Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Original Prankster

Taking Leave

by BlueTawney 2 reviews

A day of rest gets out of hand

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 6675 words

Taking Leave

I woke up with a groan and lifted my head up slowly. A bright beam of sunlight was shining harshly into my face and I cringed as I sat up from where I had been laying, slumped forward with my head on the kitchen table.

Rubbing at my now sore forehead I rubbed my tired eyes and surveyed the room.

Yep still a shit hole.

I sneered disgustedly as my arm stuck to the table. Eurgh I don't even want to know. Peeling myself off the sticky mess I noticed the empty mugs and cans strewn over the wooden top and it all came rushing back to me.

Frank. Pete and then Syd. In that order.

We'd stayed up till 5, precisely 2 hours ago talking about everything and anything. Sometimes pissing each other off, sometimes clutching our sides in hysterics but getting along none the less.

Spotting Syd's small figure curled up on the ratty sofa I smiled and picked up an empty Pepsi can. Lobbing it at her sleeping body it bounced off her back and she woke up with a start.

Rolling on to her side with a grimace she cracked open one dark brown eye and glared at me from across the bus.

"Good morning." I said cheerfully.

She gave me the finger and I snorted at her as I slid awkwardly out the table seats. My whole body ached from falling asleep in such an uncomfortable position and my bones creaked in protest as I straightened up.

Flicking the kettle on I walked stiffly into the bunks to get washed and dressed. 5 minutes later I emerged cleaner and dressed in leggings and a mid length tartan dress. Yes I did look as random as it sounded. I haven't done much washing in a while...


I woke up with a start as something metal hit me in the back. I rolled over to find a Pepsi can on the floor and Leo sat at the table.

"Good morning!" She said with a smile.

How can someone be so chirpy at fuck am? I flipped her the bird, making her snort with laughter. She got up and went to the bunks, switching on the kettle as she passed.

As I stretched I immediately regretted it, as my stitched leg cramped painfully. I tried to stretch to get rid of it but all I could do was groan in agony. Bastard Craig. As the cramping gradually subsided to the usual dull ache, I sat up to gather my thoughts. We were up till about 5am talking, laughing and taking the piss.

It's weird how well we've clicked. We were just both too head strong and stubborn to give one another a chance. Maybe getting my leg sliced open has a good side. We talked about everything and anything. Plus Leo is so in denial about Frank it's insane. She says the same about Pete but he's just a flirt; I've seen enough interviews to know he'll flirt with anything living, male or female.

It makes a change to have a woman to talk to though and talking to Leo made me feel better yet somehow worse at the same time. She's completely alone in this country. I kinda felt like a shit to feel so lonely. Yeah I have family just a few states away. And I have a few friends who aren't just interested in tickets. But I haven't seen them for months.

It's weird how you never appreciate what you have till you loose it. All be it only temporarily whilst on tour. But even on tour, if it weren't for Leo I would have no-one to talk to at all. Kirt and the rest have abandoned the bus since Leo's 'episode', and even then all the techies avoid me and Leo encase they get dragged into whatever it is we appear to be in.

I just miss the routine of being home. Getting up at 6am and knowing Mom will have a stack of pancakes ready for me, and Danny will walk in ten minutes later and steal whatever I haven't eaten. I really should call Danny.

Wincing as I stood up, I shuffled over to the table. My hand stuck to it as I leaned on the ledge. Nice. I sat down and slouched on the bench seat, resting my leg on the opposite bench. Fucking stitches itch like fuck.


Walking back into the kitchen I saw that Syd had moved position and was now slumped at the table groaning loudly and muttering about her leg.

She looked up as I walked in and stared at me blankly.

"You look like a Scottish washer woman." She stated amused, looking pointedly at my dress.

"Yeah well..." I struggled to find an insult, "You can just fuck off."

She snorted at me and I grinned as I walked over to the kettle and poured out a cup of coffee. Grabbing a can from the fridge I threw it at Syd and she caught it deftly.

