Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Twisted Timeline

Chapter 03: Evading Capture

by madnesspersonified 2 reviews

Much to his displeasure, Harry is thrown back through time into his six year old body. As a result, Harry decides to contort the timeline, purely for his own amusement.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 4309 words - Complete

Chapter 03: Evading Capture

Sirius looked slightly confused at those words from Harry and rightfully so, so Harry decided to elaborate.

"Voldemort, who is unfortunately not dead, and his Death Eaters had wiped out pretty much all who opposed them in the early part of the twenty first century," continued Harry. "Things were bad, Hogwarts was flattened, The Ministry was steamed rolled, The Order of the Phoenix were obliterated, Diagon Alley was in virtual ruins, and Gringotts was a crater, even through the goblins held on to the bitter end, taking several Death Eaters with them. Basically, the first war was nothing compared to the terror that Voldemort had created during his second reign of power."

"Wait a minute, Harry, let me see if I'm correct," said Sirius slowly. "From what you're telling me, there can only be two possible explanations. Either you're a seer or you found some way to return to your younger body."

"Negative on the seer, and only partially right on the second explanation," answered Harry calmly. "The truth is, I never wanted to go back in time but the potion I made that would wipe the Death Eaters and Voldemort out, even if it would destroy my mind, body, and soul and thus systematically wiping me out of existence."

"Do you have any idea how the potion went so wrong from the intended aim?" asked Sirius, who looked a bit unnerved about the last ditch effort that Harry had to take but it seemed to be an unfortunate necessity based on the short explanation that Harry gave on the future that would hopefully no longer exist.

Harry pondered that question for a few seconds before the explanation came to mind quickly.

"That bloody prophecy!" exclaimed Harry in an angry voice.

"Prophecy...this wouldn't be by any chance the same prophecy that was the reason that Lily and James went into hiding, was it?" asked Sirius.

"If it's the one detailing that I have to kill Voldemort or he has to kill me, then yes," answered Harry. "Apparently fate disagrees that turning my body into a magical nuclear weapon and causing it to explode in a room full of Death Eaters does not qualify as strictly killing Voldemort."

"Instead it caused your older self to enter your six year body and thus technically even through you are six years old on the outside, your mind is twenty years older," summarized Sirius.

"Yes and no," said Harry which caused Sirius to raise his eyebrows in confusion. "Much like many things in life, it is not as cut and dried as that. My six year old self is still in this body alongside by twenty six year old personality. At times my older self will influence my actions, at times my younger self may be held accountable for what I do or maybe there will be times where there is a happy medium between the two. At least that's what I've figured, I could be just grasping at straws. Like, when I busted you out of Azkaban, I knew I needed an idea of the layout of the prison but at the same time, my execution was a bit sloppy and spontaneous, like a six year old might have been. It did the job as you're no longer in Azkaban but barely."

Harry just put his hand over his scar.

"I'm back in time, reliving this life, but at least things will be different this time," said Harry. "For instance, you weren't supposed to escape Azkaban until just before my third year in Hogwarts."

Sirius gave an involuntary shudder at the thought of staying in that place seven more years. Almost five had been bad enough but twelve seemed to be even more hellacious.

"You said that all of the Order of Phoenix were wiped out," said Sirius slowly. "I apologize for sounding so morbid, but exactly what happened to me."

"You dueled with Bellatrix in the Ministry and was knocked through the Veil of the Abyss by a simple stunner," replied Harry.

Sirius made a mental note to stay away from any veils, especially if he was dueling with Bellatrix.

"That's done however, the past can be remapped into something that does not have Voldemort conquering all of Magical Britain," said Harry calmly. "I need to get my hands on the rat, of course, to get your name cleared. I just got to make a trip to collect him"

"You know where Peter is!" exclaimed Sirius, with a slightly murderous glint in his eyes that worried Harry. It was apparent that his godfather wanted to commit the crime that got him thrown into Azkaban.

"Yes, I do but Sirius, you really don't need to concern yourself with Peter right now," replied Harry coolly. "It shouldn't be too much trouble for me to get my hands on the rat; it's the matter of somehow making sure the Ministry takes him in without laughing in my face or worse, trying to send me back to the Dursleys."

Harry paused before he decided to continue to speak.

