Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Akuryou


by Lachesis 2 reviews

A few arrivals force certain confrontations...

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Duo, Heero, Quatre, Relena, Trowa, Wufei - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2007-05-27 - Updated: 2007-05-27 - 1679 words


Isis sighed as she saw the others gazing at her expectantly. Sometimes she hated being the oldest of their little group; experience-wise, at least. Five thousand years inside a void didn't really count for much in the real world.

"All right, we've seen how powerful and... ruthless this Itemholder is," she said. Bakura winced slightly. It had been nearly twenty-four hours since he'd found the... bodies, and with nothing to distract him during the day, he'd hacked into the police database. They were still trying to sort out which parts went with whom.

"We must find out who he is, and if we have to, neutralize him. He's too strong for us to let him run wild." She looked around for any objections. Seeing none, she continued. "We'll have to split up into two groups. I'll take Ryou, Yami, and the Ring, and sweep the city. Bakura, I need you to take Yugi and head to the spaceport. If he tries to run, that's the only way he can go where we can't follow. And this way we'll have constant mindlink contact between the two groups."

Both yamis briefly thought about protesting at being separated from their hikaris, but seeing the determination on the woman's face made them decide to reconsider.

"Let's get going, then," Yugi said, starting towards the door. "The sooner this is over with the happier I'll be."

Watching as he left the room, Yami leaned over to Bakura. "If anything happens to him..."

"And the same for Ryou," he answered, glaring back.

Studying each other intently, after a moment they both nodded and followed their hikaris.


"But why can't I come?" Shin asked, pouting as he leaned against the wall with folded arms.

Duo sighed. "Shin, how many times do we have to go over this? Two of us would attract too much attention. And you can't go because I think Quatre and Trowa would kind of notice if I suddenly sprouted fangs." He grinned suddenly. "Besides, think about how much more time this gives you to plan their reception."

The yami's face lit up, and the teen could practically see the utterly insane ideas being created and discarded. He dropped his head into his hands. I've created a monster...

"Look," he said without glancing up. "Just... nothing painful or mentally crippling, ok?"

Shin looked shocked. "Of course not! They're our friends!" He stopped and thought for a second. "Am I allowed to make them faint?"

Again sighing, the L2 teen waved his hand as he walked out of the room. "Yeah, sure, knock yourself out."

Outside, the other two pilots were waiting. "You actually convinced him to stay?" Wufei said, lifting a brow. "How did you manage that?"

"I told him to start thinking about what he'll do when the others get here."

The Chinese boy winced, then smirked. "You know, if I wasn't planning on videotaping the whole thing, I might pity them."

Blink. "Videotaping?" Wufei nodded, and Duo's lips twitched. "Could I get a copy of that?" He noticed the others looking at him. "What? Just because I don't do pranks doesn't mean I don't like them."

Both looked startled. "You don't prank?"

"Nah. That's Shin's job. Even if it was me you usually ended up chasing." He sent an annoyed look Wufei's way.

"Interesting as this is, if we don't get to the spaceport we're going to miss their shuttle," Heero interrupted. "We need to go."

Rolling his eyes, Duo walked down to the car.

An hour later, he was standing in front of a terminal, waiting for his friends to arrive.

Finally, the intercom blared. Attention. Shuttle 27-A has just arrived from L3. Passengers now disembarking. Repeat, Shuttle 27-A has-

Duo stopped paying attention to the announcement as he caught a flash of white out of the corner of his eye. Twisting, he saw his sort-of friend Bakura strolling down the terminal next to a short kid with spiky hair. A glint of light drew his eyes down to an object hanging around the kid's neck. The thing hanging from the chain looked like it was solid gold, but that wasn't what made Duo go pale and spin around just in time to hear Quatre yell out his name and tackle him in a enthusiastic hug.

It was the very familiar symbol on the front of the gaudy pendant.


Bakura and Yugi wove easily through the crowd, keeping a sharp eye out for... well, they weren't exactly sure just what they were looking for, but they'd know it when they saw it.

Suddenly, Bakura heard someone shout. "Duo!"

Surprised, he turned to see the braided boy from his chemistry class just as a blonde blur threw itself around his neck.

Seeing his companion's smirk, Yugi looked up at him curiously. "What is it?" He quickly regretted asking as the yami grinned evilly and started to drag him to the side.

"C'mon, I want you to meet somebody."

Eyes wide, Yugi tried to catch a glimpse of where they were going, only to have them widen further as he saw they were headed directly towards a group of boys.

