Categories > Games > Dynasty Warriors > A New Warrior
The training camp
6 reviewsA new warrior appeared named Liu Bode he goes to training camp and joins Wu. Find out what adventures will happen.
A New Warrior
(#) Warrior 2007-03-13
No offense, but it was to spaced out. Instead of putting
"Hyah" went Bode and
Augh" went the soldier, be more descriptive, and don't do one sentence lines. Take the sentences and make a paragraph. Other than that, it's a good start.A New Warrior
(#) Saijumi 2007-07-23
It was okay, there was a lot of dialouge but it would be nice if yu could descibe it a little bit more. That's hard for all of us.A New Warrior
(#) Saijumi 2007-07-23
It was okay, there was a lot of dialouge but it would be nice if yu could descibe the surroundings a little bit more. That's hard for all of us.A New Warrior
(#) Saijumi 2007-07-23
It was okay, there was a lot of dialouge but it would be nice if yu could descibe the surroundings a little bit more. That's hard for all of us.
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