Sitting across from her I cradled the warm mug in my hands.

"Day off isn't it?" Syd asked in between gulps of Pepsi.

I nodded and let the silence descend once more. We slowly worked our way through our individual caffeine fixes until the bleary morning fug left our systems and relaxation settled.

It was odd having this sort of female companionship. I mean we hated each other last week. The weird thing is though, that I can't actually remember why I hated Syd so much. Maybe it was because we're so similar; last night only confirmed that we have an awful lot in common. We're ambitious, fiercely loyal, passionate about our work and up for a laugh.

Syd had deduced last night that I'm in denial about Frank. I find this odd coming from the woman who point blank refuses to acknowledge that a certain tight jean wearing front man is seriously into her.

I don't want to get too heavy about things is all. Dry humping against a bus does not a relationship make in my opinion.

Draining the last of my coffee I stood up and stretched. Syd looked up enquiringly and I was just about to suggest going for a morning cigarette when my phone went off interrupting our quiet solitude.

Digging it out of my pocket I opened the message I just received. Andy. If he's looking for prank ideas he can forget it.

Come outside quick. U have 2 c this! A

Right, nice and vague. Striding over to the window I yanked open the curtains and froze at the scene before me.

"Oh my god."

"What!?" Syd barked as she struggled to get out the tight booths, "What the hells going on Leo?"

Those morons. I leave them alone for what? A day? And they resort to this.

Striding back over to Syd I yanked her out the booth with a sharp tug and dragged her behind me out the bus, ignoring her yelps of protest.

The doors hissed open and I ran down the steps, pulling Syd along with me. Covering my mouth and nose I prepared for impact.

As we hit solid ground a huge cloud of white engulfed us and Syd began to curse and cough as she too got swallowed up by the powdery smog.

"What." Cough. "The fuck." Cough. "Is this?!" She gasped looking around wildly.

"I've created monsters." I moaned as the cloud began to clear and dusky figures appeared in front of us.

A loud choir of coughs and splutters hit my ears and I watched as the 5 figures on our right furiously wiped at their eyes and coughed as the thick powder invaded their lungs.

The stick thin figure of Mikey was bent double as he hacked up, spitting out clumps of white onto the floor. Bob was covered in the stuff, his beard clogged with it and he frantically wiped at his eyes as the powder blinded him. Ray was stood with his hands over his mouth and nose, his eyes dark with fury as he glared across the car park. Gerard stood muttering under his breath as he brushed the sticky mess off of his dark clothes and Frank was shaking his head making lumps of white fly haphazardly all around him as it dislodged its self from his hair and face.

I felt a sharp jab in my ribs and turned to find Syd examining a lump of the sticky white mess that had landed on her arm.

"Is this what I think it is?" She asked as she prodded the lump and flicked it disgustedly onto the floor.

"I'm afraid so." I said with a deep sigh. I really did expect better from my guys. Perhaps I really had been the brains of the operation. Idiots.

Leaving Syd and walking over to my left I approached the other 4 figures who were laughing hysterically, mouths and noses covered up scarf's and bandanas. Trust Joe to own a bandana.

"FLOUR BOMB'S?!" I snapped at them as Pete, Andy, Joe and Patrick were revealed through the floury fog.

They all attempted to stop laughing as I approached them, but Joe and Andy kept sporadically snickering each time a member of MCR coughed or pulled a disgusted expression.

"How primary school do you get? Seriously have I taught you nothing?" I asked throwing my hands up in frustration, "Whatever happened to planning and originality?!"

"Aww come on Leo," Joe said taking the bandana from his face, "It was just abit of fun alright? Plus you haven't exactly been around to help us have you? We did it for you anyway, to get them back for the lighting prank."

I stopped my tirade at Joe's words. They did it for me? Okay so it was childish and very little thought had gone into it but they'd done it to defend me. For my honour so to speak.

"You guys..." I trailed off as I stopped in front of them, "That's so sweet. Thanks I guess."

