Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Brother Z
The Woes of Snape
3 reviewsThe Final Battle is over. Harry has left Britain, leaving a devastated magical community, a lost Hermione, and a blinded Luna. Hermione becomes Professor McGonagall's apprentice while she cares f...
Brother Z
(#) Teresa 2007-05-31
Hmmmm.....Snape as Daffy Duck works for me! On the whole Daffy was a better person than Snape could even dream of being! (chuckle) It was also nice to see Luna smack down Snape. I wonder if she and Ginny might have escaped from him if the creep hadn't had plenty of back up? But then a bully like Snape always wants to either target someone they feel is weaker or have a dork squad on call. As for Snape, Luna's right.... the Furies have a long list of crimes to avenge and he could find himself looking back on the current set of punishments as a fond memory. I wonder if his delusions of heroics would last in their tender care? If so, he's crazier then he accused Luna of being! I hope Hermione and Luna either figure out the truth soon or Harry tells them.....or will it come to a head when he tries to attack Hermione? Thanks for another great chapter, I loved the fireworks!Brother Z
(#) whatareyouevensaying 2007-05-31
I can't believe Snape said that Luna wasn't his HER no less.
Great chapter, I really enjoyed reading it.Brother Z
(#) Cateagle 2007-05-31
snicker guffaw ROTLMAO!! And the death of a thousand ridicules continues to happen to Snape. You'd think that now, after Luna's told him the truth that he might stop and think, but it seems unlikely. I have to admit that Daffy Duck wsa the perfect choice to turn him into, esp. since Chuck Jones admits in his autobiography that Daffy was inspired by a less-than-pleasant boss with a similar attitude (and lisp); perfect for Snape. I liked the rest of this chapter, too, and the little glmpses you show the reader of Hermione's and Luna's relationship; I suspect they might well "double-team" Harry if he ever shows as himself, not that I suspect he'd mind all that much. ;)Brother Z
(#) jbstarnes1 2007-05-31
I keep getting reminded of an old saying about shooting fish in a barrel and how, after a while, it has to get a little boring.Brother Z
(#) BJH 2007-06-01
I've been thinking about this chapter overnight, it raises some interesting questions for me. Luna feels that Z/Harry is tormenting Snape to goad him into facing his mistakes rather than a juvenile drive for some sort of revenge. I've learned not to argue with Luna, Hermione yes but Luna never. It makes sense that a wizard as powerful as Z wouldn't stoop to such trivialities, he would simply torture him to death, or simply kill him. The spiritual person that Harry has become would be more likely to drive him to redemption (as opposed to Albus who would mere hope tht he got there eventually).
Interesting, mockery as a form of salvation.
BJHAuthor's response
You are, of course, exactly correct -- although Z does get a lot of laughs out of doing so.
"T"Brother Z
(#) sparky40sw 2007-06-01
the last scene, with Luna telling Snape exactly what he needed to recognize and do to change was probably one of the kindest scenes towards Snape that I have ever seen. and having Harry/Zed as a Fury is a very interesting concept - he s certainly a force of nature in canon.
thanks for sharing your stories - I appreciate them a great deal.
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