Categories > Original > Horror

Bus Ride

by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

A flat tire along a country road leads to terror for a bus load of students and their teacher.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-06-08 - Updated: 2007-06-08 - 1080 words - Complete

The school bus was going down the country road when it blew a tire. The bus driver pulled along the side the road and got out along with the teacher Ms. Jones.
"I think we picked up a nail somewhere along the road." The bus driver said, "I don't have a spare I'll have to call for help."
He got back inside and picked up the radio. He pressed the talk button but all he heard was the hissing of static.
"I can't get anyone," he said to Ms. Jones. "I'll have to walk for help."
"But that's miles away," she said and it'll be dark in a few hours. "Can't it wait until morning?"
The bus driver shook his head, "the sooner I get help the sooner we can get these kids home safe."
With those words the driver started down the road back to the last gas station they had passed, five miles away.

Ms. Jones got back on the bus and closed the door.
"I need everyone to be calm," she announced to the students. "Mr. Frasier will be back soon, so everyone just occupy yourselves until then."
She sat down in the driver's seat to wait for Mr. Frasier's return as the students began to talk among themselves.

Hours passed and it began to get dark, some of the students began to doze off and Ms. Jones began to get worried. She stood up to look out the back when something hit the window with a soft plop.
"What was that?" One of the students that was still awake asked.
Ms Jones made her way to the back with the flashlight from the first aid kit. She shined it on the back window, then stumbled backwards with a shriek, tripping over a duffle bag and falling hard on the floor. The flashlight bounced once then went out, plunging the bus into darkness again.
The student who had asked the question grabbed at the flashlight and turned it on. Ms. Jones screamed NO! But it was too late, he shined it on the window and on the severed head of Mr. Frasier.
Students began to scream and started to get out of their seats as Ms Jones got to her feet and tried to calm everyone down.
"Please stay on the bus," she yelled. "Something or someone is out there. It has killed Mr. Frasier. We are safer if we stay on the bus."
Students began to sit down again, as Ms. Jones took the flashlight from the student and started back up front. Suddenly a scratching noise came from the door. Ms. Jones and the students froze at the sound. Scratch, scratch, scratch. Ms. Jones slowly made her way to the door and with a shaking hand, shone her flashlight at the door. A face from her worst nightmares stood there, green rotting skin peeled back to expose yellow teeth, in the semblance of a horrible smile. It scratched a blood stained claw against the door again. Scratch, scratch, scratch, and to Ms. Jones' horror she could see that each time it scratched it made a large gouge in the window. Soon it would be broke through. Quickly students to the back of the bus, she screamed, knowing that wouldn't protect them once the creature got through. She scrambled around for something to use as a weapon. She found a baseball bat just as the creature broke through the glass. It hissed and lunged at her and she swung, hitting it in the head and sending it crashing into what was left of the door.
"Ms Jones!" One of the students screamed and she realized in horror that the bus was being swarmed by more of these creatures. Students were shrieking in pain as horrible claws and teeth grabbed and gouged. Ms Jones swung at the creatures, but it seemed for everyone she hit two more took its place. She screamed in pain as one jumped on her back, digging its claws into her neck and biting hard. The student from the back leapt forward and hit the creature with the bat that Ms Jones had dropped.
"We're going to have to run for it," she gasped in pain as blood ran down her neck where the creature had bit and clawed her.
She looked tried to gather as many of the students that were still alive and able to move up. Hitting the attacking creatures with the bat when she had too. Quickly the remaining students and Ms Jones ran off the bus, as the creatures screeched and howled. They ran down the dark country road, hearing the noises of the creatures as they followed them. The creatures began to pick off the fleeing students one by one. Until just, one student and Ms Jones remained. The last student to escape from the bus screamed as she was overtaken by the creatures, they swarmed on her biting and clawing, she died with a gurgle as the creatures ecstatically feasted on her flesh. Ms Jones tried to run faster as the creatures continued to chase after her. Suddenly she saw a light in the distance and almost sobbed in relief.
She gasped as she ran toward the light. She became aware of the fact that as the light drew near, the creatures slowed down. She prayed this meant that there was help close at hand. She ran up the weed-choked path, onto a dilapidated porch. Ms. Jones pounded on the door, until a withered old woman answered it.
"What's wrong my dear?" The woman asked in a quivering voice.
"Please you have to help us," Ms. Jones said, "I'm being chased by some kind of creatures. They killed our bus driver and my students."
The old woman blinked and opened the door, "creatures you say?" She asked "I'm sorry dear but I can't help you."
Ms Jones looked at her in disbelief, "what?" She asked.
"I can't help you," the woman repeated, "they're my children and they have to be fed."
She slammed the door, and Ms. Jones began pounding on the door in terror. She heard a growl and turned around with a whimper. One of the creatures stood on the porch watching her. She stepped back as the creature lunged bringing her to the ground, Ms. Jones screamed and struggled as more of the creatures swarmed over her. Slowly her struggles stopped, then with a gurgle she died as her blood stained the porch.
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