Categories > Books > Les Miserables

Shattered Soul

by GiaKohana 1 review

Javert inspired verse.

Category: Les Miserables - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2005-11-21 - Updated: 2005-11-22 - 173 words - Complete

The soul...fixed, unchanging...sacred and immutable.
Only once is Man allowed to choose...a life of Good or Evil.
Mutually man can serve two masters.
Once the path is chosen, there can be no deviation.
To obey is all. Disobedience is sin.
My soul...solid and unbreakable...vows never to diverge.
I have chosen to follow the Law.

But...there is one man. Once he followed the path of Evil; now claims to walk the path of Good. cannot be!
Mercy cannot be shown by one who has not received it.
Mercy cannot be shown to one who does not deserve it.
Mercy cannot be returned by one who does not comprehend it.
And is!

The soul...fixed, unchanging...sacred and immutable.
Only once is Man allowed...surely that's the Truth.
Yet if the Truth is challenged...what then of the Law?
My soul...once solid, now is shattered.
Jagged shards, beginning to ignite.
Will nothing extinguish them? I cannot.
I know that I shall burn.
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