Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Romeo and Juliet

Act 1, Prologue

by horsie890 2 reviews

Act 1, Prologue

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2007-05-26 - Updated: 2007-05-27 - 372 words

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-marked love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

Hm. Verona, you say? Well I can't imagine why we'd be going all the way over there when our story takes place a bit closer to home. I do agree with the blood statement, though. There was a lot of blood. It wasn't two separate families, exactly...more like two groups of friends. Older siblings were definitely present.

Maybe this will explain it better.

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In bleak New Jersey where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
But in the midst of conflict between foes,
Two young, ill-fated lovers take their life;
Whole disenchanted piteous overthrows
Do with their deaths end this ongoing strife.
The fearful passage of their death-marked love,
And the continuance of their close friends' rage,
Which, but their fateful end, nought could remove,
Is several chapters' traffic of this page;
The which if you with eager eyes attend,
What here shall miss, my words will strive to mend.

That's much better. You see, this is not a tale of conflict between two families, but two groups of tightly-knit friends. Not far unlike each other, but bitter enemies they were. Caught in a constant struggle for superiority, they failed to notice a different kind of conflict: that of love.

You laugh at this. 'Love, a conflict?' you say. I say love indeed. You will see in time. For now I advise you to get comfortable, because this is no short story. Grab the popcorn, people. You're going to need it. A box of Kleenex couldn't hurt, either.
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