Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Part Of My Life

The Attic

by MyChemPrincess77 1 review

Marissia and Gerard are two 10th graders who bump into eachother one day. They sense something weird about eachother. ok this story is more interesting than the summary is. so just try and read it...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Other - Published: 2007-06-09 - Updated: 2007-06-09 - 367 words


All my life I felt like... I've been missing something. I have had strange dreams about someone else who looks like me. I know there is someone out there who is my real parents, and my real brother.
Once, when I was 9, I snuck in the attic and I found a torn apart picture. There is a boy, younger than 2, who looks like me with my black hair and freakishly grey eyes. And two parents, but the other half is ripped. And I think it is where my picture belongs.
It's like, having another half ripped out of me. And the pain of knowing that your "parents" are lying to you about who they really are and where you belong.

I put the picture I was looking at away and got ready to leave the attic I was sitting in.
"Marissa!" my mom called.
I quickly stood up and climbed down the stairs of the attic.
"Yeah," I replied, sitting down at my computer chair.
"The bus is here! Come on!" she yelled at me hurriedly.
"Uh...okay," I hesitated, grabbing my stuff.I realized i was in my pagamas.
I quickly threw them off and pulled out a black shirt that said on it, red plaid skirt and threw on fishnets. I slipped on my converses and quickly checked my hair in the mirror and spread black eyeliner over my eyes.
Whatever, at least it will look half-decent.
I ran outside, and then stopped.
"Where is the bus?" I asked.
"You missed it." She told me in disappointment. "And I am not giving you a ride. You are old enough to drive; you have your permit, right?"
"Yes, Tara." I replied sadly.
I don't want to drive her crappy car. I don't want to live here. I'm only 16, god. She is acting like a can do anything now just because I got my permit a weak ago. Then, something sparked in my head.
"Uh, actually I need to have an adult driver in with me," I corrected.
"Don't get smart with me." she mumbled as she stepped outside and closed the door behind her.
I smiled a victory smile and stepped in the passenger's seat.
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