Categories > Original > Drama > Oncorhynchus Mykiss

Oncorhynchus Mykiss

by ballerina_guns 0 reviews

Cecilia Killian ran away from college to avoid many issues. Luckily when she moved to Boston Andrea and her dad gave her a job at Rosenburgs Pub. Recently she keeps having dreams about her scienc...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-05-27 - Updated: 2007-05-27 - 1020 words

Never in her life did Cecilia Killian think that she would drop out of college; or run a way to Bos-ton. No one knew why, not even her roommate (and best friend) Andrea Harper. (At the wonderful hour of five A.M.) Andrea was running around with one slipper on and her bra, still unclasped; drastically trying to find her coveted Chanel pumps. With an exasperated "hurrah" she heroically fought off the shoe stealing dust bunnies from underneath the couch. She sprinted to the door, just remembering her slumbering friend. Ever so sweetly, she tipped toed to the freezer pulling out her chosen assault weapon; ice cubes. With a mischievous grin she expertly threw the frozen missiles across the hallway; landing right on target...Cecilia's cleavage. Reacting as if she was in combat; Andrea leaped to the hallway door barely escaping to freedom.

Cecilia didn't even notice her melting hit men until her alarm went off. With a groan of realiza-tion she reached her arm out unable to reach it. With a moan of defeat she pulled the covers over her head and turned over to lie on her stomach. Her eyes opened wide. With a loud squeal she jumped out of her warm bed to find the melted evidence. Instantly she grabbed the phone and dialed Andrea's cell number.

"Hey sleepy head," Andrea chimed

"Don't you 'hey sleepy head' me." Cecilia laughed. "I was having a very nice dream."

"About your zoology teacher?"

"It's none of your business to know my dreams."

Andrea snorted. "Then stop talking about them at our lunch break."


"I will be home for lunch; oh and Ben says you have the dinner shift and you're closing."

"Great I have two hours to sleep." The girls laughed ending with "see you soon".

Cecilia yawned dragging her body across the hallway towards the kitchen. Ben Harper is a big man, he use to be a body guard for the first lady; until he was diagnosed with type two diabetes. Ben hired Cecilia because he felt sorry for her. No one should go through what her life has been in her first 21 years. He hired her out of sympathy, it also didn't hurt that he had known her since she was in di-apers. Andrea and she were childhood friends. Ben always remembered how they would go to each other's house and play for hours on end.

Cecilia poured herself a cup of coffee. She knew that drinking four cups a day was not healthy; but she had to get her source of life somewhere. As she was sipping the Italian blend her thoughts drifted to her dream. The only reason the dream was a shock; she hasn't dreamed of him since her senior year. It was amazing that she could remember everything. All the taxidermy animals all over the room; and the ever constant smell of rotting animals.

She remembered how everyone said he would sneak looks at her during the period. But the truth was; she knew. There was a reason she acted so spacey in the class. (To get glances of him too.) She sat in the front row, her legs right in front of him. To the right of her was a freezer of animal car-casses he would climb up on to write on the white board above it, he was 5' 8''. But whenever he would stand, or jump on any furniture, Donald Trump could bet all of his estates that she was checking out his fine form. The only thing she couldn't remember was his face. His personality was so big.

Every day he would spout off his philosophies and ideas of the world, cures to diseases, and thoughts on human life. He reminded her of the character Jonathan Keaton in The Dead Poets Society. The way he would talk passionate about his loves in life and everything that is important and what our generation should know.

Cecilia shook her head to erase the memory; she needed to remember what was important. Right now that was getting ready for work. Quickly she downed the last of her coffee; making her way for the closet that Andrea and she owned.
With as much speed as she could muster Cecilia chose an outfit. Nothing slutty just a knee length jean skirt with a long black and white stripped sweater, black t-shirt with James Dean face in red, flowered argyle socks, cute and warm Eskimo boots, with her lucky scarf; the colors of the Irish flag. Sure it was kind of a different style. Strangely enough she got more tips for dressing herself than a cheap piece of meat. Sure Andrea didn't mind showing off her form, because she has a form to show. It's not that Cecilia didn't have a form; it was just not defined. So what if she had a little more to love, everyman she met has loved her form...including foreigners.

Cecilia left her apartment to the cold elements of Boston winter. There was no need for a coat, since her shoulder blade length blonde hair kept her head warm, not to mention the scarf (and the sweater) but what about the legs. Cecilia always ran to work. Given she was in her cute Eskimo boots dreaming that she was an Inuit running out on the ice to save her child from the harsh elements.

When she arrived at Rosenberg Andrea saw her enter grabbed her things and left to faint from fatigue. Cecilia took her place behind the bar and began to take orders. She made a couple of jokes to Ben about his "big butt" getting in the way of the rum. He would joke back that he could pull her scarf's ends and strangle her. Their teasing always shown with a lopsided grin to show everything was in jest. Since it was near Christmas Cecilia didn't notice a figure enter the building. The figure walked up to the bar, ordered from a wanna-be-coyote-ugly member, turned round and sat in a chair in the far corner, in the shadows ; where he could observe Cecilia without her noticing a thing.
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