"But I have a couple of errands that I have to run before I capture Wormtail," declared Harry. "Voldemort used something very important to return to his body last time, well actually three important things, but only one of them was unique so that is what I need to eliminate to stall the inevitable."

"Before you leave, Harry, can I ask you one other thing?" asked Sirius.

"I guess you can," answered Harry.

"Are you going to tell anyone else about the fact you have two separate personalities in your body?" asked Sirius.

"I plan on telling Remus Lupin but I'm not sure if I can trust anyone else that I was close to the first time around," said Harry before muttering, "Even her."

"Who's her, Harry?" asked Sirius, his eyes lighting up with a mischief that showed there was still a Marauder buried through all of the years of terror he suffered at the hands of Dementors.

"Never you mind, Sirius," said Harry shortly, slightly blushing.

"No seriously, Harry, was this mysterious "her" your girlfriend?" prompted Sirius.

"Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, it doesn't really matter Sirius, the timeline has changed and for all I know, she end up becoming one of my mortal enemies," remarked Harry. "Now if you excuse me, I have a grave to besmirch."

Harry turned his back, before disapparating towards the gravesite where Lord Voldemort's father was buried.

At the Ministry, Lucius Malfoy waited inside an office right off to the side of the Department of Records. His contact within the Department had given him some interesting information that he could use to get his hands on Potter. The fact remains that the boy's parents did not want him to be sent to Vernon and Petunia Dursley for the simple fact that they were against everything magical. It seemed they loathed magic as much as most proper purebloods despised Muggles.

"Mr. Malfoy, I believe your request for guardianship for Harry Potter is something that the Ministry would not challenge, due to the fact you are a respected member of our society and the fact that the boy appears to have been put in an unsuitable home," replied the department official. "You will need to petition the Wizengamot for custody, naturally but you may run into a snag."

"What sort of a snag, Mr. Rollins?" asked Malfoy calmly.

"For one, Albus Dumbledore may want to send the boy back to the Muggles and there are many within the Ministry who would throw themselves off of a bridge if Dumbledore asked them to," answered Rollins. "And the fact remains, you said you saw Harry Potter roaming Diagon Alley and that was hours ago. Is there anything to indicate that young Mr. Potter hasn't moved elsewhere?"

"I have a couple of my associates keeping the eye on the boy, he should not have went far," drawled Lucius calmly. "I trust this matter will be resolved and the boy will be removed from his unfit guardians. I am sure you would agree that I have the best interests of young Harry in mind and would hate to see anyone use him as a tool for nefarious purposes."

"Absolutely, Mr. Malfoy," said Rollins, absent mindedly patting the newly acquired bulge in his pocket, causing it to jingle. "The evidence I have given to you should help you convince a good portion of the Wizengamot."

Lucius nodded, barely concealing a grin, and at that moment, a material materialized on the desk of Rollins. Rollins picked up the memo, reading it over, before becoming grave.

"Oh my, several Death Eaters have escaped from Azkaban including....SIRIUS BLACK!" yelled Rollins in a panicked voice. "Mr. Malfoy, the Minister is calling an emergency meeting of everyone in the building, I trust you have everything."

"Correct," responded Malfoy and Rollins tore out of the office. Lucius Malfoy briefly glanced over the memo, it seemed as if eight Death Eaters had escaped Azkaban and an entire wall had been completely destroyed. Lucius was intrigued briefly about how these many prisoners had broken out of Azkaban in such a short amount of time but of course, he had the matter of acquiring Harry and more importantly, the massive amount of gold that came with the Potter family fortune.

Hopefully, Crabbe and Goyle didn't do anything to bungle the operation and thus cause Lucius to miss out influencing the Boy-Who-Lived along with accessing the gold that came along with him.

At the Little Hangleton Graveyard, Harry Potter whistled merrily as he levitated bones from a dug up grave before jabbing his wand towards them. The bones exploded into dust, floating harmlessly to the ground. Harry leaned down and double checked to ensure that every bone was completely obliterated. Voldemort would not be getting back to his body using the same method he did before. Harry felt it was foolish to assume that Voldemort didn't have other possible ways to return to return to his old body but at least one possible road to power would be completely barricaded.

