama, love, revenge
I Could Write It, Better Then You Ever Felt It
(#) ithurts816 2007-05-26
what is going to happen next come on hurry up and write the next part i am checking every 10 mins this is sooo good!Author's response
thank you hahaha, i updated just now! Check it out :) i hope you like itI Could Write It, Better Then You Ever Felt It
(#) ithurts816 2007-05-28
i loved chapter 13 it was so good and well writen! It had so many twists in it and i cant wait to see what will happen next!Author's response
haha thank you, hopefully tonight or tommorw i will update , im trying to make it long because i've been slacking haha
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