Categories > Original > Fantasy

Back Then...

by poolboy 0 reviews

Backing away seemed to be the only thing possible for me to do. I was trembling in fear from the previous threat.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-06-05 - Updated: 2007-06-05 - 435 words

Backing away seemed to be the only thing possible for me to do. I was trembling in fear from the previous threat.

He moved closer and smiled welcomingly at me. He was attepmting to reasure me. He had reached where the counter and I met. I was starting to become at ease as he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye.

"Are you all right?" He asked with a big, bright smile.

I nodded, assuring him that I was. I took a moment to look away from my rescuer to look on the floor where the dead body of my attacker lay. His neck was limp and his eyes were closed. I was sure that he was dead.

" I will take you home. Where do you live?" He asked, very politely.

All I did was nod in reply. I seemed to have lost my voice adn was unable to stop shaking. The stranger put his arm around me and walked me out the door. His hands were extremely cold against my linen sleeve.

We walked outside and it was nearly dark. I realized that it had been nearly an hour since I had started to pack up the shop. I seemed to be the only woman in the streets which made me uneasy. I had some unusual stares from men passing by. It was silent for quite a while before the stranger's soft voice bellowed into my ear.

" I am so sorry. I haven't yet introduced myself. My name is Diederik."

"Anistacia" I say, trying to keep my voice down.

He tightened his grip on me as we passed a small group of men who seemed to be intoxicated.

" That's a beautiful name." He flattered.

We reached my poor exuse for a home and I opened the door. I thought that the least I could do was to invite him in for a cup of tea so I said, "Do you have time for a cup of tea? Or maybe some cake?"

He was nothing short of eager to come in and sit down. I took his coat and hung it from the dilapitated coat rack that stood next to the door. I walked him to the kitchen and invited him to sit. He didn't sit until I had taken my own seat, which was very polite of him. I put a pot of tea on top of the fire stove and let it boil. We sat there enjoying our tea in silence. I had many questions that I was anxious to ask him but I avoided disturbing the silence.

To be continued...
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