Categories > Celebrities > All-American Rejects > The Letters

Letter 2

by JMSBBHB 1 review

A mysterious author begins to write letters to a friend telling the story of a girl named Mara and how meeting a boy supposedly named Ryan changed the life of her and her bandmates.

Category: All-American Rejects - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 607 words

Little Info: I just wanted to inform you of the story behind these letters briefly. I was bored one day in Chem. So I began to write my friend a note but I didn't know what to write so I started to tell her a story that is why they are in the form of letters. The names are out nicknames in carpool. They are just jokes. We aren't self-centered or anything. And the last piece of info is that the "Author" is made up. There isn't really anyone on the run which will make more sense in the next chapters. Thank you! Now with the story! (oh and it will be very random at times.)


Dear Sexy,

Thank you for the letter. I am so glad you wish to read more of my story! Well, instead of boring you with more flowery speach I will carry on with the tale.
Now, I can't remember exctly where I left off, so please forgive me if it doesn't flow well. Here we go:

Ryan began to walk back to his (well, his uncle's house) after his awkward conversation with ... well, he didn't actually know her name.
"Hey!" he yelled back to her, but she wasn't there which was understandable. He spun around a little and saw that she was walking to her door. "Hey!" he yelled again. This time in her actuall direction. The girl looked at him with a kind of annoyed look.
"Huh?" she yelled back.
"What is your name?" he asked.
"Mara," she replied quickly as she stepped into her house.
"Cool," he said quietly to himself as he started to walk to his car.


Mara had been sitting in her living room staring at the wall for the past ten minutes. That was how bored she was. She couldn't watch TV because it was a Saturday and there is never anything on TV on weekends (at least when you don't have cable). Her brain was about to explode. Luckily, the door bell rang just then.
'Thank God,' she thought as she got up. She welcomed anything that would entertain her for at least a few minutes. She walked to the door and opened it to find a huge golden retriever sitting on her doorstep with a gorgeous male speciman at the end og his leash.
"Hi, Mara!" the gorgeous man sang.
"Hey, Ryan," she replied a bit confused. "What's up?"
"Well, I was going to take Dexter for a walk in the park down the street, and i know you usually walk him, so i was wondering if you wanted to come along?" he asked.
"Ah, Yes! Please! I am so bored," she moaned.
Ryan looked stunned. "Really?" he replied in amazement.
"Yeah, just let me get my shoes," she called back as she ran into the house to find her shoes.

... to be continued

Haha, if you would like to know what happens in the park, please, take a ten dollar bill, write the word pizza on it, and hand it to the girl who drives you to school. You must do this because I am underground right now for a top secret project, and I must not have direct contact with anyone. Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Truly,


Later that day I (the girl who drives "sexy" to school) recieved a ten dollar bill with the word pizza written on it. Don't worry it was the gas money she owed me. I didn't just take $10 from her.


Thanks for reading!
I promise (in case you were curious) that the letters start moving much quicker in the rest of them.
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