Categories > Original > Horror > Defiance


by Psychophetamine 1 review

Nightmares wanting their freedom sought to attain it by breaking the rules and tampering with their mistress' dark magick. Unfortunately, the magick twists and mangles their being, turing them into...

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Horror - Published: 2005-11-24 - Updated: 2005-11-24 - 1016 words

/S'cyre Lecareixz a.k.a. Psychophetamine/

Chapter I: A Word Drowned in Oblivion

Their voices echoed across the hallway, drowned slightly in the persistent snickering and whispering of the creatures as they watched the event that was unfolding in that very hall.

It was going to be interesting. And so with their shadowy forms they glided across the floor. They would have looked similar to ordinary shadows as they did, being faceless and almost formless. But they were not, they were the Nightmares.

Slowly, they climbed up the multitude of intricately carved pillars that to the ceiling was their chosen places to observe this most unusual occurrence. They held on the arches that were stuck to the ceiling and with their invisible mouths on their faceless visages, they began to whisper, hiss and snicker amongst themselves.

He glared at her, a dark-reddish eye gleaming despite the black and brown decay of his body. Anger boiled in the muddled pits of his insides. It was not the hatred for the lady in front of him, but rather of the situation itself and also perhaps for his own being, the actions he so carelessly did in the past.

Secroixz clenched his teeth, though he only did it slightly for fear of his rotted teeth to chip off. He looked to the side where he saw his siblings, Krievardus and Ceirele, not quite as corrupted as he but almost. They still retained their vessel's forms, slightly decaying but more or less intact, unlike he who was slowly but surely crumbling into dust. Both looked back at him with worried, desperate eyes. But he turned his attention from them; he had to somehow convince her to help them to return to their original forms.

"Lady Atzdra, help me and my siblings, please." he pleaded, almost hissing, it was not the first time he had to do so and it brought his pride to shreds each time he had to say it.

The Queen of Nightmares smirked, leaning her back on her throne of black amorphous substance, watching Secroixz. "Dear Nightmare..." she spoke, a sarcastic cruelty dripping from her words, "Was it not you who chose to defy my will?"

"I wish for me and my siblings to be free from this agonizing malady, milady." he said, trying to appeal to her. If his past body could be restored, anything that can free him from inhabiting his wretched vessel, so be it. "I was wrong to tamper with your magick."

Atzdra crossed her legs, her midnight blue robe falling slightly from her limbs and brought her deathly pale fingers to her rouged lips. "You don't speak the truth..." her sneer widened, "In fact, I think you three rather enjoyed it...The power of shaping, darkness and death." she chortled, a sinister laugh, "No, you only regret not being able to control it any longer... Am I not mistaken, Nightmare?"

"We no longer wanted to be mere Nightmares, Lady Atzdra." he said, controlling his fury, "We are not content with petty human fears like the rest of our kind. We sought freedom and only with the magick can we attain flesh and-"

Atzdra interrupted, laughing, amused. "You are far too arrogant for your own well-being, Nightmare." her smile twisted and her dark eyes narrowed, "You think you can achieve such a feat, to create flesh for which you and your siblings can inhabit?"

His glare deepened, pride back in place, "I knew it well and I did it successfully."

She laughed again; it was mirthless and sardonic, "A vessel that couldn't last for half a day, Nightmare. It was a pathetic attempt-"

"It was the venom!" he retorted, infuriated now, "The venom destroyed me, if it weren't for-"

"It was your own undoing, meddling with things you do not comprehend." her tone was slightly icier now, but the smirk never left its place, "Now look at yourself. Nothing more than a piteous soul, imprisoned in your own crude work of blood and tissue, decaying in the disease you have brought about on you and your siblings."

He stopped himself before he could say another word, knowing full well the futility of arguing with her, heaving his dying lungs for a quiet sigh, bowing his head, looking at the floor that was a mirror that reflected the moribund artwork of the ceiling, the other Nightmares and his own face. He gave himself a grim smile at the thought of seemingly never ending days with nothing but the feeling of decay crawling and devouring him.

Although indeed she was right, he told himself, it was in truth his own error and they would have to pay for it without a loophole to crawl through.

Silence hung for a moment after he did so as none of them spoke.

Atzdra ran a finger on her lips again, thinking as she studied the pitiful creature that kneeled before her. The sight was familiar somehow, "This is not the first time I have seen an ailment such as yours." she told him, "And although I would rather see you and your two siblings suffer for your rebellion, I believe it would become more interesting if I gave you a hint to a possible cure..."

Secroixz lifted his head, meeting the woman's gaze, "A cure?"

Her smile darkened as she rose from her seat, "Perhaps" she said lazily, "I am not knowledgeable about them, I suggest you take your siblings and go to the Realm of Oblivion and look for the first prince. He should know of them." she made a quick gesture, a quill and a piece of parchment forming from no where.

The quill moved on the parchment to scribble something.

"And what would this clue be?" he asked, somehow suspicious of her.

Atzdra motioned to the parchment, her smile like the twisted coils of a snake.

Secroixz took it, his gaze never leaving that of his mistress until curiosity got the better of him. He glanced down at it and raised his eyebrows at the word that was written in a sharp script: Vampire.
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