They all grinned, the chastised looks disappearing from their faces in an instant.

Turning back through the steadily clearing cloud I saw Syd standing with MCR, helping them to brush themselves off. Turning back to my guys I saw them looking at me oddly.

"What?" I questioned suddenly self conscious. Did I have flour on my face or something?

"So..." Pete began as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me towards the Fob bus with the others in hot pursuit, "You and Frankie eh? You do know that's consorting with the enemy don't you?"

Patrick snorted with laughter beside me and Andy and Joe averted their gaze. Bloody Pete, he's only gone and told them all, the bastard.

"O my God shut up." I said blushing as I went to give him a sharp thump in the arm. He dodged me and grinned annoyingly.

"Aww come on Leo," He said smirking, his eyes shining with mirth, "Its genius really, think of all the inside info you can get. It's like you're behind enemy lines!"

I turned back and headed for the tech bus. I need more coffee and fags.

"I hate you all." I yelled back, giving them the finger as they all burst out laughing.


"I'm too young to be the mother of five twenty something's!" I said with a sigh.

"Yeah well we didn't start it!" Mikey bitched. God he is such a little girl.

"But we'll sure as hell finish it!" Gerard interjected, frantically rubbing the flour off his gloves. Who wears gloves in the middle of a heat wave? Emo kids are weird.

"I am never going to get this out of my hair!" Ray wailed.

"Stop being such a baby. God knows what we've put on your head before now and it's survived. It can't be any worse than the fire extinguisher." Gerard snapped irritably.

Gerard told me that one night when he was wasted and Ray was asleep in the back of the van, he got the mini extinguisher and set it off all over Ray's head. Apparently the look on his face was priceless.

Bob was still pulling globs out of his stubble. "Yeah, besides my beard is far more important than the fro'. I look like father fucking Christmas!"

"Where have all then men gone!?" I cried as I watched them bitch and whine like a bunch of girls.

"Ah man, it's all over my cigs!" Frank said sadly yet still lit up and took a drag. I'm almost desperate enough to have one myself. Almost.

Mikey was quietly muttering under his breath as Gerard picked bits of flour out of his hair. He by far was hit the worst. Gerard had got off quite lightly; I bet that pissed Fob off. I know he's the main target, as is Pete. I love how they resorted to schoolyard stunts without Leo to mastermind their evil schemes. It's like being in kindergarten all over again, except without nap time and a lot more pot. I mean, how lame can you get? Flour bombs?!

As the guy's finished cleaning off the flour as best they could I saw Leo stood with FOB across the yard. HA she tried to punch Pete in the arm but he dodged it. Must have mentioned her little show last night.

Leaving MCR to get cleaned off I headed over to the tech bus. Walking towards the door I suddenly spotted a familiar figure stood randomly in the bus park.

"No fucking way!" I gasped.

A collective "what?!" resounded through the floured air.

Ignoring my leg, throbbing nicely from being dragged about by Leo, I sprinted towards him.

"Danny! How the hell did you get here!?" I exclaimed as I gave him a bone crushing hug Never have I been so happy to see a friendly face. I miss Jersey so much.

"Mikey flew me in. He said you could use an annoying little brother to tease right now" He replied as he swung me round in his arms.

Danny put me back down on the ground, but still kept hold of my shoulders as I wobbled a bit.

"Always," I replied, "I'm sorry I never called you back. I was going to I swear. God I missed you so much! How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to see you smoking" He said giving me that same condescending look he always did when he was playing big brother to me.

"Danny, I'm not arguing over this" I sighed sitting down on the bus steps.

"But you were doing so well. After all the crap he put you though, I thought you'd given them up." He sat down on the dirty asphalt in front of me, grabbing my hands as I played with the sleeve of my hoodie. A nervous habit.

"Yeah well." I mumbled darkly.

"Yeah well what?"

God I hate it when he is being all... all... haughty! I'm older than him damn it.

"Nothing. I'm just stressed is all." I said not meeting his eyes.

"About what?"

