Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Chapter 7

by MCR_music_mad_girl 2 reviews

Secret wedding?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-06-20 - Updated: 2007-06-20 - 2036 words - Complete

"This particular apartment has six bedrooms, a large dinning room, two lounges and four bathrooms, two of which are ensuite." The estate agent showed us around the very large apartment, it was lovely. Exactly what we've been looking for. "It's only about a twenty minute drive to Newark airport and it comes with three parking spaces in the underground car park." Another advantage was that Mikey was only two floors above it.

"How much does it cost?" Eliza asked her.

"The asking price at the moment is $800,000." Eliza's face went slightly pale.

"Can you excuse for a moment please?" Elle smiled as she dragged me into the massive kitchen. "G we can't afford this. Why did you even bring us here?"

"Hunny its near Mikey. I've always been living near him my whole life and I still do. Plus I want him around for the kids." I was not going to be defeated on this property, it was perfect for us and Elle knew it to.

"Fine. But what about when we are working how is your mom gonna take Lena to school. I mean she isn't gonna drive from Belleville to New York every morning."

I smiled "My dear Eliza there are six bedrooms here and you won't be working for a while."

She pouted, "I'm not going to win this conversation am I?"

I kissed her "Afraid not hunny. Now lets buy this place before someone else does. "

"Ok baby."

I walked around to find the estate agent. "So what do you think of the place?"

"It's perfect. We'd like to put in an offer at the asking price please." I said nervously.

"Ok I can call the vendor now and tell him about your offer now if you like?"

I smiled "Yeah thanks."

"No problem Mr. Way if you can take a look around while I call him."

I nodded and went to get Elle. She was in the master bedroom looking around. I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her slim waist. "I love you Elle." I said kissing her neck.

"I love you too Gerard." We stood at the window looking at the busy streets below. "Are you coming to the appointment next week?"

"Baby I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled. As soon as the wedding was over we were gonna tell Lena and the guys about the baby. And I for one couldn't wait.

"G I'm nervous about going." She said with a shaky voice.

"Don't be. All they doctor does is puts the jelly on your tummy and checks how the baby is developing. Its really simple."

She turned to look at me. "I thought you said you never knew Lenie existed until this year?"

"I didn't. I went with Lou a couple of years ago when she was pregnant."

She put her serious face on "But Lou and Bob don't have a kid. We are talking about the same Lou right?" I had to bite my lip to stop myself form kissing her at that moment.

"Yes we are. She lost the baby at four months. So don't kinda rub it in her face, she still hasn't gotten over it yet.

"Ok I wont baby." I kissed her nose.

"Excuse me Mr. Way?" the estate agent said.

"Yes?" I replied turning to face her.

"The vendor has accepted your offer of the asking price."

A surge of excitement went through me. "Thank you." I smiled whilst kissing Elle. We signed a load of papers and stuff for the apartment. We were able to move in the next week, the day of the surprise wedding. We basically skipped down to the car.

"Come on G lets collect Lenie and tell her about the apartment!" I laughed. Elle was nearly as bad as Frank all hyper for no reason.


Donna's POV

"Eliza why don't you try on your dress to show Krista and Jamia?" I said to my future daughter. And I meant future as in less then a hour.

"Yeah sure. Hey why don't we show you guys Mia's, Lenie's and Lou's dress to?" she asked. The woman was making this a whole lot easier for me.

"Alicia and Jenna-Louise your dresses are in Michael's wardrobe. Eliza your dress is in Gerard's room as is Lena's." I told the ladies in the kitchen. "Jamia would you be a dear and help me with Lena's and Eliza's dresses? Krista you can help the other two if you don't mind."

Krista nodded and ran after the other two while Eliza carried Lena up to Gerard's room. We fitted Lena's dress first and sent her into Michael's room with Jamia. I could here noise from the boys down stairs so I put on some music Gerard had suggested earlier. I pulled the dress out of the covering.

"Donna isn't the make-up meant to go on before the dress?" Eliza questioned with a confused look on her face

"Sweetie after my sister and I put the make-up on first we made it a lot harder for ourselves. The trick is to cover the dress with a clean towel when applying the make-up and doing the hair."

She giggled, "I'm so glad you'll be hear on our wedding day." God she really had no idea that Gerard had this all planned this all out for her.

"I'm just going to make sure the girls haven't done any damage."

I ran into Michael's room to see them and then ran down to the boys. They had done a wonderful job on making the sitting room into a nice chapel. There were only a couple of people other than the bands and their girlfriends coming. Of coarse Brian and Worm were going to be there. I quickly re did my make-up then went back up to Eliza.

