Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Brought You To The Dark Side, But You Brought Me To The Bright Side

I Brought You To The Dark Side, But You Brought Me To The Bright Side (Part 6)

by panicatthediscoxchik 0 reviews

Creatures of the night. Things will never be the same.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Other - Published: 2007-06-16 - Updated: 2007-06-16 - 2022 words

"So what are we doing about school?" I asked holding hands with Frank, playing with his fingers.

I'm so happy right now, I'm finally leaving my Mum and Frank's the best boyfriend I could ever wish for.

"We'll drop out, and then just take it from there, we'll be fine, I can sense it." Frank said and then kissed me on the cheek, he started nuzzling my neck where he'd bitten me, gawd how horny can he get I mean we'd just done it for three hours!

"Frank?" I said as he kissed my neck again.

"Yeahhh babe?" he said still half attached to my neck.

"Do you think you could wait until we get to house?" I said pulling his head away from my neck and holding it in my hands.

"Wont your Mum be in?" he asked giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, and it'll really piss her off." I laughed talking hold of Frank's hand again.

"Fine!" he huffed although he was smiling.

I smiled back and we started walking again.

We both suddenly heard a small yelp.

I looked at Frank he seemed to be sniffing the air.

"I thought I recognised this alley, it was the one I was bitten in." Frank said

I just nodded listening to him and we kept walking.

I looked ahead and saw two figures.

As we got closer I realised it was Red, she was feeding.

She really hated me, I think she's jealous, lol if I didn't have Frank I would be too.

As we got closer I saw who she was feeding on,

A young-ish girl, probably around my age.

I saw the girl's messenger bag on the floor and then realised who it was,

It was Brina.

"Oh my god! BRINA!" I yelled running towards her body that was now on the floor.

Frank walked up to Red and shoved her against a wall.

My phone fell out of her pocket.

She did this on purpose.

Frank's Pov

I saw Rachel's phone fall out of Red's pocket.

I realised what was going on.

"Why the fuck did you go after Brina? Is it just coz I don't like you!?"

She started leaning in and I smacked her across the face and she fell to the floor.

Knocking her out.

I bent down next to Rachel, she was crying.

"How is she?" I asked surveying the scene.

"She has a faint pulse but I think we're losing her." Rachel said holding Brina's hand.

"Let's take them back to the house, we can try and save them there." I said standing up.

"We're taking Red as well?" Rachel asked me.

"Um, yeah we might need her, or her blood." I said picking Brina up.

Rachel nodded picking Red up and chucking her over her shoulder.

Rachel then picked up her phone and bag.

When we got back I put Brina on the bed and Rachel chucked Red onto the floor.

Rachel started pacing and made a swing for the window.

But I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

"I don't want two girls I care about getting hurt now do I?" I said stroking her hair.

She started crying and I kissed her forehead.

She walked over to Brina and held her hand, she was breathing, but only just.

I walked into the kitchen and got some bandages and antiseptic and a knife.

I walked back into the room to see Brina on the bed, Red's half dead body on the floor and Rachel looking out of the window.

"If you want you can go and get something to eat." I said walking up behind her and whispering in her ear making her shiver.

"It's okay, I will when we've woken Brina up." She said, I nodded and walked over to Brina.

I started dabbing at her neck, she'd lost a lot of blood, her heart rate was really slow but she was hanging on in there.

I heard a small smack and turned around to see Rachel standing next to Red slumped against the wall.

"What? She woke up and called me a whore!" Rachel shrugged.

"I didn't hear her." I said sceptically.

"Well she didn't, but I could just tell she was about to." She said smiling.

Just then I heard a groan and Brina's eye-lids fluttered open.

"Rach, get Red over here." I ordered sitting Brina up slowly.

Rach dragged Red over and I handed her the knife.

"Slit her throat, so Brina can drink her blood." I said.

She made a deep cut right across her throat and I saw the colour drain from Red's face.

"Brina, you need to drink from here, okay?" I said pulling Red's body towards her.

"Wh..why?" she stammered

"Please, just drink Bri." Rachel pleaded.

"No...I can't." she said weeping weakly.

"Brina, please! For me! It'll make you better! Promise!" Rachel said

Brina looked at the body and shook her head.

She then lay back and fell unconscious.

