Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is How I Disappear

Twenty One (The End)

by relaxrelapse 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-06-02 - Updated: 2007-06-03 - 708 words

I pulled up to the Way household blasting "Punk Rock Princess" by Something Corporate. Mine and Frankie's favourite song.

The rain was just as hard as the day I announced my pregnancy to my parents. It hadn't stopped for three days.

Gerard hadn't picked up his phone for the past three days. Every time I called the house, Mikey said he was helping Fiona with her science project. That wasn't unusual for they were both in the same class and were paired up. The project counted for 30% of their grade. It made me happy Frank, Bob and I were all in normal science class.

I ran through the rain and up the porch. It could have possibly been the last time I would be in this house...

Gerard's P.O.V.

"Fiona that won't work. It doesn't even make sense. They don't have chemistry." I backspaced the letters and numbers Fiona had typed in to Microsoft Word. Her formulas for our project weren't making any sense at all.

Suddenly I felt myself being spun around in the computer chair to face her. She sat on my lap and my eyes became big as saucers.

"You know what does have chemistry? ....Us." She forced her mouth onto mine. I froze not knowing what was fully going on. I somehow regained feeling in my body and pushed her off of my lap. She landed on the floor with a thud but looked up and smirked evilly as she wiped her mouth of any stray lip gloss. She quickly glanced at the doorway and got up laughing. I looked in that direction to see a girl. Wet hair, damp clothes and teary eyes.


"Save your story." Her accent became much thicker as her emotions rose.

Adele's P.O.V.

"No please Adele!" He ran down the stairs following me. I could hear Fiona's heels clicking slowly behind all of us. We all ended up on the porch; our shoes clanking loudly against the wooden panels.

"Adele..." I wiped around to face him and pushed him into the wall. Fiona giggled a bit.

"I just came by to tell you what my parents thought of that baby we're having!" Fiona gasped; her eyes grew as she stood frozen against the wall. She was the first and only to know of the baby. I continued to yell in Gerard's face.

"They love me, they love you and they would love a grandchild but they don't think I'm ready. They're moving us all back to London to get me away from /you/." I spat my words in his face. Tears welded up in those beautiful hazel eyes. The eyes that would haunt me forever.

"Are you kidding?" His voice shook with every word he whispered.

"Kidding!? I would never lie to you." I laughed and continued. "I was scheduled to leave in two days but I'm changing it to tomorrow morning."

"Adele you cant!" He grabbed me and pulled me into his body. He stroked my hair and softly kissed my lips. That sent me into hysterics and I pushed him away.

"Adele! No! I love you. I want this baby. You cant fucking leave. You cant. I'll die without you, Adele. I swear to fucking God I will."

"You wont die without me. You'll have Fiona."

"I don't want Fiona! She kissed me! I want you and only you. You're the only one. You will always be the only one. If you leave I'll be alone forever. I love you so much." I pulled myself together. I wasn't going to cry anymore. I didn't want to be sad. I wasn't sad. I was pissed. All I wanted was revenge. I walked across the driveway with a strut filled with so much attitude a model would topple over. I began to open my car door when Gerard shouted to me.

"How do you just leave me like that? How do you just disappear like this?"

I yelled back at him with full force,

"This is how I disappear!" With that I started my engine and drove off into the cold rainy night. All that lied ahead for me was packing my bags and moving on.

All that lied ahead for me was /disappearing/.
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