About what? About what! What did he think I was stressed about?!

I jerked upwards, wobbling slightly on unsteady feet. He stumbled back from where he was down on his haunches and my sudden movement.

"Hello? Sabotaging my bike? Being completely alienated? Being forced to stay on that stupid tech bus?! If it wasn't for Leo I swear...." I snapped, more irritated than angry at the interrogation.

"I heard about that. It seems you and Leo have quite a reputation. And who is this Wentz dude you were cosying up to?" He asked smugly. Bastard. Not something my baby brother should ever know or ask about. does he even know about Pete? Ok, slightly panicking now.

"How'd you know about Pete?" I queried. I'm sure it was just another tour rumour started by a techie who saw us as he stumbled drunkenly to his bunk. Right?

"You haven't seen? Brian has a few things you might want to look at. But right now I'm absolutely starving. All Mikey has is coffee." Danny said as he scooped me up again and carried me over to my bus.

I glanced back at the guys, mouthing a thank you to Mikey. I owe him big time for this. Gerard was leading Frank back to their bus, as Bob and Ray stood bemused. Guess Mikey didn't give them the 411 yet.

As we boarded the bus Leo was sat back at the table cradling another cup of coffee.

"Is everyone on this tour a coffee junkie?" Danny smirked as he set me down on the sticky floor. I don't even want to know what the hell is on it. Leo looked up and glared at me.

I didn't say it! Christ.

"No, just the cool kids." I replied with a grin, "Leo, this is Danny my little brother."

Leo raised an eyebrow and put her coffee cup down momentarily.

"Not another Reeve! Ones enough." Leo sighed dramatically and threw her head in her hands.

"Charmed I'm sure." Danny bowed, flashing his distinctive cheeky grin.

"I am going to change, play nicely kids." I said as I wandered into the bunks.

I'm sure Leo can handle him for a few minutes. She can handle me right? As I made my way to the bunks I turned back to see them in a Mexican stand off, eyeing each other up, waiting to see who would break first. This is going to get interesting.


I observed him discretely from my position at the table as he sat on the sofa. Syd had gone to get changed and so we were alone in the living area.

He looked a lot like Syd. Yes I know, being related that should come as no surprise. He had the same dark hair; it flopped innocently in layers over his eyes and curled softly at the nap of his neck. His eyes were large and dark, just like Syd's and he had that identical deep frown that Syd often wore that at the drop of a hat would morph in to a wide smiling grin. He was tall and lanky, a direct contrast to Syd small and petite frame but then it would be abit weird if he was as midgety as her wouldn't it?

He was attractive, no doubt about it but in a skaterish sort of way that didn't really appeal to me.

He wasn't a patch on Frank anyway.

"So you're the one that's been standing up to my sister?" Danny asked as he moved to sit down next to me.

He made it sound like some great achievement.

"We've had a few..." I struggled to find the words, "Disagreements." I finished with a shrug.

"I'll bet." He said grinning.

Syd walked out from the bunks and eyed us suspiciously as she saw us sat together.

"Hey sis." Danny said giving her a toothy grin. She gave him the finger and he snorted.

Families are weird.

"So whose gunna make me some breakfast?" Danny asked looking pointedly at Syd as she walked past into the kitchen.

"No milk." Syd replied as she cracked open another can of Pepsi. Danny whined and she sighed as she bent down and got another can out the fridge and threw it to him.

Damn. Now I've got a sudden craving for cereal. Stupid bus.

O my god. I am a genius. Light bulb moment. Standing up sharply I legged it into the bunks and grabbed my large duffle bag. Routing around I finally found what I'd been looking for and grabbed it.

I'd been saving it for a special occasion but what the hell, you only live once right?

Walking back into the living area I put the bottle down on the table with a flourish.

Syd and Danny stared back at me blankly, exchanging quizzical looks.

Seriously do Americans just drink shit? How can they not know what Baileys is?