(here is where I started writing.. above this was all Rachel's writing =DDD)
"BRINA!" Rachel cried out.
Great. What are we going to do now?
It hit me then what we MIGHT be able to do.
Yesterday, in that closet where all those bodies were, there was what seemed like an IV.
"Rach. You know that closet where all those bodies were?" I asked Rachel.
"Umn, yeah. Why?" She asked almost at the edge of crying.
"Well there's an IV thing in there. Go get it. And hurry. We're almost losing Bri." I said.
"Okay." Rachel said and ran as fast as she could to the closet and got the IV.
She came back with the IV.
"How are you going to use this?" Rachel asked all confused.
"Remember that one summer that my mum sent me to that camp?" I asked while taking the IV from her.
"Yeah." She replied.
"Well, they had a course that we had to take. It was sort of like a nursing course. So they taught us how to use one of these things." I said while stretching out Brina's limp arm and dabbing some antiseptic on the crease of her skin where her veins were.
"Oh.. Okay." Rachel said somewhat relieved.
I then flexed Brina's arm so I could find her main vein, and stuck the needle into it.
Rachel kind of flinched at the sight of that.
"It's okay. She's gonna be fine. Do me a favour. Fill that plastic bag with Red's blood." I ordered.
Rachel nodded and filled the plastic bag all the way with Red's blood. Now Red's body was lying on the floor.
She was now probably dead. Thank god. What a bitch.
I then attached the plastic bag to the IV needle.
Slowly, I squeezed the plastic bag of blood so the blood would be transfered into Brina's body.
"What is with Red's blood?" Rachel asked.
Red's blood was pure black. Not red, like normal.
"I-- I don't know." I said sadly.
Sure, it was weird. But I bet you that the reason that Red was the way that she was, was because her blood was black.
Brina's pulse became a bit stronger as more blood was being transfered into her body.
The bag of blood was almost empty when I heard Brina gasp for air.
"What the- .. Where am I.. And who the hell was that girl?" Brina asked not knowing that me and Rachel were right in front of her.
"Bri!! You're alive!!!!!!!!" Rachel screamed and hugged Brina lightly.
"What? I was dead?" Brina asked.
"Well, almost. If we wouldn't have found you and Red in that alley- You would have been dead by now." I said.
Brina's eyes then filled with tears, and she buried her face in her hands.
"It's okay Brina. You're not dead though. We saved you." Rachel said while trying to comfort Brina.
"I...... but.... no.. I " Brina said then started crying hysterically.
"Maybe you should bring her upstairs to get some sleep." I suggested.
"Yeah.. Come on Brina. I'll show you to a bed that you can sleep in." Rachel said.
"Wait.. Hang on." I said while slowly and carefully taking out the IV from Brina's arm.
"Okay. Now you can go." I said while collecting everything that went with the IV.
Rachel and Brina went upstairs to the room next to mine and Rachel's.
There was another bed in there.
I then cleaned up all the blood and put the IV back into the closet.
When I came back to where Red's body was, I was shocked.
Red was struggling to stand, but she was alive... barely.
"You'd better watch out. They're coming." She said.
"Who's they?" I asked.
She didn't scare me.
"The Dandies. You all better kiss your asses goodbye because once they're in town-- there is NO way that you'll come out alive." She said then fell on the floor.
"And NOW she's dead." I said aloud to myself.
"That bitch is finally dead?" Rachel asked.
"Well yeah, apparently." I said.
I just tried to remember exactly what she said.
"She said that we better watch out because The Dandies.. are coming?? Yeah, and that when they come- we won't get out alive." I said to Rachel softly so Brina couldn't hear.
She had gone through enough for one day. I'd hate to cause her anymore pain.
"What? The Dandies.. And who the hell are they?" Rachel asked.
"I don't know. Probably some gang. Oh well." I said.
"So what should we do with her body?" Rachel asked.
"Let's send it to where it belongs." I said.
Rachel understood what I meant and grabbed a stake.
I nodded.
"You can do the honors." I said to her.
Within less than a minute, Red's body turned to ashes, and the ashes blew away.
"So do you think Brina's gonna be okay? I mean how did you feel when you found out that you could have been dead?" I asked Rachel.
"Well, I probably felt just like Brina does. I don't remember much but I remember being really depressed and what not." She said.
"Oh.. Okay." I muttered.
"So let's go get our clothes. I need some new clothes right now." She smiled.
"Yeah, so do I." I smiled back.
Rachel and I went back to our houses and got most of our belongings.
As soon as we were about to leave Rachel's house, her mum appeared.
"Rachel, what are you doing up so late? You have to get up early tomorrow. You're going to boot camp tomorrow." her mum said.
"What the fuck? No, I'm not." Rachel said.
"Yes you fucking are. And don't talk to me like that ever again. Or else the next time you do-- You can see your way out of this house..... perminantly." Her mother scolded.
"Psh, yeah right. Go fucking die. I'll see my fucking way out of the fucking hell hole.. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Ha, there. Deal with it." Rachel said and we left her house.
Rachel and I were holding 3 duffle bags each. They all containted most of our belongings that we wanted to bring with us to our new house.
"Hey, don't you think we should get some of Brina's clothes?" Rachel asked me.
"Yeah. I'm sure that she'd want some new clothes for tomorrow." I replied.
Rachel went inside Brina's and Pete's house and came back out in less than 5 minutes with 2 bags containing some of Brina's things.
"Okay. Now let's head home. I'm sooo tired." She said.
"Yeah, me too." I replied.
We made our way back to the house.
I brought my bags and 2 of Rach's bags to our room.
Rachel brought Brina's bags to her room and then joined me in our room.
We both got changed into clean clothes and fell asleep.
I just hope that Brina will feel better tomorrow. Because usually, when Brina's feeling bad, Rachel feels bad too. And when Rachel's feeling back, I feel bad.
And I don't want that. So yeah. I just hope tomorrow will be a better day.... well night. xDD
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