Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Almost

Chapter One- Almost

by Silvana 4 reviews

She almost wishes he woulda loved her too. In Which She Begins To Watch An Interview.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-07-05 - Updated: 2007-07-06 - 216 words - Complete


Chapter One-Almost

She sat cross-legged on the cream carpet that covered the floor. The television in one corner was on, and she was patiently waiting for an interview to begin. Long thick strands of her wavy, dusky brown hair slipped from where it had been held in place by a solitary bubblegum pink clip, that was far too weak to keep the hair in place. The clip in question fell to the floor with a deadened thud.
Absentmindedly she picked the object up; turning it over in her hands, first snapping it closed, then snapping it open.
Suddenly the programme's theme music began to play, startling the woman; causing her to look up, letting the clip fall to the floor once more.
"This is Mike Basset and I'm here with Gerard Way," the young man drawled in his steady accent. The man called Gerard looked up and nodded at the camera. "Day been good?" The interviewer asked.
The ebony-haired man made a non-committal noise. "If you call travelling non-stop good."
At the sound of his voice, letting the voices wash over her, the woman began to think her own thoughts. Thinking about the past, about all the things that had happened. About the problems, about the laughter. And all of these memories included Gerard Way.
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