Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I know I should be home

all that is decided

by isuckatlifen 3 reviews

gina figures out where shes gonna live

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Parody, Romance, Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-27 - Updated: 2007-05-28 - 323 words

sorry this is a major filler but i have more so mabey i can get it up tonight

The next part was the hard part. Gina now had a father and she didn't want to have to keep living in foster homes. Now she had to convince not only Pete but the government as well that she could live with him and not cause trouble. Its not that Gina was a bad kid, that's not why she was moved around so much. It was that she could never get close to anyone. At school and home she would isolate herself from anyone and everyone who tried to interact with her. But now she had the opportunity to live with the only person she ever looked up to, the person who turned out to be her father, maybe now things wouldn't be so bad.

"Pete?" Gianna asked shyly

"yes?" he replied

"Does this mean I can live with you or are you too busy with tour?"

"wow, um I didn't think of that but yes of course you can live with me its much better than living in foster care, well at least I hope it is,"

"Thank you so much." Gianna cried and hugged Pete tightly

Gianna's foster mother once again approached them and asked what was going on. Gianna explained and then told her foster mother that she was going to live with Pete.

With much protest and interrogation Gianna's foster mom was finally persuaded to take Gianna back to the agency to do some DNA tests and research to prove that Pete was her real father. Then to convince a judge to give Pete custody of her.

Turns out that Pete's parents didn't even know that he had gotten his girlfriend pregnant. That came as a bit of a shock to them but they finally accepted it as did the guys and Gina was scheduled to move into Pete's house tomorrow.
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