One that included his former suspect.

On the verge of panicking, Yugi pulled on Bakura's arm, but it was too late.

"Hey, Duo!"


Quatre was confused.

Duo had returned his hug readily enough, but something was wrong. Even more wrong than the mess of bruises on his face, which was the kind of thing that happened to them enough not to set off more than a couple of alarm bells. He was... pale, and the American didn't feel quite right to his space heart. Or rather, he felt... normal.

Quatre's readings of Duo had always been confused at best. Either he was feeling too many emotions, and Quatre would nearly faint from the overload, or they were staticky, like something was interfering with the connection. But now, he was definitely worried about something, even frightened.

Concerned, he shot a glance to Trowa, who he could tell had also picked up on the oddity.

It was then that he heard a voice from behind greet Duo.


Duo turned, careful to keep his face surprised. "Bakura! What are you doing here?"

Bakura smirked. "You know, you could at least sound like you're happy to see me."

The longhaired boy blushed. "Sorry. I was just a little startled."

He nodded, accepting the apology. "Actually, we were looking for somebody. You?"

"Picking up these two," Duo said, gesturing towards Quatre and Trowa.

"Umm, Duo? Who is this?" the blonde asked, eyeing Bakura warily.

"Oh, sorry. Everyone, this is Bakura Shiraga and..." he trailed off, looking at the new boy questioningly.

The kid smiled. "Yugi Motou."

Duo nodded. "-and Yugi Motou. I'm Duo Maxwell, and these are Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, and Quatre Reberba Winner," he said, pointing to each in turn.

"Okay, now that that's over, why did you want to introduce us?" Yugi asked Bakura curiously, and the yami grinned.

"Well, I thought you might like to meet my accomplice."

Quatre's eyebrows shot up. "Accomplice? May I dare ask in what?"

"Blowing up half the school," Wufei answered, barely concealing a smirk as Duo flushed.

"We did not!" At Quatre's look, he shrugged. "It was just a classroom."

"And it wasn't our fault," Bakura said, grimacing. "Just because the school refuses to hire teachers intelligent enough not to drop test tubes of HE doesn't mean we should take the rap."

"Yes, but still-" Quatre came to a halt as he noticed Heero suddenly pale as he looked out over the crowd. "Heero? What's wrong?"

The Japanese didn't reply, turning a faint shade of green. Instead, he merely pointed.

Seven voices swore as their owners' gazes followed the pointing finger.

Wait, seven? Duo looked at Bakura and Yugi, only to find them staring, horrorstruck; unknown to him, however, it was for a different reason. Or at least, a different person.


Saseko fiddled with her skirt, grimacing faintly as her hand began to cramp from holding up the sign. She immediately smoothed her face out, reminding herself sternly that frowns produced wrinkles.

The teenager sighed as she glanced around the busy terminal, wondering just why she'd agreed to do this. If the Prime Minister was really coming to visit, her father should've been the one standing here waiting. Or rather, sitting while his minions stood. The mayor of a large, wealthy city like Domino was too important to be kept standing like a servant.

But no! Miss Peacecraft wanted her visit kept confidential, so instead Mazaki Saseko was out here, missing a date with her latest (and cutest) boyfriend!

"This sucks," she muttered, glancing around again. Then, any thoughts of discontentment (and of faithfulness) promptly vanished as her eyes alit on seven of the cutest boys she'd ever seen, all standing in a group.

Smiling in anticipation, Saseko started to stalk over, but she was quickly brought up short as the intercom announced the arrival of the Prime Minister's shuttle. Resigned and cursing the woman, she turned back to greet her charge.

So imagine her surprise when the person standing in front of her was a girl her own age.

"...Miss Peacecraft?" she asked hesitantly, taking in the long blonde hair, and the bright pink outfit nearly identical to her own.

The girl nodded, smiling brightly. "That's me! Call me Relena!"

Saseko smiled back. Something told her she and this 'Relena' would be great friends.

"If you'll come with me, I'll drive you to my father's mansion. Your bags will be dropped off separately." She began to guide her out of the spaceport, though not before tossing a glance over her shoulder.

She sighed in disappointment when she saw that the hotties were gone.


A/N: Thanks to honebar for reminding me that I still had more to post on this fic. I'd been avoiding it because Akuryou, as my very first story, needs lots and lots of editing. 11 more chapters after this one still to be poked and prodded into a semblance of decency.
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