Sitting at the table I grabbed an empty and clean looking cup and began to unscrew the cap on the bottle. Syd shuffled over to me and watched as I poured out a large mug full.

"What is it?" She asked as she peered into the mug at the creamy liquid.

"The drink of champions." I said as I took a sip and smiled as the soft coffee flavoured alcohol warmed me instantly.

Danny's face lit up and he reached over and poured a cup full.

Grabbing 3 bowls and the box of cereal I plonked them in front of Syd enjoying her bemused expression.

"It's made out of milk Syd." I said with a smile as I began to put cereal in each of the bowls.

Ah! Comprehension at last! Grinning she picked up the bottle and poured the milky drink liberally over the 3 bowls of Rice Crispies.

"Awesome." She muttered as she took a mouthful and chewed slowly.

This should be interesting.

A few hours later...

"Well fuck me!" I exclaimed wildly, throwing my hands emphatically in the air.

"Watch it!" Syd snorted as I sloshed beer all over the table.


Taking a large gulp of her own can she carried on with her story.

"And then I was all like 'what the fuck man get out of my face' and he was all 'if you weren't a chick I'd kick your ass right here right now' and I was like 'whatever dude bring it on I can take you'."

"Then I had to drag her out the bar before she got us both kicked out." Danny interjected with a smile.

Syd shook her head firmly and slammed her can down on the table.

"It wasn't even my fault!" She protested giving Danny a shove.

"You got off with his girlfriend sis; it scarred me for fucking life!" Danny said rubbing his arm and screwing his face up in apparent disgust.

"Ewwww! Syd you big hussy!" I said clutching my side as I got a sharp cramp from laughing too much.

Syd shrugged, the look on her face very much promoting an 'I don't give a shit' attitude.

"What can I say?" She said proudly, "I'm so hot that even lesbians want me."

Danny groaned and I almost choked on my beer at her brashness.

Okay so we were abit pissed. Okay a lot pissed.

The baileys was long gone and now churned ominously in my stomach along with half a box of rice crispies, 2 shots of vodka and a steadily disappearing can of beer.

In all honesty I don't actually like beer. However I refused not to drink this particular can as Syd had found a crate of them stashed at the back of the broken fridge with a label on it that said;



My head had that pleasantly fuzzy twinge to it and my confidence was soaring. The morning had steadily turned into afternoon and the stupid flour prank was long forgotten.

Danny was actually pretty cool; He had all of Syd's confidence and wit with none of her cockiness or biting sarcasm. Plus with Danny around Syd had mellowed noticeably, the heavy set frown she'd been wearing for the past few days replaced with a genuine look of relaxation that I'd never seen before.

"Sooooo..." Danny began suddenly as he drained his can of beer, "Whose up for a little game?"

Syd groaned loudly and tried to get up out of the booth but Danny held her down with a firm hand on her shoulder.

"I am not playing." She stated loudly as she shook her head, "No good ever comes from your stupid 'Truth or Drink' Danny."

Okay confused. I waited for Danny to elaborate. I was no stranger to drinking games but surely it should be 'Truth or Dare' not 'Truth or Drink'?

Danny clearly noticing my enquiring look leant over the table conspiratorially.

"Right it's basically truth or dare but without the dare. If you won't tell the truth you take a shot. Get it?"

What am I an idiot? Of course I get it, it's not exactly rocket science is it?

"Sure." I replied draining the last of the foul tasting beer with a grimace, "But we haven't got anything for shots."

Danny looked pointedly at Syd and she ignored him concentrating on her drink.

"Syd." Danny said raising an eyebrow.

How is it people can do that? I've always wanted to be able to give people that 'look' but never can.

After a moment's silence Syd finally turned and glared at him, her deep brown eyes narrowed with annoyance.

"Fine. Fucking fine alright." She snapped as she dragged herself out and stormed...limped off in to the bunks.

A minute later she appeared with a small bottle of suspiciously green looking liquid. I squinted at the bottle and tried to make out the label but Syd was swinging her arms moodily as she hopped back into the booth.