Harry peaked over his shoulder, making sure no one had seen him before replacing the dirt and altering it to make it look as if no one had been there. With that job out of the way, Harry crept off cautiously into the darkness, preparing to continue with the next phase of his plan.

At Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, looking as old as ever. In the last couple of hours, Harry Potter had run away from his relatives and then, to complicate matters, eight Death Eaters, all in the high security wing of Azkaban had escaped. From what Dumbledore saw during his brief trip to the prison about an hour ago, it was almost like they didn't escape, but it looked as if they had been broken out of the prison. This caused Dumbledore to have more questions then he had answers. Namely, who did this and most importantly, why? According to Dumbledore's contacts, Voldemort was rumored to be in the forests of Albania, nothing more than a demonic spirit. It was true that the number of mysterious deaths close to the area where Voldemort had rumored to live.

Still, while all of the Death Eaters were dangerous in their own right, the most dangerous one had to be Sirius Black. Dumbledore felt disappointment when thinking about that traitor, as if he had not betrayed the Potters, there would have been no need for Harry Potter to be sent to the Dursleys. It also increased the urgency of the fact that Dumbledore needed to locate Harry Potter, as Black probably blamed the boy for the night that he lost everything. Black did, of course, go dark like the rest of his family and join up with Voldemort. The thought of when Dumbledore found out the Potters were betrayed by their best friend still sickened the old wizard to his stomach.

Dumbledore's head jerked up slightly at the humming sound. One of his most prominent security measures during Voldemort's reign of terror was placing security spells around the homes of several prominent light sided magical families, to alert him of any strange or unsuspected visitors. None of them knew the steps Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix took, but it had saved a few lives.

Dumbledore waved his wand at the glass globe that all of the security charms were keyed into. An image of the Weasley home, the Burrow flickered on the globe and Dumbledore's expression turned suddenly grave. The Weasleys have been against the dark for many years so they would surely have on the top of the list of targets by the Death Eaters who were broken out of Azkaban. Dumbledore decided that there was no time to contact the members of the Order of the Phoenix so Dumbledore had no choice but to go it alone.

Outside the Burrow, Harry crept around, looking at the Weasley residence, trying to suppress the memories of the last time he had saw it previously. It was the summer after his sixth year of Hogwarts, and a team of Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy and Wormtail had destroyed the Burrow, reducing it to a pile of cinders with Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and Mrs. Weasley inside. This was the first major strike by Voldemort, which was a clear cut message to Harry, as revenge for Harry meddling in Voldemort's plans once too often. Harry had seen the wreckage less than a week than it happened and the memories of it stuck with him for quite some time. The remaining Weasleys were picked off one by one over a period of about six months.

Harry raised his wand, brushing these thoughts aside, and opened the door with a silent "Alohomora" charm. The door of the Burrow clicked open and much to Harry's luck, there was no one home. It would make capturing the rat so much easier. Harry crept up the stairs towards Percy's room, with his wand in one hand and a net with an anti-animagus charm placed on it in the other hand.

Harry pushed the door of Percy's room open, feeling revolted at how neat and tidy it was. Even Aunt Petunia might think it was overkill and that was surely saying something. Harry crept around, looking for any sign of a rat, praying that Percy did not take the rat with him wherever the Weasleys had gone. Or Harry hadn't miscalculated the date that Percy went to Hogwarts, as his math skills were notoriously shoddy and hence one of the non-Snape related reasons that he was horrible at potions due to his miscalculations of certain ingredients.

Harry's eyes widened as he saw Scabbers the rat, or rather, Peter "Wormtail" Pettigrew, snoozing lazily in the sun, with a half eaten chunk of cheese next to him.

Harry raised his net and scooped up the rat in it.

Wormtail felt a suddenly burst of movement and his eyes opened slowly, before squeaking in horror at the sight of a homicidal six year old. He struggled but the net contained his body. He tried to gnaw his way out but that didn't work either.

"Hello, Peter," replied Harry. "You really thought you could get away for betraying my parents or framing Sirius. Well think again."

Wormtail's squeaks increased with volume and Harry heard the door swung open. He spun around and cursed his horrid luck.

Standing inside the doorway of young Percy Weasley's room was Albus Dumbledore and he looked completely befuddled for a moment.

"Harry?" asked Dumbledore, as he caught sight of the tell tale sign of the scar that showed the young boy was Harry Potter.

