Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > He Said It Was A One Night Stand

Hold On Tonight Love

by xXprettyinpunkXx 11 reviews

we sleep forever!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-31 - Updated: 2007-06-01 - 1054 words

"...a terrible car accident just happened two hours ago. A head on crash between these two vehicles right outside New Jersey. The woman in the black SUV was halo flighted to one of New York's most prestegeous hospitals while the man in the maroon four by four walks away unharmed. More news about this tragic incident at six, Bill.." the weather man took over while Tessa lowered the volume and turned off the tv. She walked into hre daughters room. She was playing with Trevor, his mother had just dropped him off.

" Do you two want some cookies?" Jennica nodded happily.

" Yes ma'am." said Trevor. Tessa smiled fondly at him. She walked back to the kitchen and prepared some cookies and milk thanks to Chips Ahoy! for saving her the trouble of actually baking them. But as she walked out of the kitchen, her phone lit up caught her eye. She bent over it to see why it was lit up. 1 new message. She set down the milk and cookies to read the text.

can't pick up hem ryes in the hospital

Tessa put the phone away trying to figure out what he meant. Well, it was simple enough, Riley was in the hospital, but for what? She gave the cookies to the kids and called Pete from the home phone. He didn't answer. She called to his house, he didn't answer. She finally called his mom.

" Mom, it's Tessa-"

" Hello dear." said Pete's mom very cheery.

" you know where Pete is, or how I could reach him?" Tessa could hear the smile drop from her face.

" Sweety, haven't you seen the news? Riley was in a car accident, they're at the hospital." Tessa's grip on the phone loosened slightly.

" What?" she said breathless.

" Yes..poor baby. Pete hasn't called back to tell us how she is, but from the way her car looked on the news, I don't think she's much better." Tessa thanked Mrs. Wentz and walked into her room. She sat down slowly and put her head in her hands.


" Mr. Wentz?" an young nurse walked into the ICU's waiting room. Pete took his head out of his hands and practically jumped up.

" Ya..that's me. What's wrong?" the nurse smiled calmly at him.

" Follow me sir." Pete obeyed and followed her through the open, once locked doors, and down a hallway to the last room.

" She just came out of surgery, the doctor will be here in a moment." the nurse closed the door behind her, Pete holding onto the doorknob. He heard the soft beeping of one of the many machines he knew were hooked up to Riley. He couldn't turn around. He had already seen someone he loved in a position like this not long ago, and he wasn't prepared to do it again. He heard a choking noise and turned around. Riley's eyes were open and looking at the ceiling. Pete walked over to her. Tubes were stuck through her nose, and wires were all over her arms. She had not a scratch on her face, but her arms were really bruised, and some parts were covered in white patches probably covering the parts of her that got burned. Tears burned in his eyes as he pushed some hair out of her face.

Her big blue eyes traveled over to him, a pained look crossed her face, tears formed and slowly fell down her cheeks. Pete didn't know what to do.

" B-Baby..what's wrong?" he choked out. But she couldn't speak, she just stared. She slowly moved her eyes back to the ceiling, tears still flowing freely. Just then the door opened and the doctor walked in.

" Mr Wentz." Pete stood up." Hello I'm Doctor Tellerman." they shook hands. Pete quickly wiped the tears from his cheeks with the sleeve of his hoodie.

" Well, Miss Williams has been through alot today. Broken collarbone. Second degree burns, not to bad considering what would've happened if she had stayed in that car longer. Um..she fractured both ankles which seems a little odd, anyway..crushed three ribs which have been fixed with a metal plate, the swelling should go down in a couple of days. Other than that, this young lady here is really lucky, things could've been much worse, but with some physical therapy, she'll be good as new..." the doctor trailed off and looked at his board." and Mr. Wentz?" Pete looked back at the doctor. " How are you and Miss relation?" Dr. Tellerman frowned at him.

" We're en-engaged." Pete managed to say. The doctor nodded.

" Aww yes. Well I'm sorry to inform you, but Miss Williams miscarried her..your, child during the accident. Terribly sorry." he clapped Pete on the shoulder and walked out of the room. Pete stood there numb.

She was pregnant? Riley was pregnant. He walked back over to her and took her hand in his. He pulled up a chair and kissed it.

" Baby, I'm soo sorry. I didn't mean any of it. Please forgive me." he kept kissing her hand. Riley choked a little again and managed to move her eyes to look at Pete. She tried to speak but couldn't.

" Ahhh." was all she was able to manage. It was barely above a whisper, but Pete heard and it hurt. He broke down right there.

" I'm so sorry Rye. About everything..I lied to you..cheated. I should have told you about I'm sorry." he burried his head next to Riley's hand. He then felt something on the back of his head, and realized that she was stroking his head ever so softly. He looked up at her sadly, and took her hand. He kissed and massaged it. Soon she fell asleep.

" Mr. Wentz, visiting hours are-" the young nurse announced to him as she popped her head into the room.

" I'm not going anywhere." a surprised look crossed her perfectly applied made up face

" Oh..well, good night then." she closed the door embarressed and left.

alright, last chapter for tonight
poor riley..things just haven't gone her way since pete met tessa
so who do you want pete to end up with, reviews with your answers may steer me to give you what you want
pete and tessa
pete and riley
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