Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just An Ordinary Day

Just An Ordinary Day

by xmiss_Bx

Alone, broken and without hope. To one girl who has lost everything, this is just an ordinary day.Until her one chance of escape comes along, but will she mess it all up yet again when her past alw...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-07-05 - Updated: 2007-07-05 - 966 words

Ok this story is dedicated to a friend of mine who I always think of when I hear this song.I kept hearing it all the time on the radio and it inspuired me to write this and make this story for her. She's the loveliest person in the world even though she's had the worst time ever and had to make the hardest decisions ever.

I also went through and tried to analyse what the song was trying to say..I hate it that i do this but never mind. I could see it as someone thinking about the person they used to be, or the inner beauty within. It could be taken in many ways but it always make me think that even if you think that you are wrong and have done the worst things ever that you are still a beautiful person inside and that shows through to the outside world. I saw it this way rather than a man thinking those words about a girl, that would be way too obvious and seeing as the singer is a female I saw it from her point of view maybe.

F.Y.I it may have the notions of becoming slushy but it will get darker as it goes along..I have evil plans as always.
So Emm sweetie, this is for

Ordinary Day Chapter 1

This is just an ordinary day
Wipe the insecurities away
I can see that the darkness will erode
Looking out the corner of my eye
I can see that the sunshine will explode
Far across the desert in the sky

The moon shone a sliver of light over the bridge that night. He watched from behind the darkened windscreen which hid him from the prying gaze of anyone who might be nearby. Despite this he had a perfect view of the street in front of him, the rain that misted against the pavement and pooled into small puddles, reflecting the shadows of the passing figures.

He had not planned to be here, that was for sure. In fact he had driven blindly from the house where he had felt so stifled and trapped. Maybe it was right that he had more inspiration whilst on tour, all those different countries, people, the feelings that triggered off the memories of what he had left behind. Coming back to that empty house had been like returning to a cold tomb with no emotion, no feeling.

She caught his eye by the way she stood back from the others, her arms clutched around herself trying to keep herself warm. The flimsy hoody that she wore looked soaked through from the rain and her long red hair stuck to her face in twisted clumps. As each car slowed up she stepped nervously forward and then was pushed aside by one of the others. They were quick to shove her back again and again, until she was backed against the wall staring blankly ahead.


Devyn tried as hard as she could not to shiver, the rain was not too heavy but was already soaking through her clothes. She wondered how the other girls along the bridge managed to look so confident and despite the fact that half of them wearing little more than underwear they betrayed not the slightest of shivers or reactions to the night air.

This wasn't her, it was like another person was looking through her eyes . This was how it always went, Devyn Cameron from New York stepped back for a moment and that other girl, stepped forward, the one who was approaching the car that had stopped beside her. The one who would wait until someone rolled down the window. The one who took over every night and left her soul behind somewhere. As she leaned down to the open car window Devyn took a deep breath but before she could speak she was shoved aside by two girls who took her place at the window. They turned briefly to glance at her as she lay there on the concrete and smirked at their victory. Devyn swept another strand of hair from her face and watched them both get into the car and disappear into the darkness. Puling herself to her feet, Devyn felt herself shaking, she was so hungry, it felt like she hadn't eaten for days, in fact she had lost count of how long it had been. Backing up against the wall she pulled her hood over her face and wiped away the few black tears that spread her eyeliner in streaks down her face. Her stomach pulled at her uncomfortably reminding her that she had to step back forwards despite what the other girls were going to do. She hated that they had to act like this, just because she wasn't as butch and confident as they were. Her skinny frame stood out against theirs and her pale white skin was a stark contrast to their tanned made up faces.

She heard a car approaching slowly and recognised it as the one the girls had pointed out earlier. Thinking it to be an under cover police car they had discussed wether to move on, she had listened, uninvolved and not included from their chat, and disregarded it, at this point she didn't care any more. Leaning on the window she waited for it to be wound down. Instead the car door pushed open against her. She slipped into the passenger seat and looked around her nervously. The car was so dark she could not make out who had picked her up and the slight panic flew through her that it actually was an under cover cop car.

(Sorry only a short start, I will get the next parts up as soon as possible.)

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