"Yes," replied Harry, faking ignorance, while making a note to get that scar hidden or better yet, removed with Muggle plastic surgery. "Might I ask who you are?"

"I'm Albus Dumbledore, Harry, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," said Dumbledore.

"What's a Hogwarts?" asked Harry in a fake voice that made him sound as bewildered as Crabbe or Goyle. "Wait a minute witchcraft and stay away from me you evil, evil man."

"Harry, I'm only here to take you back to your relatives house, where you will be perfectly safe, there are bad wizards on the loose after all," continued Dumbledore, raising his wand, hoping that he wouldn't have to resort to such desperate measures.

"Aunt Petunia says all wizards are evil, demonic freaks!" cried Harry, forcing his eyes to swell up and tears to flow down their face, while inclining his head briefly to hide an evil smile and Wormtail squeaked in horror. "I did magic accidentally one time and Uncle Vernon said he would beat the evil out of me."

"Harry, I'm afraid you must have misheard your Aunt and Uncle, while some wizards and witches for that matter are less than trustworthy, most of us all right," said Dumbledore kindly. "Now, come with me, Harry, and I'll take you home."

"Was it true that my parents were nothing but drunk freaks that practiced the occult and committed bestiality that got themselves blown up in a car crash?" asked Harry in a terrified voice, enjoying the fact that the Dumbledore's face went green. "That's what Aunt Petunia told me."

Dumbledore just sighed, the Dursleys had apparently filled Harry's young mind with the most horrible of lies. When the boy was returned there, Dumbledore would be having a serious chat with the Dursleys about planting lies in the mind of an impressionable young boy.

"Harry, I can assure you your parents were good people and they would have never done such things," replied Dumbledore calmly. "Now, I'm sure it was all a big misunderstanding and I'm sure your Aunt and Uncle are worrying very much about you."

Harry stopped faking crying and burst out into laughter at the thought of the Dursleys worrying about his safety.

"Might I ask what is so funny about what I said, Mr. Potter?" asked Dumbledore calmly, the twinkling disappearing from his eyes.

"The," chuckled Harry before calming himself down. "Well, I suppose they might be distressed at the loss of their little slave and their scapegoat for everything that has ever gone wrong. Let me think about returning for a few seconds....WON'T!"

"Very well Harry, you live me with no choice," said Dumbledore, pointing his wand at Harry.

"You think your pointy stick scares me, Professor Dunderhead," said Harry, once again faking ignorance

"That's Dumbledore, Mr. Potter," replied Dumbledore calmly as he raised his wand, at Harry. "This is a wand, a tool of magic, you will learn how to use one when you come to Hogwarts, but not for another five years."

"I look forward to it, Professor Dimeadozen," answered Harry in a cheeky voice that he soon regretted as Dumbledore fired a stunner at him, but Harry managed to barely avoid the hex.

Unfortunately the spell knocked the net from Harry's hand and Wormtail scurried as far away from Harry as humanly possible. Harry felt the strong urge to throw something and Dumbledore's head sounded like a pretty nice target right about now.

"You stupid old man, you ruined everything!" screamed Harry, as he darted down the stairs as Dumbledore looked at his wand in shock, feeling disappointment with himself at trying to stun a young child. He was no better than Voldemort in that fact. He could just image the headlines if the parasites at the Daily Prophet go their hands in this little gem:

Senile Hogwarts Headmaster Hexes Boy-Who-Lived:

Has Dumbledore finally lost his grip on reality?

Dumbledore shuddered, the possibilities were not pretty but at the same time, he had to reason with Harry. It was now more important than ever for Harry to return to his relatives, especially with eight Death Eaters on the loose, including the traitor, Sirius Black.

Harry felt a mixture of rage and despair. Wormtail had fled into the night and he knew the rat would return, as Harry knew he had lived here. He might have been a coward, but Peter Pettigrew was far from stupid. Dumbledore had the knack of showing up at the worst possible times.

He saw Dumbledore striding out the Burrow, staring down Harry.

"Now, Harry, I'm sorry our first meeting did not get off on the right foot but you need to return to your Aunt's house, you're understand when you get older," said Dumbledore. "I don't want to do this but I will use force. It's your choice Harry."

