Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When It Rains

Our little coffee shop

by Limited_Too_You 5 reviews

I didnt like this chapy at all; i think i becomeing off on my writing

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Gerard Way, Other - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 627 words

"Oh- uh" Prisma stuttered; trying to grasp onto words she can't find "I- uh well... why don't you come in?" Prisma back up some; waiting for Gerard to walk in but nothing happened "What's a matter?"
"Oh uh-" Gerard seemed to be having as much trouble grabbing onto words as Prisma did "I wanted to um- well... apologize for earlier and um- well; I'd really like to- well; go get some coffee"
Prisma was shocked; a man she didn't even know walked all the way from who knows where just so he could find her and apologize. She was touched but still; she didn't want to rush in a relationship just yet
"Gerard; I don't want to get into a relationship yet"
Prisma's sapphire eyes widened when he started laughing very loudly
What a rude little man; I say I don't want to get in a relationship and he busts out laughing
Just as Prisma was about to slam the door; Gerard caught it and wiped away the last of his tears "Prisma; I never said I wanted to date you; I just want to go get some coffee; you know; to make up for earlier yesterday"
"But that was still rude" Prisma could feel her cheeks burning in embarrassment
"I'm sorry. How about I buy the coffees?"
"Who ever said I was going Mr. Gerard?"
"Oh come on; please?"
Prisma gave it some thought before easily saying "I'll go get my purse"

Walking into a pretty empty Starbucks; Gerard ordered two coffees and picked the table in the corner to sit at.
"Thank you Gerard" Prisma took the coffee
"Nope problem"
There was a uncomfortable silence followed by some sipping from the coffee cups
"So... what are you doing right now? You know; for business and all" Prisma asked; unsure what to really talk about
"Well; me and my friends made a band."
He was testing Prisma; and Prisma didn't like it at all
"Mind being a little more in detail Mr. Way?"
"Okay; it's a rock band"
Prisma rolled her eyes as Gerard smirked
"Okay, okay. Frank; Bob; Ray; And my little brother Mikey are all in a rock band called My Chemical Romance; of course we're not fucking famous yet"
"Oh" Prisma nodded "Can I come watch one day?"
Gerard raised an eyebrow "Why?"
"Cause I want to watch; got a problem with that?"
Prisma gave attitude she never knew she had; and it surprised Gerard; even a little herself
"Fine; but I'm making Frankie pick you up"
"Frank; he'll come pick you up"
"But wait; what if I'm in the shower?"
"Why would you be in the shower?"
"Because I like to smell fresh dumbass" Prisma sniffed the air near Gerard "And you might want to take one"
Gerard gave a sarcastic laugh "Fine will call you"
"How will you call me if you don't even have my number?"
Gerard seemed to be losing his cool with Prisma
"Well then give it to me!"
"What if I don't want to?" Prisma was trying to test his patience
"Well then your not going"
"Fine" Prisma took a sharpie and grabbed Gerards arm and wrote down
'765-9357' "There; now call me before you come over okay?"
Prisma and Gerard walked over to the car and stepped in
It's nice to have Gerard around
Prisma caught herself
No wait; it's not; I can't be falling for someone again; no, no, no, no
Looking out the window and sighing deeply Prisma though
Or am I falling for Gerard Way?

I don't like this chapy at all. But i was wondering; should i just go ahead and change from being 'PPrisma did so and so' to 'She did so and so'?? Please tell me!!
Love ya!
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