O dear god. No way. No fucking way.

"No way." I stated as Danny began to unscrew the cap.

Brother and sister both turned to look at me and I was faced with the uncomfortable scrutiny of 2 identical sets of eyes frowning at me.

"Absinthe? Are you both insane? Actually scratch that, I know you're both insane but there's still no bloody way I'm drinking that shit. I'll be on the fucking floor after a shot of that fucker."

"Don't be a lightweight Leo." Syd said as she reached for 3 shot glasses, "If I can force myself to play the shitty game you can force yourself to drink the shot. Or alternately you could just tell the truth."

Smirking at me she shoved a shot glass in my direction and I caught it before it slid of the edge of the table.

True I could tell the truth, I often did in Truth or Dare but that was only because I hated doing stupid dares like, singing the national anthem in the back garden or mooning a stranger in the street. However I had a feeling that Syd could be truly evil in this game whereas I always faltered when it was my turn to think up a question to ask someone.

I'm not a fucking lightweight either. I could drink Syd under the bloody table.

"Alright," Danny announced with an evil grin, "Let the games begin!"

I all of a sudden got that sinking feeling...or maybe it was just be the rice crispies.

"Right Leo," Syd began.

"Hang on a minute!" I cut in, "Why do I have to go first damn it?"

"Shut up and let me ask the questions." She replied smartly and I sighed in defeat ignoring Danny hushed laughter from beside me.

"Do you want to fuck Frank in his bunk whilst the rest of MCR are asleep?" She asked without hesitation.

Danny looked at me with interest and I blushed. Great just tell everyone we met Syd, really nice.

"How did I know that would come up?" I said sarcastically trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Just answer the question Leo," Syd said with an evil smirk, "Or drink the shot."

Flicking my gaze down at the toxic looking shot I considered my choices. Either I drink the foul thing and get extremely pissed or I tell the truth and embarrass myself in front of Syd and her brother. Infact, either way I'm probably going to embarrass myself.

Picking up the shot I threw it back and drank it before I could change my mind.

"Urgh..." I spluttered as it burnt a hot trail down my throat, "So....gross..."

For the record though...if I had of told the truth I would have said yes...

Looking up I saw Syd watching me with a look of vague admiration. Yeah take that Syd, I may not look like a drinker but I'm pretty damn hardcore thank you very much!

"My turn then?" I said trying not to slur as I felt the alcohol go straight to my head.

Danny nodded and pointed to Syd menacingly.

Hmm what to ask. I told you I was shit at this. Okay come on think of a good one. Right I can't ask her about Pete, mainly cos she's in denial and wouldn't answer.

Actually, there is something I've been meaning to ask Syd for a day or so but wasn't sure how she'd react. Guess now's a pretty good time, especially now I've got some Dutch courage. At least if she smacks me I've got Absinthe to numb the pain.

"Who is Stu?" I asked looking Syd in the eyes.

She tensed noticeably and flicked her gaze over to Danny darkly. He shrugged as if to deny any involvement and she sighed deeply.

"How do you know about Stu?" She asked surprisingly calmly.

"You mumble in your sleep." I replied remembering her ramblings from our first night on the tech bus.

"Stu was my ex; we broke up before I came on tour. He didn't want me to come here and so we went our separate ways." She said bitterly.

I felt an immediate stab of regret for asking something so personal. It was easy to forget sometimes that Syd had emotions other than fury and sarcasm.

"He was a possessive, jealous wanker." Danny snapped caustically, his dark eyes shinning with suppressed fury, "You're well shot of him."

Syd ignored Danny, not even acknowledging his comment, quickly downing the shot in front of her.

It took me a moment to register that she hadn't needed to drink the green poison. I guess we all have things we need to forget.

"Right my turn." Danny announced breaking to stony silence, "Syd ask away."

Visibly shaking off her frown she smiled and turned to Danny.

"Who would you rather fuck; Ray or Gerard?"