Harry looked as if his back was against the wall. If he had disapparated, it would be too much of a dead giveaway of his current state. The only thing Harry could hope for was a miracle.

As it turned out, a limo pulled up right across the street from the Burrow. The door opened to reveal a middle aged looking man sitting in the back. He was dressed in nice clothing and something about his appearance screamed mobster to Harry Potter.

"You the Potter kid?" asked the mobster.

"Yes, I am," replied Harry.

"Come with us, then," continued the mobster.

"Excuse me, but you have no grounds to take Harry, he's to be returned to his relatives, where he belongs," said Dumbledore, pointing his wand at the door.

"Well kid?" asked the mobster.

"Hmmm, mobsters that might want to kill me, Dursleys who I'd know would like to kill me, Mobsters, Dursleys, Mobsters, Dursleys, potential treat, or absolute threat...I'd think the mobsters would be my best bet," said Harry calmly and he found himself pulled into the back of the limo and the door slammed shut. The limo sped off, much to the dismay of Albus Dumbledore.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, I must say it is a pleasure to finally be able to conduct business with you," said the mobster. "The name's Parzinno, Antonio Parzinno. This is my bodyguard Knuckles and my other bodyguard, Shoulders."

"Charmed," said Harry, shaking hands with the mobsters, wondering exactly what this was all about. "Er, say, my father doesn't have any gambling debts, does it?"

The mobsters roared with laughter at that statement.

"You'd be surprised how often we're asked something like that," replied Antonio. "But nothing of the sort, Mr. Potter?"

"Yes, otherwise we'd be fitting you with a nice pair of cement shoes right about now," chuckled Shoulders.

"And you'd be sleeping with the fishes," replied Knuckles.

"Anyway Mr. Potter, I am the temporary boss of a rather prominent, for lack of a better term, crime syndicate, perhaps one of the most influential in all of Britain and among the top in all of Europe as well," declared Antonio.

"Wait a minute, temporary boss," said Harry catching onto an important detail that Parzinno said.

"Ah, inquisitive, I like that, you remind me a bit of my niece, she's close to your age, smart girl, a bit too smart for her own good if truth to be told," said Antonio. "Anyway, yes temporary boss because our previous mob boss had died close to seven years ago and his daughter was supposed to take over the family operation. Unfortunately, she was in hiding and then iced by some guy named Voldemort."

Harry's eyes widened, no surely not.

"Ah, he is a smart one, I really need to introduce you to my niece sometime, I think you two would get along great as you two seem to be a lot alike," said Antonio. "Your grandfather, Herb Evans, had led our little organization for years and years. Unfortunately we did have our enemies and he was gunned down. Since I was his senior consultant, I filled in, since your mother was killed and you couldn't be fined. Unfortunately, an Evans has been the head of this organization for a long time and the morale had been weakened. That led Boss Zabini to step in and take some of our territory, thus leading to a turf war."

"Zabini's rather paranoid if you ask me, think's everyone's out to get him," supplied Shoulders.

"You'd be too if your wife was married five times previously and her former husbands all died under mysterious circumstances," said Antonio. "Since he's so paranoid, that makes him dangerous and we beg of you to take your rightful place as leader, Harry."

"Doesn't the fact that I'm only six years old, bother you?" asked Harry in a calm voice.

"Age doesn't really matter, we need someone with the Evans family temper to run our organization," replied Antonio. "Besides, you ain't fooling me, you might need help evading certain individuals."

"Like that old creep with a pointy stick," suggested Knuckles.

Harry's eyes widened, before he grinned thinking of the possibilities. Dabbling in Organized Crime began to look like a very attractive option. An option that never occurred the first time around and thus something

"Okay, you've got my interest," answered Harry. "But, you need to hide my godfather, as he is wanted by the law and I had to break him out of jail."

"Boss Potter, don't worry, we can handle keeping your godfather out from under the eyes of the wrong people as well," said Antonio. "Of course, we need to pick him up and anything else of value, before we head up to the hotel that doubles as our headquarters."

Harry smirked, with the exception of Wormtail slipping through his fingers; everything was going well so far. The waves had had made already was sure to contort the timeline, but exactly how remained to be seen. With an entire organization of mobsters under his command, Harry had the perfect tool to make even larger waves and hopefully ensure the future that he came from would never come to pass.
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