Categories > Original > Romance > James' Gift

To The End

by GerardWay69 0 reviews

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Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-07-04 - Updated: 2007-07-04 - 341 words

When James and Randy got home, Randy took a nap. James decided to go for a walk. He left a note saying he left, and he took his cell with him. He left and walked out towards the woods. As he walked, he had an odd feeling that someone was following him. He looked back, and seeing only trees he chided himself for being foolish. Later, he had the same feeling. He turned around, and saw a shadow moving in the distance. Frightened, he walked faster. When he heard a twig snap, he took off running. He looked behind himself while running, and saw that he was being perused by two men. One of them tackled him, and tied him to a tree, the other took a tree limb and beat him with it. The two men took turns beating him till he was a bloody mess, and as they left him, he died tied to a tree.

When Randy awoke from his nap, he called James. It rang, and rang, finally he hung up. A few hours later, he called back. Again, no one answered. He decided to walk around the woods to look for James. He walked into the forest preserve, and saw James' foot prints in the dirt. He tried to follow them, but the trail vanished. He tried calling the cell, no one answered, but in the distant he heard a ringing noise, so he began to follow it. As he walked, the noise got louder. Randy came upon James' corpse. He fell to his knees, and let out a loud cry, then shakily dialed 911.

A few days later, Randy, Chris, Josh, and Joey went to James' funeral. Afterwards, at James' tombstone, Randy left a single red rose "James...I loved you like a brother, a friend, a lover. I will never forget you. Through me, your story will be told to everyone I meet. You can rest in peace, I will find who killed you." They walked away slowly, as it began to rain.

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