Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > .::To Write Love On Her Arms::.

.::To Write Love On Her Arms::.

by loveandconfusion 1 review

Ryan tries to get Mimi's attention because he still secretly loves her. The question is, does she still love him? Sorry, guys. No red X in this one. There is a 'little' kissing in it...=]

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-03 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 560 words

.::To Write Love On Her Arms::.
Chapter One

"I love you," Ryan whispered in Mimi's ear.

"I love you too, and I can't live without you," Mimi replied, staring lovingly into Ryan's eyes as the sun set behind them.

"Ryan, I-".

Mimi was silenced by Ryan's soft, full lips.

Mimi closed her eyes and returned the passionate kiss.

Ryan's lips slowly parted, his tounge brushing Mimi's lips.

She took her time parting her lips, teasing Ryan, and making him more impatient.

Finally, she parted her lips, and Ryan's tounge entered her mouth.

A few minutes later, they were entangled on the ground in a full on make out under the stars.

Finally, they parted, staring lovingly into each others' eyes.

"Mimi, I need you. I-".

Mimi's thoughts were interrupted by a finger lightly tapping her shoulder.

She was back in her seat in fourth period english.

She turned around to see Ryan smiling wide.

Her stomach dropped like a roller coaster at Six Flags.

"Hey, Mimi. Can I borrow a piece of paper?" Ryan asked, his beautiful brown eyes sparkling, a boyish charm about him.

"Um...Sure. Here," Mimi said, handing him a blank sheet of paper, all the while faking a smile.

She slowly turned around, trying her best to contain her tears.

Remembering last summer did not help the fact that Ryan had the same classes as her in 10th grade.

Moments later, she felt tapping on her shoulder once again.

She turned around to see none other than Ryan and his sparkling brown eyes.

"Yes, Ryan?"

"Can I borrow a pencil? My pencil broke."

A confused Mimi replied, "Can't you use the pencil sharpener?"

Ryan's smile started to fade, but after a moment, it appeared back with all it's charm.

"I could, but I don't want to disturb the class."

Mimi smirked, rolled her eyes, and handed Ryan a pencil.

She turned back to her paper and tried to work to take her mind of off Ryan.

God, he had gotten hot over the summer.

And his voice is so...


Once again, she turned back to her work, only to be hit in the back of her head with a crumpled piece of paper.

She bent down to pick up the crumpled paper.

She slowly opened it, as if something would jump out at her at any moment.

She flattened it out on her desk and read it.

hey, mimi.
it's ryan.
would you like to eat lunch with me?
y or n

Mimi's heart lept, and she rushed to circle the 'y'.

She tossed the paper over her shoulder, and finished her english paper.

The bell finally rang, Mimi jolted out of her seat and hurried to the door, because the next period was fourty-five minutes of lunch with Ryan.

Maybe she still had a chance with him.

Maybe she didn't completely screw it up.

Who was she kidding?

He probably doesn't even remember who she is.


Sorry that it was so short, everyone. I am kind of tired tonight. The next one will be longer, I promise. Also, this is my first fan-fic, so bear with me!

While Writing This Chapter, I Listened To:

The Shit - To Write Love On Her Arms
In The End - Linkin Park
Atrophy - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Could Tell A Love - Blessthefall
House of Cards - Madina Lake
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