Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Big Girls Don't Cry


by xlosersx 2 reviews

read and you'll see

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-06 - Updated: 2007-07-06 - 222 words

" What the fuck Lexi!" i heard Luisa scream at me, i was tried and why then my wrist hurt so bad. " what!"i said. " look at your arm!" screamed Luisa. i looked at my arm, crap i forgot to bandage my wrist. " ahh blood!" said Lindsey looking at my wrist. " Damn Lexi you had stoped!" said Luisa. " I had.. but i just couldn't take it you guys."

" Well you've could of talked to just about." said Lindsey. " I know what it was the only to make me feel better." " well you better you bandage up that damn cut." demanded Luisa.
" Ok." i said walking into Lindsey's bathroom.

What was i thinking i should of known cutting wasn't the answer. I mean i used to cut myself after my mom died, and i was only seven. Then Lindsey, and Luisa found out and threatned to tell my grandparents if i didn't stop. I thought i was doing good. I mean the last time i cut myself was when my grandfather died.

" Ok guys i'm all bandaged up." " Good." said Lindsey. Then there was a knock on the door. " Who is it?" asked Lindsey. " MOm" " oh come in."
" Hey girls." said Lindsey's mom. " Lexi your aunt called and said your grandmother's funeral is tommorow. " Ok." i said.

Great another funeral to go to. Damn..
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