"Sweetie they are down stairs with champagne in full swing, well orange juice for Lena." I smiled

"Thanks Donna, they better not have cameras 'cause they have to wait until the wedding day for photos." She said going down the stairs. "You guys better not stain them dresses or your all dead meat." I chuckled and opened the sitting room door. She froze "What's going on?" she asked obviously shocked.

I handed her a bouquet of black and red roses. "Sweetie this is your wedding day." I walked her up to Gerard. I could see her emotions stirring.

"I love you Gerard," she whispered as a tear fell from her eye.

When it came to the vows Gerard spoke his own words of what he felt for Eliza. "Eliza I love you. You are my world, my everything. I never truly believed in love up until the moment I set my eyes on you. I may have only known you for five years but it feels like we have been together for an entire lifetime. I will always love you forever even in the after life." He slipped a platinum ring onto her finger. I felt so proud of my eldest baby at that moment.

Eliza was crying she looked so happy. "I don't have anything planned so here goes. Whenever I'm with you I feel safe. I've never felt that with anyone before. From the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. You have no idea how much I love you and I will always love you even through the after life." She smiled. I watched Alicia hand her a ring. An identical ring was placed on Gerard's finger.

"By the power invested in me by the state of New Jersey I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" said the priest. Their lips locked and the small room erupted with cheers. Lena buried her head into the leg of Alicia's dress; she obviously didn't like the kissing part.

Gerard's POV

I lay in bed with Eliza's head resting on my shoulder. Jamia and Krista had done a good job with doing up the master bedroom last night. The grin hadn't left my face since I saw Elle walk through the sitting room door yesterday and it probably wouldn't leave for a long time. I felt like the happiest dude alive. A beautiful wife, a beautiful kid and another one on the way and awesome job, what more could I ask for?

"Good morning Mr. Way" I heard Elle whisper

"Good morning Mrs. Way" I kissed her nose "How does it feel to be Mrs. Way?"

She smirked "It feels great." I didn't know whether it was Elle being pregnant or us getting married but she only had one thing on her mind.

Twenty minutes later I lay breathlessly on the bed with Elle. She looked so beautiful. My mobile rang and I answered it.

"Did I interrupt round 50?" Mikey asked.

"No stupid 62" I laughed

"Eww that's nasty I don't want to know. Anyway get your breathing back your daughter wants to talk to you."

I took a couple of deep breaths "Hey sweetie."

"Hello daddy. Happy wedding day."

I smiled. She was so damn adorable. "Aww thank you Lenie. Did you have a fun time at uncle Mikey's last night?" I asked as Elle got out of bed.

"Yes and Bob and auntie Jen stayed here to. And I played go fish and I won. Daddy is you fighting with Elle 'cause uncle Mikey said round 50?"

I heard Mikey laughing and I had to bit my lip to stop myself from laughing at her. "No we were playing a game." I sat up to watch Elle get dressed, I was so proud to call her my wife.

"Uncle Mikey says only big people play, when I'm older do I get to play?" I could hear Mikey laughing harder. Poor guy must be crying by now. "And why does uncle Mikey keep laughing?"

"Because your uncle Mikey is a dirty old man. Now who is bring you to school?"

"Auntie Alicia is. And you're coming to collect me."

I let out a little laugh. "Yeah I am. You have nice time at school won't you?"

"Yes. I have to go to school now. Bye daddy love you lots like jelly tots."

What in gods name are jelly tots? "Bye Lena I love you too." With that the line went dead. Elle was standing at the end of the bed frowning. "What?"

"You do realize the doctors appointment is in half an hour and your not even dressed yet."

"Fine I'll go like this." I joked.

"Don't make me dress you." She threatened. An evil grin went across my face "We're late enough as it is now GO!"


"Mr. And Mrs. Way if you would like to step into my office please." The doctor said. We got and followed him inside. Elle was so nervous about the whole thing. At least the scan went fairly quickly, it was the wait that made her worry. As we sat down she held my hand tight.

"The baby is great. It's developing perfectly. The baby was conceived around the 15th of July-" oh man do I remember that day. Ray's party had been a blast we hadn't been alone for a while and one thing led to another. "-which means this little one should arrive the first or second week of April. Would you like to know the sex of the baby?"

"Yes please" Elle squeaked happily.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Way you are having a baby boy."

I was over the moon; a baby boy around my birthday the best freaking gift a guy could ask for. "A baby boy!" I said as we walked out of the office. "Elle I didn't know you were three months gone."

She looked to the ground. "Neither did I. You know the way my periods are so irregular. "

I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head. "Baby I'm not mad at you, far from it. Eliza you have made me the happiest and proudest guy on the planet."

{{A/N; so you guys still think I should continue?? Leave a review and let me know. Thanks for reading.}}
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