I burst out laughing at the look of horror on Danny's face. Syd smirked and pushed the now full shot glass towards him.

"I am not answering that!" He declared loudly, "It would undermine my manliness."

Syd snorted loudly and Danny glared at her. Picking up the shot glass he downed the Absinthe and grimaced at the foul taste. Turning to face me Danny asked the next question.

"Leo, why did you come on tour? I mean it's a long way from home." Danny asked as he filled up my shot glass.

My drunken fuzz disappeared suddenly as memories from home began to swarm around my head.

"I'd always wanted to come on a big tour like this," I said pausing to collect my thoughts, "But I won't deny that that wasn't the only reason."

Syd looked up curiously and Danny motioned for me to continue.

Guess I might aswel. Hopefully it will stop Syd going on about Tea and crumpets all the time.

"My parents were pretty old when they had me; I've got a sister, Meredith who's a lot older than me. She's married now with a kid, lives in the suburbs and wastes her days cooking and cleaning for her sleazy, rich husband who's probably shagging his secretary." I finished bitterly.

Merry's husband was a total arse. Every family gathering he made a pass at me behind Merry's back and yet Merry refused to acknowledge any of it.

"My mum's got MS, she's had it for years now and my dad's always looked after her. But a couple of years ago he had a stroke and so it's hard now for my parents to get by you know." I paused awkwardly before continuing.

"Merry's husband never really liked my parent's or me really so he doesn't let Merry help out very much. Which means it's kinda up to me to support my mum and dad."

I stopped talking, surprised at my own honesty. I hadn't really meant to say all that.

Syd and Danny were quiet, their eyes unreadable as they watched me. I think in that moment we realised that this tour was more important than we knew, and how close we had both come to destroying what we had worked so hard for, what we both depended on.

I guess that there are moments like this in every fledgling friendship, that one crucial point at which we truly open ourselves up to ridicule and rely on the other person to understand and not judge.

For Syd and I this tour was an escape, a lifetime opportunity and something much more than either of us understood.

I think from now on things will be different between Syd and me; different but better.


"Merry's husband never really liked my parent's or me really so he doesn't let Merry help out very much. Which means it's kinda up to me to support my mum and dad."

Wow. Heavy. I've never herd Leo speak about England and then she just opens the flood gate. That's a lot of information to process sober, let alone after several hours drinking.

I can't believe I was such a dick. She was on this tour for the same reason I was. We both needed to escape.

I glanced across at Danny and he was just as speechless as I was. Leo was studying the shot in front of her intently, eyebrows furrowed. I don't think I've seen her look this low. Grasping the shot and downing it in one (impressive), she slammed the spent the glass on to the table.

"Syd, your turn." Leo piped up, with a less than convincing grin.

Looks I'm not the only one who wants to forget.

"Right. How far have yer gone with a woman?" Leo was now sporting a proper smug grin, evidently pleased at her genius question. I struggled to understand what she'd asked, her strong accent becoming worse the more she drank.

As the first shot began to cloud my mind, all restraint seemed to have vanished. I glanced devilishly at a mortified Danny. I always have a great poker face.

"Third base." I replied nonchalantly.

"DUDE! SHUT UP!" Danny cried as he shoved me, sending me to the floor before I had chance to figure out what was going on.

I was in hysterics as I lay on the floor, Danny and Leo peering over the table at me. The best bit was yet to come.

"Wot dus third base mean?" Leo asked as she put a hand down to help me up. I let go of her hand falling back to the sticky floor laughing my head off.

"You don't know what third base is?" I asked laughing. Oh god this is too good. The fact her accent was sounding more like that Jones bloke in Eurotrip only added to the hilarity.

"Erm, no? Ain't that something to do wit rounders?"

Danny scoffed, stumbling as he got up to grab me.

"Ever heard of baseball limey?" He asked.

"Don't call her limey, jerkwad. Only I am aloud to call her limey, right limey?" I said looking up at Leo, expecting to find her pissed off. But weirdly she was cheerful.

