Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > random story

osaka meets gaara

by mary_the_strawberry 1 review

Osaka gets sent to a parallel universe, and ends up in Suna. Gaara is already the kazekage, and he is trying to put up with osaka's randomness....

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Parody - Characters: Gaara, Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-05-23 - Updated: 2007-05-23 - 356 words

"OH NO!! I FORGOT MY HOMEWORK, YO!!" Osaka looked in her bookbag to try and find her english homework, but she couldn't find it. Her teacher, Yukari-sensei, said that if she doesn't do her homework, she will hit Osaka with a paddle. Osaka, not wanting to get hit by a paddle, did her homework during the day before, but now, she CAN'T FIND IT!!! "Geez, Osaka," said Yomi, who was watching Osaka throwing out papers and books that had been lost fo over.... ten years?? "You really need to get organized."

"I'M TRYIN!!" exclaimed Osaka, looking at Yomi with scary eyes, "its jus' so hard!!"

"Its not hard gettin organized, just clean up your bag, and put the things you really need," replied Yomi, who had opened her lunchbox to eat her lunch, (they were in the school roof.)
"Man, dis is no use, I'm neva gunna be a responsible person," said Osaka, as she slumped on her desk and closed her eyes, (yes, they had extra desks int the roof.) Man,i wish i lived in an alternate universe, she thought to herself. She started thinking about her old friends in Osaka, where they always made fun of her strangeness. "You are such a slow airhead," laughed one of her friends. Osaka suddenly twitched and thought to herself, I will be responsibel. I'll show dem....
as she was dreaming, she didn't felt the cold air of a tornado coming after her in the classroom....

Suddenly, with a force of air, whe was lift off her desk and into the sky. "YOMI!!!!!" Osaka screamed with sheer terror. "Osaka!!!" yelled back Yomi, trying to grab her friend's hand. She almost had it when FLASH!! A blink of light went into her eyes. She opened her eyes, to find a huge hole in the building, (when the tornado hit the ground,) and all the student's running around. She saw Chiyo, who was trying her hardest to run away from her friend Tomo, who was trying to use her as a sword, (to fight off evil spirits.) She suddenly looked around, and heavily said in her breath, "where's Osaka?"
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