Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Trust Me.

by Santi_ 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating:  - Genres: 0 - Published: 2007-06-15 - Updated: 2007-06-16 - 752 words

It was during the end of period three at Belleville High in New Jersey; 18 year old Gerard Way was in his art class. He sat in the far back without anyone else around him apart from, of course, his infamous, violent cartoon drawings. He had his usual smudged black eyeliner surrounding the bottom of his dark brown eyes.

Like most teenagers, Gerard liked to dress a little bit out of the normal school uniform. He took off his black, worn gloves so his chipped black nail polish was visible. They appeared to not have been repainted in months.

Outside the frosted window, Gerard spotted his 15 year old brother Mikey Way, always typically late and shivering in the ice cold winter as he made his way to his class. Because of his piercing white skin, he was better known as 'Milky Way' to the 'jocks' of the school.

Gerard began to tear out pages in his black, thick, dog-eared art book, removing the drawings he just couldn't get right. With a sigh, he began to look around the colourful art room for inspiration when something caught his eye; a large paint splattered canvas with a small open paint bottle sitting on top of it, it was Solitaire, a transfer student from Chicago. She had only arrived in New Jersey a week ago, but had already seemed to find the inspiration for her painting. He decided that she was exactly what he needed.

Solitaire turned around noticed Gerard's meaningful staring eyes turned her way. Taking a deep breath and throwing his pen down onto the pile of screwed up balls of paper; he looked up gazing until his eyes focused on the girl before him.
It was at that moment that Solitaire had stoped painting and looking around the room as if she had lost something.

Their eyes met, combined with a shy smile. It wasn't the kind of smile that you pulled when you wanted to avoid talking or you didn't know or particularly like the person, but it was an understanding type, like they already knew everything about each other with just one look. She was wearing a black lint speckled, preppy cardigan with the logo of the latest teenage obsession brand, called 'Santi!'

But Gerard could see more through her then her stereotypical choice of clothing. No, it wasn't his super-hero vision that made him realise it was a different type of look. He somehow knew that through her chosen look of fashion that she wanted to blend in with everyone else. She appeared to have shopped at the same store but he knew that she was different to all of them, not a lost soul, but like the trendy clothing was her cover, so that no one could find out what her personality really was. He wondered why she did that. Maybe it was because she was afraid and needed to hide for a while, or maybe she just didn't have the guts to express her self and become an individual. Gerard thought that was a shame as he believed that this school could do with a great deal more of them.

Although he desperately wanted to stay sitting in his beloved art corner, thinking of more reasons behind her non-mysterious look and personality, the school bell rang and it was time to head towards period four; counselling class. The principal of Belleville High decided that all senior year students should have a compulsory counselling class to be held at least once a week. Gerard figured that he didn't need to sit there yet again for what it felt like the hundredth time and listen to girls with three inches of foundation on their faces, whinge about Daddy's idea to cut their weekly allowance of the use of his never ending supply of credit cards.
He had greater, different and unknown problems to worry about, and he sure as hell didn't want to talk about them infront of people who didn't understand let alone know him.

As he walked down the unstable metal steps and headed towards the green exit door, he noticed that some of the freshman's had the bright idea of spray painting red graffiti over the walls because they thought it made them cool. He ignored the giggles and stares of young freshman girls and slammed the heavy door shut as if to say that he was finally free from his awakened nightmare.

He couldn't wait to see his disenchanted game the next day, well hopefully.
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