"Damn right!" Leo enthused as I finally got to my feet, with the help of both my drinking buddies. I grabbed my shot and downed it. Screw drinking games. Oh my god. We so need vodka!


"Yer wot?" Leo said distractedly as she tried to pour another shot but missed the glass.

"Is that a good idea? You know vodka and you don't mix." Danny chastised.

Damn Danny and his stupid condescending look.

"Screw that! I want vodka. I am older and wiser and I command you to get vodka!" I replied looking at Leo desperately hoping for her to back me up. I need vodka.

"Yeah Danny. New game. We get vodka or yer tell us who yer'd rather do. Syd or Mikey?" Leo laughed as she stood shoulder to shoulder with me, arms folded staring Danny down.

Danny's eyes went wide. Ha-ha gotcha!

"I'm sure there's a bar around hear. My shout?" He said quickly as he pulled on his vans.

As I grabbed my crutches, Leo grabbed the shot she haphazardly poured and downed it. So far she was matching me drink for drink. Impressive. Yet somehow I don't feel threatened by the mental and physical strength she has shown tonight. There's no-one else I'd rather share the title of tour badass with.

After a while of stumbling around the dark streets in search of a bar we found a 7-11. Danny got a Slurpee whilst Leo and I got a large bottle of vodka and a cigar each. Sitting in the nearly empty lot Danny drank all his Slurpee giving him brain freeze. It was so funny Leo and I were in fits of laughter.

After a third of the vodka and both cigars had gone though, Leo suddenly sat up and legged it to the nearest trash can. By the sounds of it she was vomiting up everything. Nice.

Whilst Danny sat laughing I stood up and stumbled unaided over to Leo, trying to get her hair out the way.

"You ok?" I asked slightly concerned.

"Dumb question. Yer win. Yer can out drink me. I bow down to yer mighty-ness." She said in between retching.

"You were a worthy opponent," I said as I gently pulled her up, "Home crappy home?"

As I helped her up, Leo went right back down. I really did try to not laugh. Honest....but the absinthe got the better of me and fatigue of chucking up got the better of her.

"S'not funny." She whined from the floor.

Danny, now recovered from his giggling fit, ambled over and hauled Leo up and putting her arm around his shoulder. Danny seemed to have sobered up a lot by now. But he's a guy and the lightweight hadn't had as much sinth as me and Leo.

"Come on Leo. Back to the bus you go. Syd, go get your crutches. I can't carry you both."

I grabbed my crutches and the vodka and followed Danny and Leo back towards the buses.

Leo seemed to have perked up and warmed more to Danny's charms. Both were now arm in arm singing "Teenagers" at the top of their voices whilst I stumbled along behind them both. I was too consumed with finishing the vodka to sing.

Halfway home and Leo was flagging. Burst of energy spent, Danny had resorted to fireman's lift, yet the My Chem medley continued. After "Dead", or bit of it at least, they were onto "Blood". As we turned down the side of the bus Leo started yelling.


Leo was waving madly at Frank who was sat on a nearby bench smoking. Why is he sat near our bus and not smoking near his own bus's door? Meh. He's not the sharpest tool in the picnic basket. He didn't wave back. Just sat there chain smoking, Frank was glaring daggers at Danny and Leo. Leo was oblivious though and still waved frantically as Danny struggled to open the door whilst keeping hold of her. I was about to go over and see what his problem was when Danny grabbed my attention.

"Right. I'll go put this one in her bunk and be back for you."

I stroppily leaned against the bus. I hate being treated like the younger sibling. I muttered 'wanker' under my breath as he boarded.

"I heard that!" He called out to me.

"You were meant too." I shouted back.

Taking another swig of the bottle I looked around the lot. Fall Out Boy's bus was just across from us. As my mind wandered I began to hum "Grand Theft Autumn". On the walk back I'd been thinking a lot about what Leo had said about her parents and it got me thinking about Pete. No not in that way. Though it was heading there. I should apologise to him.

I bet he's on the bus roof!
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