Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu Yu Hakusho > Destiny's Chains

Chapter 1

by HisshaSouma 0 reviews


Category: Yu Yu Hakusho - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Botan, Hiei, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Yusuke - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-06-15 - Updated: 2007-06-15 - 1274 words

From time to time, your heart breaks. And usually, it heals. Whether it be fast or slow, time usually heals a broken heart. But sometimes, the heart refuses to heal. Not very often, but it happens every once in a while.
Chapter 1

"Osa, wait up!" a fifteen-year-old girl shouted, jogging after her friend. "Will you slow down?" She caught up to her friend and tried to maintain the quick pace. Unable to, she grabbed the other's arm. "C'mon, stop for a minute."

"What?" She turned her emerald green eyes angrily upon the brown-eyed girl. Sighing, she brushed a hand through her blonde-tipped brown hair, tightening the ponytail when she got to the back. When she closed her eyes in anger, her purple eye shadow showed more than usual, complimenting her purple lipstick.

"Osa, what's wrong with you? I've been chasing you around for five minutes now," the brown-eyed girl said, pushing up her glasses. The wind played with her blood red bangs and tugged at her black hair that was pulled back into a tight, high ponytail.

"He just makes me so mad!" Osadyro exploded, throwing her hands into the air. "Always pullin' tricks like he does! Why's he do it, Darkfire?"

"Cuz he knows it gets to ya, that's why. 'Sides, it's funny to see ya blush all crazy like that," Darkfire answered, pushing her glasses up once more. "And for another thing, you know you like it. Else why would you still chase after him?"

"Cuz he deserves a kick to the nuts."

"Yea, but that ain't my point. Your crazy 'bout that boy; ain't no denyin' it."

"I'll deny it all I want!"

"Ain't no use."

Beginning to blush, Osadyro turned sharply away and began to walk off. Before she could get too far, Darkfire followed after her.

"Told you ya blushed," said Darkfire, pushing all the buttons she could without getting hit.

"Shove it up yer ass," Osadyro growled, her blush growing.

"No, thanks. Not really my thing." And then she laughed. "Your blush be growin' bigger!"

Hiding an angry laugh, Osa ran, her brown skirt hugging the front of her knees.

"I knew it!" Darkfire chased after her friend, her jeans giving her an advantage. When they were finally running side by side, they slowed to a casual pace.

"Why you always doin' that?" Osadyro asked, smirking and nudging her friend.

"Cuz no matter how mad I make ya, we'll always be friends. We always been friends. Ain't never gunna change." She looked over her shoulder and stopped. "'Pears Angel still wants a word with ya. Wanna give 'im a run for his money?"

"Might as well try."

Laughing, the two took off through the parking lot, knowing that the boy would catch up to them. He was fast, tall, and lanky. Also a basketball player, pretty good Darkfire's standards.

"Gotcha!" he shouted, grabbing the hood of Darkfire's black hoodie and the collar of Osa's blouse. Coming to a choking stop, the girls turned and glared up at Angel.

"Y'always doin' that. Stop it," Darkfire smirked, righting the hoodie.

"What d'ya want?" Osadyro questioned, fixing her collar.

"You left so fast I didn't get to give you this," he said, smiling at Osa.


He smacked her forehead with his palm. "I need my shin intact. And those boots hurt."

The green-eyed girl began to fume, glaring at Angel. Her foot twitched ever so slightly, but Angel knew it from experience. Laughing nervously, he started to run.

"Oh, no you don't!" Darkfire shouted, chasing after him. The boy sped up, keeping a decent distance between them. But
Darkfire was use to his superior speed and adapted.

Carefully changing her balance, she made ready to lunge. And his big, orange tank top would be useful if she missed. She pounced at him and grabbed for his shirt. Catching a handful, she landed in a crouched position, her left hand holding carefully onto the shirt.

"You're gunna rip it!" Angel shouted, dragging the girl behind him.

"Then stop!" she replied, gripping with both hands now. When he didn't, she tackled him. They hit the ground and began to wrestle, Angel to get away and Darkfire just for fun.

"They remind me of these two idiots," an angry voice growled, glaring at two boys. One was really tall with orange hair and a blue jumper. The other was slightly shorter with gelled black hair, brown eyes, and a green jumper. The one who spoke was short, had blood red eyes, wore a black cloak and soft-soled boots, and had spiked black hair with a burst of white.

"Hey, we don't grapple!" the brown-eyed one shouted.

Osadyro turned to stare at the voices, shocked, but not showing it. "Who're you?"

"My name's Minamino Suichi," another boy said. He had long red hair, emerald eyes, and a purplish-pink jumper.

"Urameshi Yuusuke," the brown-eyed boy introduced, smiling stupidly.

"Kuwabara Kazuma," the tall one said, same stupid look.

No reply from the short one.

"His name's Hiei. Please excuse his rudeness," Suichi smiled, bowing.

"Riiiight," Osadyro said sarcastically, thinking they were nuts. "And I'm the Tooth Fairy."

"Don't screw with us...Osadyro," Hiei snapped, glaring at her.

Osadyro's expression didn't change.

"He's a telepath," Kazuma stated. "And it ain't nice to pick through her mind, Hiei."

"Yo, D!" Osa shouted, turning to stare at the two fighting.

All movement stopped as Darkfire looked up from a headlock. "What?"


Angel released the girl's head and she casually trotted up to Osa. Angel followed brushing himself off and wiping his blue bangs out of his blue eyes, also patting his spiky blonde hair to make sure it was still spiked.

"Who're these guys? I ain't never seen 'em 'round here," Darkfire said, eying the four strangers.

"Minamino, Urameshi, Kuwabara, and Hiei," Osa named, pointing to each boy in turn.

"Some funny names y'all got there. Foreign exchange students?"

"You could say that," Urameshi laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "But you can call me Yuusuke."

"I'm Darkfire. And he's Angel," Darkfire smiled, pointing back at the boy. And then she wiped a trickle of blood from her cheek. "What brings ya ta these parts?"

"Work," Yuusuke answered.

"Force," Hiei growled, glaring at the boy.

"Get over it."

"Is there somethin' you want?" Angel asked, growing bored.

"Yea, and if it has anything to do with me, make it quick. I gotta get home in like"-she looked at her watch-"five minutes ago! See y'all later!" Darkfire yelled, racing off.

Osadyro sighed. "Well?"

"Uh, I guess it'll have ta wait 'til later. When you're all here," Yuusuke said, watching Darkfire disappear around a corner.

"Right. Later then." Osadyro and Angel left, leaving the four boys to stand alone.

"Now what?" Kuwabara said, turning to Yuusuke.

"Dunno. Kurama?" He turned to Suichi.

"Head home and wait for tomorrow, I suppose," he suggested, not really knowing himself.

Yuusuke pulled out a compact mirror. "Hey, Koenma. We need a portal. No, we're trying tomorrow though. Righty-o!" He closed the mirror and put it back in his pocket.

"I'll stay here and keep an eye on the three," Hiei said, not moving as the others started to walk off.

"You know Koenma'll kill me if we show up without you!" Yuusuke objected.

"And I care because...? You forced me to come so I'm going to stay until this is over."

"Fine, but you owe me one." The remaining three left and now it was just Hiei left to stand alone in this foreign place.

"Finally, they leave me," he sighed, walking in the direction Darkfire left in.
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